Forced to Sin :: by Daymond Duck

Several years ago, someone sent me a video of a group of Muslims beheading a Christian. Looking back over my many years of life, I believe it was the most hellish thing I have ever seen. I couldn’t watch all of it and I have wished many times that I had never watched any of it. Some of the gruesome scenes have never left my mind. I strongly recommend that anyone who receives a video like that delete it immediately.

It was a Muslim attempt to terrorize Christians and force them to sin. Their devilish act is the same one that will be employed by the Antichrist against Tribulation period believers. John said, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” (Rev. 20:4).

Islam will be dealt with in the near future (Psa. 83; Ezek. 38-39) and the Antichrist will be dealt with at the Second Coming of Jesus (Rev. 19:20). The wicked will be removed from the earth (Matt. 13:36-43; 47-50) and those who are beheaded will live again (notice the last part of Rev. 20:4 above). They will reign with Jesus on earth for a thousand wonderful years; and peace, justice and righteousness will prevail (Isa. 9:6-7).

Anyway, the idea of a false religion and a satanic government trying to force believers to sin is what prompted this article. Many Christians believe every child is formed by God in the mother’s womb and to abort a child is to murder a child (Psa. 139:13-16; Jer. 1:5; Ex. 20:13). In our eyes, the U.S. government has not only legalized the murder of babies, the U.S. government is paying doctors and others (and forcing doctors and others) to commit those murders. And the U.S. government is forcing believers who oppose abortion to pay taxes to fund those murders under Obamacare.

But it is worse than that. For about 40 years, the U.S. has had a law that forbids the government to pay for abortions in other countries. Now, 21 members of the clergy and a group of abortion rights advocates have petitioned Pres. Obama to eliminate that law. It is not enough for them to force Christians to pay for the killing of babies in this country they want to force Christians (many oppose abortion) to pay for the killing of babies in other countries, too. In some of those countries baby girls are killed just so the family can have a son. In this country a disproportionate number of blacks and Hispanics are killed.

These politically correct (not biblically correct) members of the clergy probably think they are doing a good thing, but they are resisting the truth and have not submitted to the sovereignty of God (2 Tim. 3:8). They may be religious, but they have not accepted Jesus as their Lord. They claim to love light, but they appear to love darkness (John 3:19-21). Whatever their motives, God knows their hearts and they will be judged according to the Word of God (Rom. 2:16). Being a member of the clergy doesn’t grant them an exemption from sin. It gives them a greater responsibility to proclaim the truth and they are not doing that.

Taxing Christians to pay doctors and others to sin, and forcing Christian doctors and others to sin won’t end with just one law. In fact, there is already another provision in Obamacare that forces people who don’t believe in using contraceptives (Roman Catholics) to help pay for the contraceptives of others. As far as I know, Roman Catholics are not condemning others for using contraceptives, they just don’t think they should be forced to purchase contraceptives for other people. That could have been left out of Obamacare or they could have received an exemption like Muslims do, in some cases.

This practice of passing laws to force believers to sin is just getting started. It will continue until there is a law that forces believers to support world government or be beheaded. When that happens everyone will have to declare whose side they are on and the consequences will be eternal.


Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck