From the Writer: “I have trembled as I have committed myself to stay before the Lord until the elections on November 4, 2008. Only tenderness and deep intercession before God can protect our nation. I have cancelled plans for being out of the country during this week of November 2nd. Please join me in praying for the hand of God to intervene. Without question, America has many that live in spiritual darkness and are utterly deceiving in making good choices. Our nation also has many great saints that love the Lord. I’m claiming a miracle of direction.”
Bible-believing Christians are joyfully anticipating the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. Islamic followers have a false “Christ” for which they wait. He is called Mahdi, which means “Divinely Guided One.” The full meaning is “a messianic deliverer who will fill the earth with justice and equity, restore true religion, and usher in a short golden age lasting seven, eight, or nine years before the end of the world.” (Britannica, 1991 Ed. Vol. 7, Page 696.) It is scary to hear the hyper descriptions, reports of emotional titillation, and the actual term “messiah” being assigned to Barack Obama.
Muammar al-Qaddafi, president of Libya — one of the nations to join Russia and Iran in marching on Israel — recently endorsed Obama. Here are his words, “There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan origins, a Muslim, who studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama,” said Qaddafi. “All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded him … have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigning to enable him to win the American presidency.” (Klein,, October 17, 2008) The last figure I heard stating the unidentified contributions to Obama’s campaign was two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000). (Sunday, October 19, 2008, Interview in Fox News with Senator John McCain.) Are Muslims trying to buy Obama’s election? Many believe the answer is, yes!
Farrakhan — one of Obama’s friends and a friend of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright — said earlier this year, “When Obama talks the Messiah is absolutely speaking.” He further proclaimed about Obama, “You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.” He continues, “Barack Obama to me is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way.” (February 24 Speech – Posted on You Tube web site.) Louis Farrakhan is a leading Muslim in America and a noted radical that hates Israel and America.
Jesse Jackson has some telling things to say about Obama. He calls Obama his neighbor and a member of the family. Jesse’s son is a close friend to Obama himself and their daughters are classmates. Jesse was speaking before the World Policy Forum in France last week and talked of the new direction of an Obama presidency. “He promised ‘fundamental changes’ in US foreign policy – saying America must ‘heal wounds’ it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the ‘arrogance of the Bush administration.’ The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where ‘decades of putting Israel’s interests first’ would end.” (“The O Jesse Knows,” New York Post, October 14, 2008.)
Recently, Hamas, the terrorist organization of the Palestinians endorsed Obama for the American presidency. A key spokesman for the Prime Minister of Hamas stated the following, “We like Mr. Obama and we hope that he will win the election.” When John McCain heard of this endorsement he said, “I think that the people can make judgment accordingly.” He added, “I think that the people should understand that I will be Hamas’ worst nightmare.” (The Obama Nation, Corsi, p. 269.)
This terrorist organization is also reportedly swooning over Biden for Vice-President. In a report from Jerusalem we read this senior Hamas official’s words, “In an exclusive interview tonight, a senior Hamas official heaped praise on Sen. Joe Biden, calling him a ‘very nice’ person and a ‘great man’ whose record ‘speaks volumes’ and who can be counted on by the terror group to engage in the ‘right policy’ toward the Middle East. During the interview with WND’s Aaron Klein and WABC Radio’s John Batchelor, the Hamas figure also expressed hope regarding Sen. Barack Obama’s ‘vision for change,’ announcing Hamas will send Obama a letter of congratulation ‘the moment he will win the election.’ Ahmed Yousef, Hamas’ chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, called Biden a ‘very prominent figure when it comes to the politics of the region.'” (Jerusalem, World Net Daily Exclusive, October 19, 2008.)
What a picture of questionable support from out of the Islamic world for Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden. Almost everyone believes that the unreported two hundred million dollars are very likely to have been raised in Arab and African countries. It is illegal to receive political donations from foreign countries. This level of funds is not only questionable, it is inconceivable. If a conservative received a few thousand dollars in this fashion, the liberal media would swarm upon them. At some point the truth will be known, and Obama and Biden will be disgraced.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC admits that he gets chills up his legs when the subject is Obama. According to numerous reports, it has become common fare to witness people swooning as if in a fainting spell or swaying emotionally at the Obama rallies. Note the words used by Colin Powell — a man we had always considered a well-balanced former Secretary of State under President George W. Bush — when he endorsed Obama. Here are the words of Mr. Powell, “He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure.” Powell believes that Obama’s election will electrify our country. (Huffington Post, October 19, 2008.) When Powell mentioned whether or not Obama was a Muslim, he said, “But the really right answer is, What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is, No, that’s not America.” (Newsmax, October 19, 2008)
The idea that Obama is preparing to change the whole world cannot be ignored. His political world tour in the spring was strange and clearly prophetic of his dreams. He is being called, “A man to change the world.” American does not need a president to change the world unless you are speaking of a New World Order and the total loss of our “American Sovereignty.”
Senator Barack Obama is clearly a dream out of the world of liberals and those that hate traditional American values. He is as phony as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He represents everything that a Bible-believing person rejects.
This election will set the direction for our nation for the last short period until “Bible prophecies are fulfilled.” If you want America to be the exact reverse of our Biblical underpinning, you will vote for Obama-Biden. If you want to hold onto the values that are left from America’s past greatness, you cannot vote for Obama-Biden. We must stop this descent into the strange world that one would hear and experience in the church of Jeremiah Wright. The influence of twenty years under his pastor did not change when Obama decided to run for our great office of president of the United States.
Joseph R. Chambers