Hatred For President Trump Is Demonically Inspired :: By Geri Ungurean

Jews are expected to be liberal and vote Democrat – end of discussion.

Well, in my life that certainly was not the end of the discussion. After I was born again in 1983, my world view, my politics; everything that I was taught to believe as a Jew went up in smoke.  I was no longer a liberal. I could not reconcile liberal views with the Word of God.  It was a dramatic change for me and I knew that it had to be God Himself transforming me into His new creation.


Even before I was saved, I knew that abortion was evil. I wrote an article a couple of years ago, in which I revealed the pain, sorrow and torment I experienced when I was told that if I didn’t have an abortion, I would no longer be welcomed into my family. You can read this article here:

Silent No More

I felt guilty and beyond hope. I knew that what I had done was evil and wrong, but it wasn’t until I met the Lord that I experienced forgiveness for this sin. Jesus helped me to see why abortion is such a terrible sin. He also helped me to see that there were so many grieving women who thought that they could never be forgiven. I received hundreds of emails after I wrote that piece. Christian women who had abortions poured their hearts out in these emails, and thanked me for writing about my abortion. Satan was keeping these women in bondage – telling them that they were beyond hope; that God would never forgive this.

Trump Hatred

I have never seen hatred for a president as I am seeing for President Donald Trump. The mainstream media cannot hide their disdain for him. People openly express that they hope that he is assassinated!

I am spending time with a relative as I write this article. She has been expressing her hatred for Trump to me. She even told me that another woman in my family wants to “kill” Trump before she dies. I know that this is just talk, but to me it’s quite appalling. This goes beyond human hatred. 

 This is demonic.

I asked the relative with whom I am staying why she has such hatred for our president.  At first she just said “I HATE him!”  But then I asked for a reason. She answered me with a general statement “It’s because of things he does and says.”  I then asked her to give me an example.  She hesitated but then brought up what Trump had said about women when he didn’t know he was being taped.

I said to her “How about Bill Clinton and what he did in the Oval Office with Lewinsky?”  She responded “But Trump wasn’t president yet!”  I could only take this to mean that once you become president, you can do what you want. That does not make any sense to me. I’m convinced that this hatred of Trump is directly from Satan and he is using the MSM to do his bidding.  Liberals believe anything and everything that comes out of CNN, MSNBC and the major networks.

Controlling the Media

If you watch the Leftist media, you undoubtably get the news through the lens of extreme liberalism. The thing that is most troubling is that the liberal viewers believe all of it – lock,  stock and barrel.

After the violence in Charlottesville,  President Trump expressed very articulately a question he had about the removal of Confederate monuments. He asked “Where does this end – should we remove George Washington’s monument, and how about Thomas Jefferson; they both had slaves.”

Had to put on my headphones

CNN stays on all day long at my relatives home. I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier, so I finally put on my headphones while I was making dinner.  I should have put on praise music, but I could still hear the drivel coming from Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer.  The station had segment after segment about their hatred of Trump. They called him mentally unstable. They called him unpresidential. They insinuated that he is a bigot. ALL lies.

I finally turned to my relative and asked her “Would you please put on the Animal Planet?”  I guess she could see in my eyes that I was getting pretty upset. Or maybe it was when I shouted at Anderson Cooper “LIAR!”  Anyway, she turned on the Animal Planet.

Liberals are serving Satan and do not even know it

Satan is the author of confusion, the father of lies and the accuser of the brethren both day and night.  The liberals…….BLM……Occupy……..and now Antifa are all under the spell of the god of this world.  They don’t think for themselves – they are told what to think. They are told what to do.

President Trump loves Israel and this makes the evil one livid. While BHO was in office, his disdain for PM Netanyahu and Israel made the devil very happy.  Satan and his minions were enraged at the election of Donald Trump as our president. The dark forces of evil did NOT see that coming.

Pray for President Trump

We must continue to pray for our president and his family and administration. But while we are praying for them, we should also be lifting up his enemies to God.

His arm is certainly not too short to reach them.

Shalom b’Yeshua



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