There is much to be thankful for at Christmastime…and much to pray for.
The world is spinning out of control, but those of us in Christ should be comforted in the knowledge that God’s Son — whose miraculous birth we’re celebrating, who came to Earth in the flesh so He could take the punishment we all deserve — will soon rescue us from the judgment to come. Pray for those who are finding it hard to rest in that knowledge because of all that is going on around us and the attacks we’re under increasingly. Pray for the Lord to grant the scared and the weary His peace that passes all understanding.
Let us pray for lost family and friends — and for ALL those whose hearts are far from the Lord — to turn to Him today as their Lord and Savior. Let us keep that prayer going until we draw our last breaths on this earth.
Pray for our troops who are spending Christmas away from home and family. Pray for those who are experiencing loss this Christmas: those who are sick, those who have lost their jobs and homes, and those who are grieving over loved ones who are no longer with them…or soon may not be. At this time of year, that loss is felt harder than ever. Pray for those who have nowhere to lay their head or enough food to eat.
In the news this week:
Pray for the southern Philippines where over 100 people are reported killed, with dozens more missing, as a tropical storm swept through.
Pray for those who are being deceived, even in the churches in these last days. In the news this week is a church in San Jose, California where… well, I’ll let this quote speak for itself: “Breathe deep and blow harder,” intoned Pastor Grant Atwell after distributing marijuana joints to 20 worshipers on a recent Sunday. “Nail the insight down, whether you get it from marijuana or prayer. Consider what in your own life you are thankful for.”
Speaking of California, sadly the Thomas Fire is still only 65% contained and is now the largest wildfire in California’s modern history after torching 273,400 acres. Thousands have lost their homes. Two people have lost their lives as well as a number of horses, including much wildlife.
Pray for the children, whom the enemy is working hardest to destroy. In the Dec.23rd Rapture Ready News, we read that there is a transgender site specifically targeting children. The mother of a “young transgender” is selling fake penises for little girls. Her web site,, offers products such as tiny silicone penises, genital “pack holders” and transgender books for kids.
And as I’m sure you’ve all heard, the great majority of UN nations passed a resolution to nullify Pres. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Iran’s Ayatollah in a speech called Israel a “fake nation” and called for its annihilation.
Also, Iran-backed Hezbollah and the Syrian army have taken over a key village in southern Syria near the border with Israel. Israel has warned that it cannot allow Hezbollah aka Iran to get near its border. Pray for the Druze people who are under siege there and those fighters whom Hezbollah is demanding to be turned over to them, claiming they’re backed by Israel’s IDF.
We’re reminded of Psalm 2, and Zechariah 12 and 14, Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38-39, and Joel 3. God will deal with ALL nations who come against Israel soon enough, but in the meantime we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem—the true peace that we know will only come when Christ returns to Earth. Pray for the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to catch us up to be with Him.
Come, Lord Jesus!