Feb 18, 2019

Money For Nothing: The Green New Deal

The new Socialist representative for Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has become a gift from heaven to conservative bloggers. She recently co-authored what is being called “The Green New Deal (GND).” When the document came out, it was widely praised by the mainstream media and a host of Democratic leaders.

This plan is bold in calling for a massive transformation of our society, but the goals and timeline are absolutely insane. There is no way they could be implemented with our current technology and resources.

Within 10 years the GND calls for us to move America to 100% clean and renewable energy and decommission every nuclear plant. Other widely derided lines included a call for “high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”; expanding public transit “with goals to replace every combustion-engine vehicle”; “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work”; and a goal to “fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes.”

I’m just stunned that such an idiotic plan could have been issued by a member of congress. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be sitting in a corner wearing a dunce hat for producing a document with such faulty math. The starting cost would have been at least $30 trillion. Economists are concerned that we just passed $22 trillion for our national debt, so it would be pure folly to have a plan that calls for about doubling this number.

My favorite part is the proposal to give free money to people “unwilling to work.” The Norwegian government just ended a program that gave out cash to people for doing nothing. The trial program found that the free money didn’t make people more willing to work; it just made them happier.

Sen. Tom Cotton only sees red in the Green New Deal document. He blames the news media for engaging in a “Stalin-like” cover-up of the freshman New York congresswoman’s plan. Cotton, a Republican from my home state of Arkansas, said in a radio interview on “The Hugh Hewitt Show” that the document revealed a liberal ambition to “have the power and the control of those Americans’ lives to implement their radical vision for humanity.”

Cotton said it was “remarkable” how many Democratic presidential candidates “had leapt onto a proposal that was going to confiscate every privately owned vehicle in America within a decade, and ban air travel so we could all drive or ride around on high-speed light rail, supposedly powered by unicorn tears.”

When asked how she planned to pay for her massive program, AOC pointed out that large parts of the Federal budget operated from deficit spending. Her Green New Deal would be an investment that would eventually pay for itself. Steven Rattner, who was an adviser to the treasury department during the Obama administration, offered a rare gift of clear thinking on the calls for massive spending on social programs in a New York Times op-Ed:

“Medicare for all. The Green New Deal. Free college tuition. With each new entrant into the Democratic presidential sweepstakes comes a fresh cascade of ambitious social programs to entice and excite would-be supporters. The list of pay-fors, to use a bit of Washington jargon, grows more slowly. They’ll pay for this how again? Tax the rich; tax the rich – or take cover behind a convenient bit of progressive dogma: Don’t worry about the fiscal impact because America’s rising budget deficits and debt levels don’t much matter.

“That’s a scary drift of thought, and it should set off alarm bells for all Americans. Vast increases in debt will ultimately compromise Washington’s ability to maintain its current array of spending programs, let alone add new ones, and threaten our standard of living.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., made a brilliant political move by announcing he’s bringing the Green New Deal resolution to a vote. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass, one of the co-authors of the plan, said the vote was “nothing but an attempt to sabotage the movement we are building.” Markey doesn’t want a vote on his sprawling blueprint for the future because he knows voters would reject its massive cost.

It would be easy to say that the Green New Deal is just another example of how the world has become overrun with madness and ignorance. It is an exercise in buffoonery, but evil is the primary driving force. The Democrats don’t care if the math doesn’t work for their plan. They want the power it gives them. Any hint of doubt is smothered in deception and lies. By the time they’ve convinced the public to join their side, they’ve completely lost track of reality and will do the will of him who specializes in deception.

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).


Second-Coming Scenarios

A neighbor teenager comes to visit us often. She and my wife are quite close. The 15-year-old calls us her “grandparents.” We have known her for years as a neighborhood child, but it is in just the past several years that she has discovered us as “grandparents.”

She has her eyes constantly fixed upon her device, just as most all teenagers.

When she came by the other day, she was distraught. Her mom had taken off several applications (or whatever they’re called) from her device. Also, ol’ Mom had removed Netflix. When asked why she was so down in the doldrums over this, she said that her mother took Netflix off because of the program called Lucifer.

I, of course, said before even thinking very far about the matter: “Good.”

I couldn’t see Miss Terri’s (I’ll call her Terri; not her real name) eyes, but Grandma said: “She just rolled her eyes.”

Terri said in a whiny, but cute, voice: “Why?…What’s wrong with it? Its a good show.”

She added, after giving the name of the character who played Lucifer, “He’s so handsome and good to everyone…”

Where to begin, or not to begin? That is the question as Shakespeare might have framed the dilemma.

How to begin framing the answer to the question by our genuinely non-comprehending Terri?…

We did our best to explain why ol’ Mom was doing the right thing by taking her daughter out of harm’s way. I tried to explain exactly who the real Lucifer is. That he is not a fictional character–he is in fact the being at the center of every problem, every evil thing faced by men, women, and children today.

Her mother has her in Sunday School and church, and she should know the whole story by now. She loves and trusts us, but I’m far from sure the explanation–and it was lengthy inconsideration of a teenager’s attention span–was accepted. You just can’t tell with them. The ability to truly connect is lost back there somewhere when we go into our middle to late 20s, I think.   

The little session that afternoon did start me cogitating about what has happened in recent times. –What is, in fact, happening at an accelerated rate hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second.

Bottom line is that Lucifer the fallen one has injected humanity with his deluding, mesmerizing venom. We see the effects every day and every hour when our senses are subjected to news from around the world.

Again, I use the United States to analyze the tremendous influence this angelic rebel exerts upon the human condition. I do so because his effectiveness is most starkly pronounced, I think, by looking at what his devilish minions have been able to wreak upon a nation founded on godly principles.

Now, right off the proverbial bat, we see his nefarious prevarication infused into American society and culture.

He has the millennial generation of this nation thoroughly inculcated by the American media. Both news and entertainment branches of that institution we call media tell the young that America’s founding was exclusively by rich, white slave owners who wanted power to make themselves even richer. Our youth are likewise taught within our now-corrupted, public educational system–at every level, primary to post graduate– that America was wicked from its beginning and is now so wicked it needs changing completely. (Does that sound familiar?)

The most previous president told us that hope and change was the only way to make things right–to absolve America of her national sin. America’s sin? Simply having more than any other nation on earth. What was needed to rectify this? Redistribution of wealth so that–like in socialist nations–everyone had an equal share of the wealth.

Donald Trump’s election disrupted Obama and the entire globalist agenda from bringing the U.S. into a changed world order. Thus erupted the prodigious explosion of resistance to Trump’s efforts to “make America great again.” Remember how immediately there was–and continues to be–hatred by the political left for anyone who believes, thus espouses, that God, not man, must rule in order to bring about the Utopia the globalists elite say they desire to create. They fully intend to be the progenitors of a totally equitable world that needs no God. Ah…but they indeed have one. His name is Lucifer.

The most obvious manifestation that illustrates the leftist and one-world would-be masters want no deity to rule over them is the climate-change matter. The claim is that man has caused the destruction of the planet. It is man who must fix the things causing the destruction. These neither believe in a God who rules nor do they accept that rubric. Instead, the elite intend to force all to comply. America, under this president, will not comply with their global warming/climate change edicts, thus, again, the massive eruption of resistance and geopolitical, cultural and societal warfare. All fomented by–that’s right–“handsome” and “good” Lucifer, about whose evil intentions Terri’s mom has God-given discernment. (Thanks, again, mom.)

Another Luciferian manifestation that is fully in view is the delusion that murder in just the right way and for exactly the right reasons is a good thing. We who still maintain our moral equilibrium and sound minds are aghast as we hear a governor of a state (who is also a pediatric physician) wax eloquent on why it is acceptable and even preferable to take the life of a newborn. First there is wild, almost uncontrollable cheering when the New York state legislature is announced to have passed law legalizing abortion right up to the moment of birth and even beyond. Then those on the political left, affirmed by punditry on mainstream news and entertainment media, smile and are boastfully proud of that legitimization of murdering the most helpless and innocent among us.

As expressed in this column many times, I’m convinced we are witnessing things of prophetic portent which most born-again Christians do not take time to spiritually consider, thus cannot realize.

We are seeing Lucifer–Satan–totally delude the nation’s and world’s unregenerate populations. He has managed, as stated before, to infuse or inject humanity with his venom. This has produced–and is producing–the reprobate mindset as given by Paul the apostle in Romans chapter 1.

The plans of the globalists elite are on the fast track to bring about the new world order. This will be the platform from which the devil plans to launch his final fuhrer, Antichrist, into position of god of this world. He, Lucifer, will then indwell this man of sin and finally, he thinks, receive the worship he deserves. This self-aggrandizement has apparently been festering in his wicked thinking since God created man.

God, at the same time Lucifer’s plan is unfolding, is restraining evil. This is what the ruckus is all about. God the Holy Spirit is the “restrainer” of 2 Thessalonians 2. He is holding up Satan’s ability to saturate the planet with his venomous, deluding evil.

Now, to the “scenarios” as presented in the title of this commentary.

Resistance will grow. Trump’s plans to “make America great again” will likely only become more virulent, not diminish. The best that can be hoped for, in human terms, is for enough people of sound mind to be elected in order to prevent complete debauching of the sort that took place within the New York legislature as they approved of murder. Because the prophetic hour is very late, America will never be “great again,” in the sense we think of it as once being a great nation. And, God is the One who made it so to whatever degree it was indeed ever in that condition.

God the Holy Spirit will continue to restrain evil perpetrated by Lucifer and his minions, both demonic and human–thus to bring as many to salvation through belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as will so respond to the Holy Spirit’s call.

America’s economy continues to be supernaturally prevented from collapsing, it is quite obvious to the spiritually attuned mind. With a national debt having just exceeded $22 trillion, the national fiscal condition is dire. Only God, Himself, can keep it propped to this level. This, sets the stage for an even more dire eventuation, in this writer’s view.

I have expressed that scenario many times here in this venue. I believe with Donald Trump being–miraculously, I believe–put into the office of president, the stage is set precisely as Jesus said it would be when He next catastrophically intervenes into this world. Again, I’m referring to the “days of Lot, days of Noah” prophecy found in Matthew 24:36-42 and Luke 17:26-30.

The  moment Christ calls His Body–the Church–into His presence (Revelation 4:1), the Restrainer–God the Holy Spirit–will withdraw His restraining influence over the evil of this planet. This is because the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, and it is all born-again believers who are even now being used to help restrain the evil ol’ “good” and “handsome” Lucifer intends to foist upon every earth-dweller, those who will be instantly left behind to receive his evil–and, sadly–God’s wrath and judgment.

To you who are reading this, you don’t have to be one who will be left behind. Simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. Confess with your mouth that God has raised Christ from death and that He is now your Redeemer. Do this, and you will be saved for all eternity, God’s Word promises. That is not just a scenario; that is unimpeachable truth!
