All Is Lost, It Seems! :: By Clay Smith

Well, not quite, but we are getting close, and time is running out for the lost to make a decision concerning their eternal destiny. Those who do not know Christ as Lord are “lost,” but can rectify that condition to “saved.” These are perilous times in our world, more than it’s ever been, but there is still opportunity to “get saved” as we see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25).

I am “pinging off” a recent article that one of our writers, Daymond Duck, just presented called “Growing Spiritual Darkness.” He listed a few of the recent world events and the condition of the Laodicean Church (Revelation 3:14-22) taking place. That day is quickly approaching when Jesus comes back for us—his Bride, the Church—to take us out of here at the appointed time, when the last Saint is saved that God only knows (1Thessalonians 4:15-17).

No one knows when this spectacular, world-shaking event will take place, but if you look at the warning signs that God is giving us (all according to the scriptures), it sure is apparent that it is close – even at the door. The lost souls are oblivious to the Bible and/or don’t care what it says. Even most of the Church- Age Saints now are not really looking for the return of the Lord Jesus (Yeshua-Hebrew). They are silent and mostly asleep; all is good and life continues. The return of Christ is not taught anymore in churches, along with the preaching on “Hell” either. The Church is apathetic, not watching and unprepared, but we are to still be about the Lord’s work.

Just recently, some of us from our church returned from a mission trip to Honduras. Yes, the Gospel is still going out to the entire world, and our Church is “going.” There were translators with us, and there were some salvations, along with my team seeing a 75-year-old gentleman come to Christ. He believed, repented, and asked Jesus to come into his life and save him. Wow! Think of it this way: God allowed that man to live that long to have these Americans travel to the exact area, exact village and walk down the exact road where he was. There was no predetermined plan or route laid out. Glory to the Lord for that man’s heart that was softened to hear the Gospel, where he “Chose” to accept the truth of the Scripture!

There are still many souls in this darkness that is really closing in even more as we see the world “going to hell in a handbasket fast” (my emphasis-play on words). Jesus said the “fields are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). Step out in faith—and with the Word of God, save souls—or plant the seeds at least.

There is another “end-time prophecy website I visit that has been mentioned here at times called “Now The End Begins.” I am not promoting it, but using that title to express this: The end is not beginning; it’s here.

Bible prophecy is happening right now, so quickly! Just look and see what the Bible is revealing before your very eyes (yes, it speaks; it’s alive because it’s God’s Word). All the scriptural puzzle pieces are lining up and falling into place. Daymond listed a few of them in his superb article I mentioned. There is evil all around with apostasy, world events, and evil seducers rampant everywhere.

There are earthquakes basically everywhere now, and they are coming more and more frequently as never before, just like Jesus prophesied. I could go on and on, but many articles here have covered that. Place your hope and trust in the only One that can save you and give you eternal life in heaven.

His name is Jesus Christ, the true Messiah that died on the Cross at Calvary outside Jerusalem, Israel, almost 2,000 years ago, and rose from the dead 3 full days and nights later to live forevermore. Jesus is your only hope. To not make that proactive decision is to reject Him.

His desire is that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). If you choose not to, your name is removed from the Lamb’s Book of Life when you stand before God that day at the great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). It was your choice.

This Church Age is coming to a close fast, it appears. Don’t be left behind to go through that terrible “Day of the Lord” that’s coming. Search the Scripture and read for yourself. Don’t take my word for it.

In Jesus Name,

Clay Smith

All Scripture is from the King James Version.