24 Feb 2020

Too Late to Lounge on Your Laurels in Lieu of Listening, Learning, and Looking Up


Southern US: ‘Historic, unprecedented’ flooding swamps southern USA; Mississippi and Tennessee hardest hit. Weeks of heavy rain have inundated a large portion of the southern US.

California: Lengthy Dry Spell Raises Concerns About Possible Drought. With hardly a drop of rain in the entire month of February, 59% of California is now experiencing abnormally dry conditions.

Argentina: Heavy downpours and widespread flooding continue, affecting several northern provinces.

US & Europe: Storm Dennis, 2nd strongest North Atlantic extratropical cyclone since records began 150 years ago; 13th named storm of the 2019-20 European windstorm season. At least 6 fatalities have been recorded. Dennis battered Ireland and UK less than a week after Storm Ciara, exacerbating impacts from that storm. Heavy rainfall caused severe flooding in Wales and England, with many rivers reaching highest levels ever. The system was first noted Feb. 9. After bringing blizzard conditions to the US Midwest and heavy snowfall to New England, it emerged into the north Atlantic and underwent explosive intensification.

Norway: Monster February Snowfall; Totals Surpass 2 Meters (7 Feet) in many Regions. While AGW (anthropogenic global warming) propaganda rags continue to cherry-pick the few Norwegian regions experiencing a rather snowless Feb, 2020 — the reality is that the average is well-up, with some parts actually suffering highest snowfall totals for 15+ years. A severe winter storm this week resulted in at least 2 fatalities due to an avalanche.

Syria: Brutal cold, ice storms and snow worsen conditions for displaced in northern Syria with over 80,000 sleeping in tents after fleeing the Russia-Syria-Turkey offensives in the country’s northern province of Idlib. Several of these citizens have frozen to death.

Indonesia: Continuous heavy downpour in West Java province turned roads into raging rivers and caused landslides in which at least 4 people died. About 16,000 homes and 47 schools were submerged.

Israel: Rains bring stunning floral displays to parched Dead Sea area. Due to a long period of rain this winter, the shores along the northern Dead Sea have burst into carpets of color, rife with fields of annual species whose seeds can lay dormant for years until there’s enough water for them to germinate.


Eight known dead after shallow 5.7 earthquake hits Iran-Turkey border on Sunday, February 23. Turkey is reporting 8 dead and 21 injured, including 8 in critical condition. Search and rescue efforts are ongoing, and officials think people are still buried under the collapse of more than 1,000 buildings in several border villages. As of this writing, Iran was still assessing the damage and casualties there.


Christian University invited New Age speaker. Native American author/poet Kaitlin Curtice spoke at a chapel service at Baylor University “Christian” school (video). She gave an opening and closing prayer addressed to “o mystery,” described the Creator as “the one who is not here or there, not this or that,” spoke of listening to “mother earth,” and promoted “progressive” politics, aka liberal-left. She’s a “climate change” activist – worships creation over the Creator.

Mainline (aka liberal) Protestant pastors driving support for same-sex marriage. A study showed about 8% of evangelical Protestant pastors say they have no issues with same-sex marriage (that’s 8% too much). Support among mainline Protestant pastors for same-sex marriage jumped from 32% in 2010 to 47% in 2020. The study suggests Presbyterian or Reformed (49%), Methodist (47%), Lutheran (35%) and Christian/Church of Christ pastors (20%) are more likely to see nothing wrong with same-sex marriage than Baptist (3%) or Pentecostal pastors (1%).

Paula White continues to give fodder to the mainstream media, claiming she was taken to heaven and saw the face of God in the throne room where she received a new “mantle” and anointing from God. She needs to ground her private jet and retire to her luxurious mansion that she’s received from bilking the gullible. Unfortunately, there are some wolves in the pack pastoring the president. And if some of them are sheep, are they just staying silent?

Pennsylvania Roman Catholic diocese files for bankruptcy after $12M in sex-abuse settlements so far. New laws on reporting sex abuse could leave the Catholic Church owing billions more in payouts. The diocese “faces potentially significant exposure from remaining claimants,” estimated to be at least 200 more than the 111 cases already settled. A grand jury report accused it and five other dioceses in the state of covering up sex abuse of hundreds of children over much of the past century. The attorney who represents dozens of abuse victims said a bankruptcy filing could be used to cover up the diocese’s assets in determining their liability to victims or avoid divulging documents on how they handled past abuse claims. 22 dioceses and religious orders in the US have filed for bankruptcy.


Blatant “Occult Elite” Symbolism at the 2020 Vogue Ball in Brazil. Every year, shortly before the Rio Carnival, the global fashion powerhouse Vogue organizes an extravagant ball featuring some of Brazil’s biggest stars and personalities wearing outfits following a specific theme. The theme is different every year, but the real, underlying theme is always the same: Blatant occult elite symbolism. Photos from this and previous events are displayed. Ugh.

So-called “Christian” Witches to Host Annual Convention in Salem On Easter Weekend. These deceived and deceiving ones will gather in Salem, Mass. for their annual convention, promising a “Magickal” weekend.

“And it shall come to pass in that day [when Christ returns to set up His kingdom], saith the Lord, that I will… cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand… And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard” (see Micah 5:10-15).


Myrtle Beach, SC: UPS discriminated against employees’ religious freedom. Over several months, the number of employees meeting in the parking lot to pray before their shift increased. In January, a couple of them were told by the manager that they “can’t pray on company property because someone else may feel discriminated against” and it” violates others’ religious rights.” So, the drivers met but didn’t pray, some bowing their heads in a moment of silence. A friend of one of the drivers posted this on social media. Since then, several drivers with many years’ experience who participated in the prayers have been fired for what appears to be pretextual reasons.

Hindu extremists attack 70 Christians traveling home from conference on praying for peace in India. Three men on motorcycles threatened the passengers before smashing windshields of the vehicles, causing injury to the driver and passengers, which included women, children and the elderly.

China appoints new Hong Kong chief known for persecuting Christians, known for removing hundreds of crosses from churches.

World edges toward zero-tolerance for Christians. Findings from Open Doors, featuring the 50 least-safe nations to practice Christianity, show the world has become a much more dangerous place for hundreds of millions of Christians. In the top 50 countries, 260 million Christians face extreme, very high, or high persecution. 1 in 8 – a 6% increase from 2019. Only a fraction of Christian persecution around the world is reported, and 50 million Christians in countries not included on the list are also being harassed or even martyred for their faith.


Saudi Arabia says Muslim Brotherhood worked with Nazis in WW2. Netanyahu drew much criticism after speaking this same truth at a World Jewish convention in 2015. Hassan Al-Bana, founder of Muslim Brotherhood, as well mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini had ties to Hitler and the Nazi party during World War 2. Al-Bana served the Nazis in order to advance Muslim Brotherhood political goals, with Al-Husseini connecting between the parties. Hitler and Islam united against a common enemy – Jews and Israel.

Saudi textbooks call Jews ‘monkeys,’ espouse Israeli expansionist plot. Despite recent suggestions that relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia are warming, students in the kingdom are still taught that Israel is the “Zionist enemy,” Jews are monkeys, and that the country is plotting to expand its borders to reach from the River Nile to the River Euphrates.

In Russia: Lawmakers voted to lift a legal ban on displays of Nazi symbols like swastikas as long as they aren’t intended to promote fascist ideology. Say what?! Since Hitler, that symbol represents terror and antisemitism. The amendment must be okayed by the Senate and signed into law by Putin.

Belgian carnival doubles down on antisemitic displays. The annual carnival in Aalst begins on Sunday, Feb. 23 with even more antisemitic elements than previous years – in defiance of the backlash it has received.


Organized Muslim Migrant Invasion. Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán – only head of state in Europe who’s been willing to take any real action to stop the ongoing migrant invasion of Europe – spoke of mounting pressure on Hungary’s southern border. Rather than the grossly distorted image mainstream media presents, the reality is 95% of ‘migrants’ are military-aged men. “It’s forbidden to say so in Europe, but this is an organized invasion,” Orbán said. They’re supported by organizations that claim to be ‘humanitarian’ but operate like people-smuggling groups. These organizations have substantial financial resources and noteworthy logistical capabilities. Hungarian secret service intel shows that illegal migration is assisted by human trafficking organizations.


Florida: 17-year-old boy converts to Islam, slits throat of 13-year-old. The victim allegedly mocked his new religion. The family of the deceased child is suing Publix for selling Corey Johnson the knife, violating Florida law that prohibits sale of knives to anyone under 18. But how many even know this incident happened? The murder of Jovanni Sierra should have been the occasion for a national discussion about converts to Islam becoming violent, which keeps happening, and what should be done about it. Instead, it was swept under the rug, as always. Religion of peace? NOT. Qur’an 47:4 “So when you meet those who disbelieve [In Islam’s god, Allah], strike necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them…”

Kansas City: Former Armed Forces trainee converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at military base. Robert Lorenzo Hester Jr “repeatedly glorified violence, and proclaimed his excitement to help ISIS carry out a terrorist attack,” prosecutors wrote. “Hester thought he was assisting in a plan to cause widespread deaths, doing everything he could to help.”

In Israel: Muslim Woman detained over attempted Jerusalem stabbingThe East Jerusalem resident was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is greater) as she attempted to attack a passer-by before being overpowered by people at the scene and held by them until the police arrived.

In Israel: Video shows border police officer Sergeant Shadi being stabbed by a 19-year-old Muslim Arab while on duty at the entrance to the cave of the matriarchs and patriarchs. Fortunately, he survived during the awful struggle, and the terrorist was arrested.

Hamas Calls for Assassinating Trump, etc. After last Friday’s Muslim prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque in Israel, members of Hamas terrorist organization were outside. They’d hung a poster calling for assassination of President Trump, Egypt’s President el-Sisi, and Saudi Prince Salman. Hamas is the ‘Palestinian’ wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.


In Wisconsin: School district allowing children to use new gender pronouns, names without parental notice or consent. The policy states that the district will strive to “disrupt the gender binary” with books and lessons stating that everyone has the right to choose their gender. A group of parents is suing. This is just the latest concern surrounding this issue. South Dakota’s legislature just killed a bill that would have outlawed performing certain gender treatments on minors. The battle has unfolded across a long list of states. In 2018, a federal judge ruled that Wisconsin had to allow Medicaid funding of surgeries for people who identified as transgender. A similar controversy erupted in Iowa last summer.

Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy protection due to lowering membership and surge of child abuse lawsuits. Due to changes in states’ statute-of-limitations laws, over 12,000 victims have come forward with claims of sexual abuse. The article doesn’t mention another reason for low membership these days: allowing of homosexual leaders and employees.

Rye, New York: Library To Host “LGBTQIA Diversity Program” After Residents Defeat Drag Queen Story Hour. Parents’ efforts to defeat a Drag Queen Story Hour event at their local library prompted a massive pro-LGBT backlash. The American Library Association has long been an advocate for Drag Queen Story Hours and has even hosted conferences to teach library staff how to thwart “community resistance” against the events. Rye’s Human Rights Commission, helmed by a crew of leftist women who applauded the event when it was first announced, is leading the charge to reinstate the event. One citizen commented, “Most Rye residents are afraid to go public and use their names in this fight.”

Drugging ‘Transgender’ Children Results in Greater Risk of Suicide, according to new analysis. One of the big lies told by the LGBT movement is that “gender-affirming care” helps ‘transgenders’ avoid the massively-elevated risk of suicide associated with the lifestyle – lies perpetrated by pro-trans groups such as The Trevor Project in order to stop legislation meant to protect children from being drugged and prepared for mutilation by profit-driven doctors who’ve made a mockery of their Hippocratic Oath.

HGTV’s ‘House Hunters’ Promotes Polyamory, Features “Throuple” Husband and Wives. Leftists are fawning over the latest episode of “House Hunters” featuring a polyamory-practicing threesome searching for a home. “Three’s Not a Crowd in Colorado Springs,” features Brian, Lori, and Angelica (“Geli”) on their hunt for a new home not long after their “commitment ceremony.”

Disney’s new animated film “Onward” has a lesbian character, Officer Specter, a Cyclops police officer that is voiced by openly gay screenwriter and actress Lena Waithe. Officer Spector mentions her girlfriend; and some may not realize what she means, which no doubt will raise the hackles of the LGBT’s who want it to be obvious. This indoctrination will no doubt continue to increase.

Marvel’s ‘The Eternals’ Will Feature First Man-on-Man Gay Kiss which hits theaters Nov. 20. Haaz Sleiman spoke of his kiss with costar Brian Henry. “It’s a beautiful, very moving kiss,” he said. “Everyone cried on set.”

Sony looking to make Spider-Man ‘bisexual with boyfriend’ in upcoming movie. The entertainment blog We Got This Covered said, citing anonymous but reliable sources, that Sony is developing a live-action Spider-Verse movie that would unite Holland with predecessors, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, and that the studio is “particularly keen on getting Garfield back, as they want to portray his version of the hero as bisexual and give him a boyfriend in the film.”

Canada: Federal bill criminalizing “conversion therapy” will outlaw praying and spiritual counseling for those with unwanted same-sex attraction. The ultimate goal is to silence the Christian church in Canada. It is to silence us from talking. It’s totally totalitarian,” said Dr. Ann Gillies, author of the 2017 book Closing the Floodgates, an analysis of the propaganda promoting the sexual revolution.

Finland: Lutheran Pastor Faces Criminal Investigation For Booklet Opposing Homosexuality. He was questioned by police regarding Male and Female He Created Them, a booklet published in 2004 supporting traditional understanding of the Bible. Pohjola “is under suspicion for distributing this material to the public and for keeping this material available online.”


Defiant California: Democrat politicians refuse to stop requiring health insurance plans cover abortions despite the Trump administrations threat to withhold federal funds.

Indonesia: Officials Find Hundreds of Aborted Babies in a Septic (Sewage) Tank. Jakarta authorities suspect as many as 903 aborted babies in the sewage tank at the illegal abortion facility. Three people were arrested, and their investigation continues. Yet more evidence of the callous disregard for human life prevalent throughout the world. Unborn babies are unique, living human beings from the moment of conception, but they’re often treated like trash, killed and disposed of as “medical waste.”


Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower on Obama administration and terrorism in America found shot to death. Phil was a dedicated patriot and a Christian. He was the DHS whistleblower that dropped the hammer on the Obama administration regarding the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS. This author of See Something, Say Nothing was preparing to go back on the road in advance of the upcoming election. Friends say he was planning on doubling down on efforts to “protect America from progressive leftist socialists.”

Universal Studios will release The Hunt in 3,000 theaters nationwide on Friday, March 13 in which liberal elites kidnap conservatives whom they refer to as deplorables [aka Trump supporters], who wake up in the clearing of a resort and realize they’re being hunted like wild animals. Therefore, 1MM (One Million Moms) is once again doing all it can to prevent release of this violent film with a new petition to Universal Studios. You can sign the petition against its release here.

New York City subway thief thanks Democrats after his 139th arrest, release: ‘Bail reform, it’s lit!’ Charles Barry, who has been arrested 139 times, thanked Democrats for guaranteeing his immediate release despite repeatedly swiping hundreds of dollars from unsuspecting subway commuters since the state’s new bail reform law went into effect Jan. 1. He’s been arrested 6 times since the start of the year and released each time without having to post bail since his alleged offenses were considered nonviolent. “Bail reform, it’s lit!” Barry yelled before officers transported him to Manhattan Central Booking. “It’s the Democrats! Democrats know me and Republicans fear me. You can’t touch me! I can’t be stopped!”

“Communist” Sanders Bigger Threat to Stock Market Than Coronavirus. Billionaire investor and Hedge Fund manager, Leon Cooperman, said, “I look at Bernie Sanders as a bigger threat than the coronavirus. He is not a socialist. He is, rather, a communist… I just hope the country isn’t ready to elect a communist or a socialist. If we do, I think the [stock] market is in store for a big problem.”

They Don’t Even Hide It Anymore… Call for Socialism and End of Capitalism at Bernie Sanders Rally (VIDEO). It’s like they are completely oblivious to the long history of socialism’s evils.

Democrats Secret Meeting with Top Iranian Official. Democrat senators held a secret powwow with Iranian foreign minister Zarif on the sidelines of the annual Munich Security Conference, where Pompeo was an official speaker. The meeting was not officially sanctioned by the U.S. government. Bottom of FormSec. of state Pompeo said the Democrats who participated in the meeting are aiding and abetting the globe’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism and anti-Semitism.

In Mad Maxine Waters latest rant, she claims the Crips and Bloods gangsters have ‘more integrity’ than Trump. Waters and the rest of the Dem politicians use the strategy of dividing Americans and pitting them against each other to allow themselves to ride the gravy train while doing nothing for their districts and actually allowing such gangs to infiltrate them. Thankfully, some people see through their ruse and run from this Dem unhinged Party.

Bloomberg Says We Should Deny Healthcare to the Elderly. Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (current Dem candidate for president) is generating headlines over his past comments disparaging black people, pregnant women and the intelligence of farmers. But those comments pale in comparison with what he’s said about the elderly. A video surfaced of him saying society should deny medical care to the elderly to keep healthcare costs from “bankrupting us.” “If you’re bleeding, we’ll stop the bleeding. If you need an x-ray, you’re gonna have to wait,” he told a Jewish family.

Dem presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar Against English as America’s Language. Dem motto: Say and do anything to get those votes to get and stay in power, and who cares if it ruins the country. The flip-flopping of these Dem politicians shouldn’t surprise us in these last days traitorous times. Read the article at the above link of more flip-flopping, and try to keep your blood pressure from rising.

Leftists Show Why It’s Dangerous for Conservatives on College Campuses. Conservative activist Kaitlin Bennett went to Ohio State to interview students. In the video, students can be seen screaming “fascist” etc., at Kaitlin and her group as they attempt to interview students. Students can be seen chasing her vehicle, throwing objects, cursing, and more destructive behavior. The students insist Kaitlin is the fascist and intolerant, but these students are the real fascists and intolerant. US college campuses are increasingly hotbeds of intolerance, fascism, and violence all in the name of so-called inclusivity and freedom of speech. Kaitlin’s ordeal is not isolated, as has been noted.

Lying and Denying: Pelosi Interrupts CNN Anchor to Falsely Claim Trump Wasn’t Acquitted. She said, “You can’t have an acquittal unless you have a trial, and you can’t have a trial unless you have witnesses and documents.” The House speaker does not get to determine what is and is not a fair trial in the Senate, or what counts as an acquittal. Also, she lies like a rug. There were plenty of witnesses in the House portion of the impeachment sham, and much of their testimony was played to the Senate. But what the Democrats really wanted was an ongoing trial, a television spectacle, where they could continue to take shots at the president to damage him for the 2020 election.

In Tennessee, Retired Police Officer Bloodied Over What Attacker Thought was MAGA Hat. Daniel Sprague was celebrating his birthday at a bar with his family when a woman spun him around, sucker punched him in the face and grabbed his hat. The hat actually read, “Make FIFTY Great Again.”

Canada: PM Justin Trudeau STANDING DOWN on Canada-US Economies? What was Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau doing when greeting Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Zarif in Munich with a handshake that some saw as bowing and scraping? Standing Down from non-indigenous activists shutting down Canada’s entire railway system— by conveniently being out of the county. What was Trudeau doing in Africa?  Same answer: Standing Down by being MIA during a national crisis. He was in Africa lobbying leaders for a seat on the UN Security Council.

Israel: Gantz pledges to mend ties with Democrats if elected. What’s the point? The Democrat Party leaders are anti-Israel. He should know that.

Pope Francis and his Marxist-Socialist-Communist global so-called utopia pandering. On the heels of calling for an economic conference in March, Francis again opined on financial matters, designating “tax cuts” as sinful. What the deceived refuse to see is tax cuts lead to economic growth, whether for higher or lower income groups. The less wealth the State confiscates, the more is available for saving and investment – two keys to economic growth. The rich expand and create businesses which leads to more and better-paying jobs for lower income groups. The poor will only be uplifted by greater production where more goods and services are available at lower prices. Redistribution of income via taxation doesn’t create new wealth; it transfers existing wealth from the productive class. Moreover, taxation has the deleterious effect of making people produce less since their efforts are siphoned off at the point of a gun. More taxation means less production, thus, less and more expensive goods.

Gathering Clouds Over Korean Peninsula. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un has learned the hard way that “Trump don’t play.” What he says he means. Stop with the rocket-man mess, or pay the price. North Korea is faced with the worst internal and external crisis since its inception. US-led economic sanctions have almost dried up the regime’s financial resources, and wintertime military drills came to a halt for lack of fuel. Adding to this is the fact that closure of N.K.’s entire border to stop spread of coronavirus from China has skyrocketed food prices in N.K. (by 60% within days) and depleted the already struggling markets of supplies.


Mexican cartels recruit Arizona children as young as 12 to smuggle drugs. An alarming trend is spreading along the U.S. and Mexico border — cartels are hiring American children as young as 12 years old to smuggle drugs and weapons. “It’s a problem; we know it’s there,” said Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Alan Regalado. “We’re trying to mitigate that issue through education and prevention.”

DEA launches major meth crackdown as record amounts flood Northwest US. Operation Crystal Shield builds on existing DEA initiatives that target major drug trafficking networks, including the Mexican cartels responsible for the overwhelming majority of meth trafficked into and within the US. The DEA has identified 8 major meth transportation hubs in the US where efforts will concentrate: Atlanta, Dallas, El Paso, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Phoenix, and St. Louis. Together, these DEA Field Divisions accounted for over 75% of meth seized in the U.S. in 2019. In 2019, DEA seizures throughout the region were an all-time high. Recent seizure amounts for the region are on pace to surpass last year.

‘Historic drug seizure in South America’: Costa Rica breaks record with 5-ton cocaine bust. Over $130 million worth of cocaine was seized this week by authorities in Costa Rica, the country’s biggest drug bust yet. This particular shipment was to be sent to the Netherlands. South America is a top source of drug trafficking, with most of the world’s cocaine originating there before being spread to North America, Europe, and Asia for further distribution.


FLORIDA schools committing little children with AHDH or other behavioral issues to psych wards without parental permission. This article highlights a case in Florida with links to two other similar cases in the state.

Moscow deploys facial recognition technology for coronavirus quarantine. Moscow is using facial recognition technology to ensure people ordered to remain at home or at their hotels under coronavirus quarantine do so.


‘Israeli missile is only guarantee of survival from potential Iran nukes.’ Dov Raviv, former head of the Arrow project at Israel Aircraft Industries, said that while Israel has many military and diplomatic tools to try to stop Iran’s drive to obtain a nuclear weapon, if it does not succeed, Israel’s missile defense will be its last line of defense.

Satellite images just released show significant damage at Damascus International Airport, following airstrikes on Feb. 13 blamed on Israel. The attack came hours after a shipment, reportedly of munitions, arrived at the airport from Iran. Several warehouses, apparently used to store weapons flown into Syria, were destroyed along with multiple buildings used as headquarters for the operations. Also, a hangar was damaged that was “probably used for storing ammunition or [surface-to-air missiles].” Earlier that day (before the strikes), the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps threatened to target Israel and the US if they “make the slightest error.” The late-night strikes came just over a week after a series of strikes on several targets near Damascus.

Pompeo Meets Saudi King in Talks Focused on Iranian Threats. The reason the Sunni Islam Saudi leaders have aligned themselves with the US and Israel is because of the threat against them from Shiite Islam Iran. Otherwise, they’d never align with either. But Israel and the US have superior military capability to Iran, and the Saudis know it. While US Sec. of State Pompeo is in Saudi Arabia, he also plans to discuss human rights issues with the Saudis, who are especially infamous for human rights abuses in their Islamic beliefs.

Gas Crisis in Iran: Businesses and homes alike in the Iranian city of Tehran, along with several other cities, were in the dark and in the cold on Monday while the country runs short of natural gas. When power cuts make the rounds in Iran, it’s not often during winter. Tehran, too, is rarely included in power cuts or blackouts when they happen, due to security reasons. But Tehran isn’t exempt this time. The emergency power cuts, which weren’t announced ahead of time, will be for two hours per day and will be carried out in the big cities, unless domestic gas use is cut by 10%.


Doctors are seeing more people in their 20s and 30s with symptoms of acute liver disease related to alcohol consumption. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism published a study in January that found that from 1999 to 2017 the number of alcohol-related deaths per year doubled, rising from 35,914 to 72,558. Just under a third of those resulted from liver disease.


In Northern Ireland: Allegedly there’s a 700% rise in cases of mumps said to be partly due to the vaccine becoming less effective over time. The public health agency said there were 534 confirmed cases last year, compared to just 67 in 2018. Dr Jillian Johnson said the majority of the cases were people aged 15-24 who have had two doses of the MMR vaccine. She said there is a rise in cases every two to three years as the mumps strand of the vaccine becomes less effective. Dr Johnston said people who have had the MMR get a milder form of mumps. Children are offered the MMR vaccine at 12 months and three years of age.


Compared To SARS, This New Coronavirus “Is Up To 20 Times More Likely to Bind to Human Cell Receptors” according to new research conducted by scientists at the University of Texas at Austin.

US: Virus cases climb to 35 with return of cruise passengers. At least 18 Americans who returned home from a quarantined cruise ship are infected with the new virus, bringing the number of cases in the U.S. to 35, health officials said Friday. More confirmed cases are likely among the returned passengers from the Diamond Princess which had been quarantined in Japan, the CDC said. More than 300 passengers were flown back to the U.S. last weekend and are now quarantined for two weeks at military bases and hospitals.

US: In Washington State, 779 people are under public health ‘supervision’ for coronavirus. That doesn’t mean quarantined. It means they are self-monitoring for symptoms. Only 26 have been tested as of this writing, and one has been confirmed positive, another awaiting results.

China: Head of hospital died this week in coronavirus epicenter; global economic impact spreads. Liu Zhiming, the head of a leading hospital in China’s central city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, died of the disease on Tuesday as Apple Inc warned its sales would suffer because of the epidemic, casting a chill on global stock markets.

Wuhan woman with no symptoms infects five relatives with coronavirus:  She traveled 400 miles (675 km) north to Anyang where she infected five relatives without ever showing signs of infection, offering new evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically and why it may be difficult to stop. When they started getting sick, doctors isolated the woman and tested her for coronavirus. Initially, she tested negative, but a follow-up test was positive. All five of her relatives developed COVID-19 pneumonia, but as of Feb. 11, the young woman still had not developed any symptoms, her chest CT remained normal and she had no fever, stomach or respiratory symptoms, such as cough or sore throat.

South Korea: Cases of coronavirus have suddenly exploded, many linked to one person. She developed a fever but reportedly twice refused to be tested, claiming she had not recently traveled abroad. She attended at least four services at a church in Daegu (of the Shincheonji cult) before being diagnosed. Shincheonji followers are taught to believe from its founder, Lee Man-Hee, that salvation can only be found through him. He claims the Bible is written in metaphors and only he can understand and interpret it. Update: Cases in South Korea more than doubled on Saturday to 433;  the tally could rise significantly higher as over 1,000 people who attended that church at the center of the outbreak reported flu-like symptoms.

Israel: Nine South Koreans who tested positive for coronavirus visited Israel February 8-15. The ministry is working on tracking their movements so they can isolate individuals who came in close contact with the group. The group visited Caesarea, Masada, Mount Olives, Mount Zion, national park in Beersheba, as well as several churches and other places. The Health Ministry ordered that anyone who was within 2 meters (6.56 feet) of them for at least 15 minutes quarantine themselves at home for 14 days since the date of contact.

Coronavirus update as of Friday:

  • South Korea cases are exploding by the day (now 433); also reported its second death.
  • China reported 397 new cases, bringing total to 76,288, and additional 109 new deaths or 2,345 in total.
  • Italy reports 1st virus death, 15 additional cases, 10 cities on lockdown.
  • Update: now 35 cases in USA.
  • China pledges to build 19 new hospitals in Wuhan.
  • Hawaii hasn’t tested any suspected cases in the state.
  • 253 more passengers depart Diamond Princess cruise ship as 11 of 13 American evacuees in Nebraska test positive.
  • Local authorities in China warn people will be punished for not returning to work if ordered.
  • WHO’s Tedros: Window for confronting the virus is rapidly closing.
  • CDC says virus is tremendous health threat, warns more human to human transmission of the virus in the US likely.
  • First case declared in Lebanon.
  • Iran confirms 9 more cases as virus reaches Tehran.
  • Global Times insinuates that US might be covering up coronavirus cases.
  • Health officials in Hubei ‘apologize’ for changing case confirmation ‘criteria.’


Global Crop Failures Continue. “Global food production is being hit from seemingly every side. Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, giant locust armies in Africa and the Middle East, and an unprecedented outbreak of African Swine Fever in China, a lot less food is being produced around the world than originally anticipated. And in Australia this is going to be the worst harvest ever recorded.”

East Africa is facing a food crisis after a devastating plague of desert locusts, the worst seen in the region for several generations. A new wave of locusts is already spreading across half a dozen African nations and poised to consume new crops planted to replace last season’s losses. Political instability in the region is adding to the misery as violent insurgencies make it difficult to distribute both locally grown and internationally donated food.


10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously. “All of a sudden, really crazy things are starting to happen all over the world. Giant swarms of locusts are absolutely devastating entire regions, extremely unusual storms are confounding meteorologists, earthquake and volcanic activity are both on the rise, and five very dangerous diseases are sweeping across the globe. So far in 2020, it has just been one thing after another, and many are speculating about what could be ahead if events continue to escalate.

We’ve always had plagues, famines, extreme weather events, earthquakes, volcanoes, plus other things the above article doesn’t mention such as wars and rumors of wars, nation (ethnic) against nation (ethnic), kingdom against kingdom, etc. But Jesus said when you see ALL these things begin (all occurring at the same time), then know that the Kingdom of God is at hand. We’re seeing a foretaste of what will occur with even greater intensity and frequency during the Tribulation, so how much nearer must the rapture be?

Revelation 1:1-3 “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

Revelation 3:10-11 “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

Notice, Christ does not say He will keep us through this time, but from it. Big difference.

Revelation 4:1 “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.”

The apostle John learned to look beyond his sufferings on this earth to the heavenly glory that awaits all those who are in Christ. John was shown a vision of the tribulation and its judgments, etc. Notice there is no mention of the Church (true believers in Christ) after Revelation 4:1 until we return with Him at the end of the tribulation.

To those who have not turned to Christ as their Savior, do so now, and you will be kept from this terrible time. As for us watchmen on the wall, while we’re watching and waiting and listening for Jesus to call us to meet Him in the air, we must witness to others of God’s offer of salvation in Christ. Time is running out.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).