Can’t Dupe God :: By John Lysaught

No one can dupe God. There is nothing hidden from Him, and yet man tries to do things they believe can get them into heaven. They trust in themselves and the rules they make for themselves aside and separate from the will of God and the free gift of salvation offered to all who believe Jesus died for their sins.

We are all sinners; some of us are just saved sinners, and the others are sinners on track to go to hell, away from the presence of God’s glory, apart from Him for eternity. Which one are you? It is a choice that you make. No one else can do this for you. No one can drag you to Christ, and no one can drag you to hell. It is a choice to heed the call of Christ or not. There are no second chances here once we leave this world.

Some think they can dupe God by earning their way to salvation. Nope; in Ephesians 2:8-9, it says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” And in John 14:6, it says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” These are very clear and simple statements, and yet people still will not listen.

No one comes to the Father except through Christ. One cannot trick God to get to heaven. No one can sneak into it either. To be with the Father, we must go through Christ; and to go through Christ, we must accept His free offer of salvation.

The unsaved cannot accept this. It means giving themselves to someone greater than themselves. It means giving up a life of selfishness and sin. They want to believe they can do ‘things’ to get to heaven aside from Christ. Those things are selfish ideas; they have to convince themselves they are worthy of heaven.

They volunteer for the poor. They give to charities. They are nice to strangers, etc. This is all good and dandy, but without standing on the foundation of Christ for this, it means nothing. These are all things that have nothing to do with redemption.

When we accept Christ, we are a redeemed person in Him. One cannot redeem themselves as the world teaches what redemption is. We cannot rise from eternal death on our own efforts; no, we need Christ for this.

In actuality, people who try to dupe God are duping themselves. There is no other way to heaven except through Christ. Even amongst believers, some have a works-based belief in their faith. They believe they must do more than accept the free gift of salvation from Christ. They believe salvation involves more than just faith. They are just duping themselves with this belief system.

If one says there is an additional need of works to ascend to heaven, then they are saying the Bible is wrong and that faith alone in the sacrifice of God’s Son, His shed blood, is not good enough for salvation. This is wrong. Any works done with the belief that it is for salvation is wrong. If we had to do works for heaven, we would all fail, because no amount of works will get us any closer to our Father.

Satan, of course, wants people to believe that a works-based faith/salvation is true. He knows the Word and will twist and turn it to make others believe this. Personal study of the Bible and a close prayerful relationship with our Father will enable people to discern Satan’s fake assertions.

I have met and know people who believe this lie from Satan. No matter how much you try to tell the truth that they cannot earn salvation, they do not listen. Maybe I am just not good at telling them, but they seem pretty darn stubborn in their stances. The worse to convince regarding works-based faith are those professing Christians.

If professing Christians believe that they need to earn in whole, or in part, their salvation, I hate to say it, but a reevaluation of their relationship with Christ needs to be made. John 14:6 and many other verses in the Bible make it clear that salvation comes only from and through Christ. Period.

To believe otherwise is believing in a lie. Most of these people do not read their Bible but act according to their own beliefs of how they think salvation is attained. Maybe it was because of their upbringing or just attending and listening to tickling-ear preachers without reference or testing the preaching against the Word.

Am I being harsh? Yes, because the truth is the truth, and the truth needs to be spoken. Heaven is a free gift of God to those that believe in the cleansing blood of Christ for their sins, to be washed clean of sin by His death and resurrection.

Why do people not accept this free gift? It is because they do not want to change the way they are living. They think only of the here and now, not the future and what is waiting for them – eternal death.

For the unbeliever, this does not seem fair. But it is fair. We are all rebellious sinners towards God. It is in our nature to be hostile towards Him. We all, because of our sin and rebellion, deserve eternal damnation.

The good news is that the shed blood of Christ on the cross – His willing sacrifice for our sins – enables those that believe this and His resurrection three days later to be cleansed in the eyes of God. We are blemish-free through our faith and trust in Christ. We are in the Book of Life, etched forever to be in His presence.

To believers, Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The unbelievers do not see this; and besides, they do not want to serve anyone but themselves. They are selfish in life and are ruled by pride in themselves.

In Luke 9:23 Jesus stated, “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

“Let him deny himself.” This is what is a sticking point for unbelievers. They are too prideful and selfish to deny themselves and follow Christ. They believe if they surrender to Christ, they will be imprisoned and lose their freedom. Oh, but there is freedom in Christ. Freedom from the sins, freedom from past guilts, freedom to have joy.

What unbelievers do not understand is that they have been duped by Satan by this belief and are actually slaves to him and sin. They do not see it this way, but it is true. They are under the rule of evil and not under the love of God or the freedom found in Christ.

We, as believers in Christ, have the discernment to not be duped. We stay strong in our faith through study of the Word and through prayer to fortify our relationship with God so we will not be duped by Satan. It is a tiring and weary battle to be in now, but we are to persevere and be patient in God’s redemptive plan for believers: “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36).