Oct 26, 2020

What Makes Hypersonic Missiles So Dangerous?

What has kept the world safe from nuclear war over the past 60 years is the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). This principle is founded on the notion that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear counterattack such that both the attacker and the defender would be annihilated.

For about two years I’ve been reading about the Russians’ advancement in hypersonic missiles. I didn’t understand the significance of Moscow’s ability to deliver nuclear weapons at vastly faster speeds until I watched a recent YouTube news video on the subject.

If a conventional nuclear missile is launched against a target in the US from Russia, it would take about 30 minutes for the missile to travel from Russia to the US. A hypersonic missile can cut this travel time down by several minutes. Because a hypersonic missile can fly at a very low altitude, it can avoid radar detection. This means an attack on Western targets can occur within a few minutes.

A Russian nuclear submarine off the coast of Louisiana could strike at Offutt, AFB command system in Nebraska and take out our ability to launch a counter strike. In 1948, Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington chose to headquarter the Air Force’s crucial long-range atomic strike force at Offutt primarily because the base was centrally located on the North American continent – placing it well beyond the existing range of potentially hostile bombers or missiles.

The planes that transmit launch codes would be able to get airborne before Offutt was destroyed by a nuclear strike. A hypersonic missile would now be able to span the 850 miles distance between Offutt and the Gulf of Mexico in less than eight minutes. Since it would take three minutes to sound the alarm, there would not be enough time to get the doomsday planes into the sky.

The president and the Pentagon would have almost no time to react. Being only a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, a hypersonic missile attack would take out the DC area at a speed measured in seconds. A surprise attack on the organizations that have the launch codes could leave the US unable to carry out a retaliatory strike.

Our submarines could be sitting under the Baltic sea with no way to return fire to the enemy. As it became clear that command and control units could be easily wiped out, the ability to launch missiles would have to be greatly relaxed.

I was stationed at Offutt for 19 of 20 years of military service. I remember we had an airborne command post, called the Looking Glass, flying 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. After the demise of the Soviet Union, it was decided that is safe enough to end the continuous flights.

We may need to relaunch Looking Glass with time for a nuclear reaction cut to just a few minutes. During the Cold War there were several times when various glitches caused false alarms that led to the contemplation of the nuclear option.

The Russian advancement in hypersonic missiles has spurred the need for us to develop this technology. The US Air Force is moving forward with a new hypersonic missile that it says can strike a target 1,000 miles away in under 12 minutes, reported Air Force Magazine. The hypersonic missile would be able to fly between 5,000 and 6,000 mph, or roughly between Mach 6.5 and Mach 8, to strike a target at that distance.

Bible prophecy clearly implies that humanity will largely destroy itself with nuclear weapons during the Tribulation. Isaiah 13:12 says that man will become “more rare than fine gold.” Zechariah 14 seems to give a firsthand view of a nuclear holocaust. The graphic descriptions in this ancient prophecy are a good description of what would happen to people exposed to an atomic blast:

“Now this will be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth. It will come about in that day that a great panic from the LORD will fall on them; and they will seize one another’s hand, and the hand of one will be lifted against the hand of another. Judah also will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered, gold and silver and garments in great abundance. So also like this plague will be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, the donkey and all the cattle that will be in those camps” (Zechariah 14:12-15).


On the Mark, Get Set…

There is growing angst, it seems, about the COVID-19 vaccine and whether we should take it once it’s available. This isn’t to advise on whether to take it or not. That’s up to each individual. But I will say that so far as worrying about it being the equivalent of taking the mark of the Beast—as prophesied in Revelation 13:16–18—there is no need to worry. Taking the vaccine won’t mean you’ve taken he Antichrist’s dreaded mark of “666.”

Maybe it’s unnecessary for me to say why there’s no need to worry in this regard. But some might not know. Most who read these commentaries are savvy about the fact that the Antichrist marks-and-numbering system for buying and selling won’t be foisted upon the Beast’s victims as long as all born-again believers are still on the planet. The Rapture must occur before that “man of sin” can make his appearance, according to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

Whether the would-be world controllers—like, in my opinion, Bill Gates—wants to slip some sort of a tracking chip into the vaccine that’s eventually produced, I have no conjecture to make. I will say that I doubt very much that these wannabees will be able to do so at this time. Will I take the vaccine? I really can’t say at this point.

I take an annual flu shot. That doesn’t prevent one from getting flu; it only lessens the effects if one does get it, as I understand.

So, as I say, this commentary isn’t about whether to take a vaccine. It is, however, to look at that coming Antichrist mark to some extent, in consideration of technologies being developed during these strange days.

Certainly, like all other things we see developing that smack of end-times prophecy about to be fulfilled, the marks-and-numbering system is in the stage-setting mode.

In geopolitics, we see developing enragement that is bursting at the seams to bring in a global order. In religion, we are seeing a coming together of religious thought and a merging with that geopolitics. This movement seems to be more and more influenced by and even led by the Vatican and this apostate pope. In culture and society, the world, and especially our own nation, has reached the point of rebellious rage. God has been all but eliminated from our educational system and even churches have closed their doors en masse to submit to governmental edicts spawned from the coronavirus threat.

It’s no wonder, then, that in science, technologies are developing that presage the coming Antichrist regime.

Satellite tracking systems have existed for some time. GPS and other technologies are an everyday reality. Transponders of varying sorts can be chipped into people, pets, and possessions. And the technology that will one day allow the Beast regime of Antichrist to cause all to receive a mark on their hand or forehead is progressing rapidly. So get set: That feared mark instrumentality is just around the corner.

The following news excerpt might shed some light on how near might be the actual technology for implementing the Revelation 13 prophecy about the 666 mark.

Oct. 12 (UPI) — Engineers have developed a way to print biometric sensors onto skin, like a non-permanent tattoo, without the use of heat.

In addition to being more comfortable and less intrusive than today’s wearable devices, the technology — described Monday in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces — can also collect more precise biometric measurements.

“In this article, we report a simple yet universally applicable fabrication technique with the use of a novel sintering aid layer to enable direct printing for on-body sensors,” first author Ling Zhang, researcher in the Harbin Institute of Technology in China, said in a news release…

Because the sintering process, the bonding of metallic components to the sensor, required temperatures of 572 degrees Fahrenheit, the fabrication wasn’t suitable for human skin…

Researchers were first able to lower the sintering temperature to 212 degrees Fahrenheit by adding a new nanoparticle to the silver components — creating what scientists called a sintering aid layer…

“That can be used to print sensors on clothing and paper, which is useful, but it’s still higher than we can stand at skin temperature,” Cheng said. “We changed the formula of the aid layer, changed the printing material and found that we could sinter at room temperature.”…

In tests, scientists used their new wearable sensor to measure temperature, humidity, blood oxygen levels and heart rhythms…

In a follow-up study, scientists plan to print sensors designed to track symptoms and vital signs associated with COVID-19. (“Wearable Tattoo: Scientists Print Sensors Directly onto Skin Without Heat,” Brooks Hays, https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2020/10/12/Wearable-tattoo-Scientists-print. My thanks to my friend Chris Mangan for the article.)

Today, government has almost boundless capability when it comes to keeping track of us. Electronic wiretapping devices and cameras trained on traffic and on most every corner keep watch. Cameras on every building trace our every movement. From biometrics to radio-frequency identification cards, satellites, and Internet surveillance, we are under watch 24/7. This still will not be enough to control on the scale Antichrist will demand.

Personal tattoos with electronic tracking and controlling properties will doubtless be the next generation of technology dedicated to tracing humanity.

If you know Jesus Christ for salvation, you won’t have to worry with any of it during the time when Antichrist unleashes his horrendous regime. Believers in Christ will be removed in the Rapture in advance of that worst time in human history. (Read Revelation 3:10).

Here’s how to avoid having to endure taking the mark of the Beast during the coming Tribulation:

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)    
