26 Jul 2021

A Return to G[l]ory

Boy, there’s nothing like a coup in Washington to reignite a lunatic diplomatic effort.

During the Trump years, the Palestinian Authority steadfastly refused to negotiate with Israel or the Americans about anything. After a quarter-century of mayhem popularized by the stupid Oslo (“land for peace”) model, the Arab terror chieftains in the Middle East had gotten used to money and power. That their constituents lived in squalor and despair didn’t matter to them.

But just like that, with the Biden Puppet Regime in charge, lo and behold, the PA/PLO is ready to restart talks with Israel. It’s like the return of a chronic headache.

“Civil Affairs Minister Hussein Al-Sheikh is one of the leading figures in the Palestinian Authority hierarchy and is one of President Mahmoud Abbas’ closest advisers. Al-Sheikh is the point person to Israel in all security matters and chairs the dialogue between the Palestinian government and the United States administration.

“Al-Sheikh, who rarely gives public statements and has not given a full interview in some years, sat down with The Media Line’s Felice Friedson in his Ramallah office for this exclusive conversation that included the current political situation, the next steps in jumpstarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and the American role in the conflict and internal security issues.”

Not surprisingly, Al-Sheikh is also a member of the PLO Central Council, and the Fatah Central Council. What that all means is that he differs from Hamas only by wearing expensive suits. In a recent interview with Media Line, Al-Sheikh revealed some disturbing things about the PA’s relationship with Biden:

“We went through a very difficult period under President Trump. I think that the main problem we had with the previous administration is the issue of repudiation of international legitimacy (meaning UN Security Council resolutions) and also the Trump Administration’s disavowing of all the previous American administrations’ views. Whether they were Republicans or Democrats, they mainly concentrated on international legitimacy and the two-state solution. Accordingly, when this new administration came, the administration of President Biden, and after the phone call that took place between President Biden and President Abbas, I think President Biden spoke about very important principles with President Abbas that we might consider to be a type of road map for us and for the Americans. This concerns how it is possible for us to move forward from now. He spoke about the status quo on Haram al-Sharif, Sheikh Jarrah, the residents of east Jerusalem, stopping settlement expansion, and stopping the unilateral measures. We agree on all these principles with President Biden; it will be a road map for us and the Americans with the Israeli side. And because of this, the new American administration gives us hope. We started now building a relationship and restoring the relationship with President Biden’s administration. We are in daily contact with the administration. There are committees formed between us and the new leadership. They have already started working.”

Daily contact. Funding restarted (our tax dollars going to pay PLO terrorists). Biden affirming anti-Israel measures.

It’s almost unreal how much the Palestinians blame others for their own problems. It’s Israel’s fault. It’s the Americans’ fault.

I think prophetically, this has some implications. People ask me all the time if I think Gog-Magog is about to break out. My answer is, I don’t know. It could and then again, it could some time off. What I do think though is that developments like the ones outlined here—American re-engagement with a lunatic terror group—tightens a noose around Israel.

And this is the single thing I believe proves that we are living in the last of the last days. A general intensifying of pressure on the Jewish state is the sign of the age. It makes every famous prophecy left to be fulfilled possible in the near term.

If, for example, the Trump policies had continued for many years, we would see Israel strengthened, almost impossible to be threatened. But now we see the opposite.

I believe Joe Biden, the puppet, cares nothing for anyone but himself. He doesn’t care if he says he supports Israel’s security, at the same time he threatens it. People that are soulless care only about their own agendas and appetites.

PA/PLO ministers spouting their pronouncements of what they see on the horizon for “Palestine” is not a good thing.

We are living in volatile times. I am dismayed to see America reach out to killers.

But then again, such developments remind us that this isn’t 1890. There is a lot going on internationally. Israel is, in human terms, in peril.

That is exactly what we would expect to see five minutes to midnight.

