26 Jul 2021

Warning Signs Are Everywhere


U.S. Wildfires in the West currently raging have burned combined area bigger than Delaware as of July 21. At least 78 large fires across 13 states have collectively burned 1,346,736 acres (2,104 square miles). Five firefighters were injured fighting the Devil’s Creek fire in Montana when a sudden wind blew the fire onto their position.

Oregon: Private wells running dry as serious drought conditions and government resource controls threaten people’s lives. The water supply is centrally managed and supplies irrigation water to the most important farms in the Klamath Basin. The Bureau also redirects the water to the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge and the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. Rural landowners and small farmers are cut off from the water supply, making it even tougher to survive the longstanding drought. During previous droughts, the farmers were able to irrigate much of their land by using the surface water. This year is different because the Klamath Project is using irrigation canals to control the water.

Europe: Death toll from catastrophic flooding has risen to at least 199 as of July 19 with hard-hit West Germany and Belgium reeling from the devastation. Nearly 300 remain unaccounted for. German authorities said it’s the worst flood in 500 years. Portions of the rail network in Western Europe could be out of service for months or years.

Canada: Farmers report massive crop damage in heat wave affecting much of the country.

Typhoon In-Fa. After lashing Okinawa in Japan and causing six injuries July 23, the typhoon is heading towards China, landfall expected July 25, after already catastrophic flooding has killed at least 58 people and left a number missing in central China. Extremely heavy rains began July 16 and intensified July 20 with Typhoon Cempaka. The flooding was labeled by media as a “once in a thousand years event.” Emergency crews are still working around the clock to rescue survivors and provide aid to the tens of millions affected. In-Fa could bring more torrential downpours to the stricken region in the coming days, and officials fear it could hamper rescue and recovery efforts.

Typhoon In-Fa caused heavy rain, landslides, and rockfalls to mountain districts in Taiwan.

Japan: Typhoon and extreme heat pose new threat to trouble-hit Tokyo Olympics. The storm warning comes as Team G.B. athletes deal with rollercoaster weather conditions, dangerously high temperatures.

India: At Least 20 Killed in Mumbai Landslides and Floods July 17-18 due to heavy rains. Dozens injured. July 21-23: Widespread floods hit central India; roads cut off as rivers overflow in Maharashtra. Massive rescue operations are ongoing across the state, and the number of casualties is rising.

New Zealand: Marlborough hit by its largest-ever recorded flood on July 17.

Oman: Unseasonal rains caused severe floods, leaving 4 dead, 3 missing over the past week. More rain was forecast for the coming days.

Turkey: Heavy rains caused another round of severe flooding July 22. The event comes just a week after six people were killed and two others went missing in Rize.

Iran: Not a drop to drink: Water shortages cause wave of protests. Unrest in Iran’s oil-rich southwest as the country faces its worst drought in half a century.

Brazil: Historic crop loss from severe frost over past three weeks, with more on the way. After several destructive cold waves, another blast is expected July 24-25, another at the end of the month.


Ambush attacks on police officers up 91% in 2021 compared to last year. 150 officers shot this year as of June 30; 28 killed.

Oregon: 8 People Shot in Portland Mass Shooting as City Gets More Dangerous by the Day. The latest shooting took place near where months of riots have taken place in 2020 and 2021.

Watch: California Shoplifters Stroll Out of T.J. Maxx, Arms Full of Merchandise in yet another example of California’s decline under Democrat leadership. Seven months ago, L.A. District Attorney Gascón announced his office would no longer prosecute misdemeanor crimes such as shoplifting.

Mexican highway robbers stole 7 million rounds of US-bound ammunition.


Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company’s Disturbing Ad: “While there are a number of concerning elements in the commercial, including a transgender man wearing flashy makeup, one of the most heartbreaking and confusing parts of the ad is this statement: “Because the body you are randomly assigned at birth shouldn’t determine how well you are cared for.” This voice-over is heard while showing a woman with double mastectomy scars wearing an open robe and identifying as a man. Can you imagine what goes through the mind of a child when he or she sees this ad?

Judge rejects churches’ challenge to Virginia’s LGBT so-called ‘antidiscrimination’ law. “[The Act] puts ministries in an impossible position: they must either abandon religious convictions they were founded upon, or be ready to face investigations, an onerous administrative process, fines up to $100,000 for each violation, unlimited compensatory and punitive damages and attorney-fee awards, and court orders forcing them to engage in actions that would violate their consciences,” stated the suit, in part. “Even posting their religious beliefs on their own websites could subject ministries to prosecution and exorbitant fines. These penalties could easily exceed a million dollars, ruin the ministries financially, and make continuing their Christian missions impossible.”

Transgender Biological Male Cleared to Compete in Women’s Weightlifting in Tokyo Olympics.

Kataluna Enriquez, 1st transgender to win Miss Nevada USA, speaks out on overcoming challenges to claim the title. “I’d love to be the first Asian woman to win a title of Miss USA and the first trans woman,” said Enriquez. “I think that will be a great example for moving forward to create a better future in our country…. We cannot wait to spread our colors on the Miss USA stage.”


PURE EVIL: Pelosi Echoes Eugenicist Margaret Sanger and Promotes Abortions for Poor Women (VIDEO). Margaret Sanger would be so proud. And she did this while promoting her Catholic upbringing.


Canada finds 160 more unmarked children’s graves at another Roman Catholic Boarding School. OVER 1,000 SO FAR. Calls for an investigation into “crimes against humanity” in Canada have intensified.

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12:2).

United Church of Christ Continues It’s Shameful Anti-Israel Theology, ETC. Thankfully, most Christians have recognized the UCC as an apostate church, and have left in droves. Besides its Pro-Abortion clergy, support of LGTB church leadership and Transgender church services, its hatred of Israel has been a regular feature at its annual general meetings.


Group observes 9th of Av by praying for Israel’s demise. Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a left-wing anti-Israel group in the U.S., observed Tisha B’av (Jewish holy day commemorating destruction of the Jewish Temples and subsequent destruction of the Biblical Kingdoms of Israel) by “praying” for the destruction of modern Israel. JVP has embraced and advocated on behalf of ‘Palestinian’ terrorists and regularly justifies and excuses ‘Palestinian’ violence. The largest chunk of funding comes from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which is linked to anti-Israel groups like J-Street and the New Israel Fund.


Africa: 400,000 people in the Tigray region of Ethiopia experiencing catastrophic levels of hunger with millions more at risk in the worst catastrophic food crisis in decades. The largely agricultural Tigray region of about 6 million already had a food security problem amid a locust outbreak when Prime Minister Ahmed on Nov. 4 announced fighting between his forces and those of the defiant regional government. Atrocities against civilians are being committed. Many have been killed or displaced from their homes. A large number have fled to Sudan. The bloody eight-month battle has spilled over into the neighboring region of Afar in the past week where there is also a desperate need for food, water and emergency shelter. Four million people across Tigray, Amhara and Afar need emergency assistance of some kind.


Grocery Prices Could Possibly Rise 10 to 14% by October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns. Grocery chain CEO John Catsimatidis warned that his industry is seeing skyrocketing costs on the supply chain side, and businesses will have to raise prices for consumers as a result. Consumer price inflation can ultimately be traced back to policy decisions made by the federal government. Remember whose policies got us here in the first place.

England’s “Freedom Day” Dulled by Looming Food Shortages.


Pfizer begins Covid vaccine trial on infants and young children. Pfizer has started a clinical trial testing its vaccine on healthy children aged 6 months to 11. Public health officials and so-called infectious disease experts claim it’s a crucial step in obtaining federal regulatory clearance to get young children vaccinated and controlling the pandemic, and that the U.S. is unlikely to achieve herd immunity until children get vaccinated.

Lawsuit Against CDC Based on ‘Sworn Declaration’ from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots. An alleged whistleblower claims to have inside knowledge of a cover-up of reported deaths filed with Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), operated by the CDC. The whistleblower has allegedly claimed, under oath, that at least 45,000 reported deaths have occurred within 3 days of receiving a COVID “vaccine.” This report is just from “one system” that reports to VAERS. This would be significantly greater than the CDC currently reports, which is 10,991 deaths, and many of those are beyond 3 days following the shots. Renz, the attorney filing the lawsuit with help from America’s Frontline Doctors, also believes Google, Facebook, and Twitter are “complicit with causing death” due to their censorship.

U.S. Biden Bunch Now Sending Vaccine Injectors with the Door-to-Door’ Convincers.’

Biden At CNN Town Hall Meeting Lied About COVID Vaccine Protections While Exhibiting Signs of Advancing Dementia. “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized… you’re not going to die… you’re not going to get COVID…,” he said. Yet there have been cases in which this has happened with the vaccination or getting Covid afterward. He was incoherent at times during the meeting.

While Biden makes his false claim (above), Jen Psaki Refuses to Say How Many Breakthrough COVID Cases There Are Among White House Staff After Fully Vaccinated Texas Fleebaggers Superspreader. See more on this under the Last Days Traitors section in this article.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) demands all children over age 2 wear face masks at schools and nurseries, a suggestion that goes further than previous restrictions. The demand goes further than that of the CDC, which has said children and adults who work in schools who are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear masks. The AAP is echoing Fauci, who last week called for all children older than 2 to be forced to wear masks.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Warned Another Lockdown Is Coming If Americans Continue to Refuse Vaccinations.

Why Are Soros and Gates Buying UK COVID Testing Company? This isn’t the first time Gates and Soros have ‘collaborated.’ In 2015, a Jeffrey Epstein-funded think tank, the International Peace Institute, hosted a “Preparing for Pandemics” conference in Geneva – with senior officials from the Gates Foundation, Open Society, WHO, CDC, Red Cross and Pasteur Institute in attendance.

France: Business Owners Face Prison, €45k Fines if They Don’t Check Vaccine Passports under a proposed new law.

Following Macron’s Lead, Boris Johnson in England Says Only the ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Will Be Allowed To Attend Large Public Events.


Monsanto forced science journal to RETRACT study of Roundup (weed killer) dangers.

Johnson & Johnson Recalls 5 Aerosol Sunscreens After Finding Carcinogen Traces.


Reaping What They’ve Sown: Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden aides test positive for COVID. The ‘Texas Fleebaggers,’ the group of Democrats who fled Texas on a plane to Washington so they could not be compelled to vote on upcoming legislation they disagreed with, became superspreaders, not only infecting themselves, but COVID made its way all the way up to Nancy Pelosi. All parties involved were fully vaccinated. Outrage from Liberal media? Zero.

“We’ve Got to Fight Disinformation,” says Empire Made Entirely of Disinformation. The weirdest thing about the Biden administration tasking itself with censorship of “disinformation” on social media is that the U.S. is the hub of a globe-spanning empire built upon a foundation of disinformation, maintained by disinformation, and facilitated by disinformation.

Leftists are Desperate to Pack the Supreme Court with Liberals. The U.S. Supreme Court issued two 6-3 decisions as it completed its last term, causing Democrats to renew their call for expanding the number of justices by 4. Under Biden, this would result in more liberal justices to uphold the Dem Party’s agenda. The left’s court-packing scheme, if successful, will weaken the constitutional system of checks and balances that preserves the American Republic and protects against tyranny.

Sanders, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez Should Get on A Raft, Sail to Cuba. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped Democrats in Congress who have championed leftist policies, saying they should try life in Cuba as he snapped, “Just once I want to see some left-wing socialist — I want to see Bernie Sanders, I want to see Elizabeth Warren, I want to see AOC go down to Key West, get on a raft, and sail 90 miles south to the socialist paradise…. Their ideas don’t work; tyranny doesn’t work…”

Evils of Marxism-Socialism-Communism

New Zealand: Chinese Communist Party spies in universities, lecturers suspect. Think this is something new or is only in New Zealand? Think again. Here’s a report from 2019: China sending ‘thousands’ of spies to U.S. colleges.

Cuba Protesters Warn Americans Who Like Che Guevara: “He Was a #&%$! Terrorist.” About the current protests in Cuba against the evil ruling regime, there are reports of police engaging in door-to-door raids, shooting and possibly killing unarmed protesters in their homes, in front of their families. At least one video smuggled out of the country this week showed police opening fire on a protester in his living room, in front of his toddler children and his wife.


WATCH: Project Veritas exposes critical race theory indoctrination at toy company Hasbro. A program developed by ‘The Conscious Kid’ is working with Hasbro to teach children about racial bias at an early age. The program claims children show racial bias as young as three to six months. It’s absurd!


Ballooning number of ‘gotaways’ poses public safety, national security risk. At least 270,000 migrants have sneaked into the U.S. and burrowed into communities across the country so far this fiscal year, according to the latest Border Patrol data.


Iraq: Bombing at Baghdad market. At least 30 people were killed and dozens wounded. The Islamic State group (ISIS) claimed responsibility, saying one of its members detonated an explosive vest. ISIS even kills other Muslims whom they consider do not follow the Quran to the letter.


Taliban Now Boasts Control Over 90% Of Afghan Border Areas, after so many decades of fighting against the Islamist terrorist regime and many lives lost. The Taliban strategy is likely to keep methodically advancing around major urban centers, waiting for the moment to strike big cities like Kabul after the final and full American troop departure.

Two Israeli airstrikes in Syria this week. The first attack on Monday targeted a precision missile facility belonging to pro-Iranian militias and the Assad regime near Aleppo. The strike on Thursday was aimed against military targets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization, pro-Iranian militias and members of Iran’s clandestine Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps at the al-Sharyat military airport east of Homs. Depending on which source you research, five pro-Iranian militia members were killed, either in Monday’s or Thursday’s attack.

Israeli retaliatory strike on Lebanon. The IDF fired artillery shells into Lebanon Monday night after two rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon, triggering sirens in the Western Galilee area.

VIDEO: China Threatens to NUKE Japan if It Defends Taiwan.

Thinking The Unthinkable – War with China May Be Inevitable. The Biden administration is formally blaming the Chinese government for a large-scale cyberattack on Microsoft. The White House and governments in Europe and Asia identified China’s Ministry of State Security with using “criminal contract hackers” to conduct a range of destabilizing activities around the world for personal profit, including the Microsoft hack. A cyberattack of this magnitude is an act of war, and we’re told that sensitive systems all over the country were compromised. As part of the attack, an unidentified American company was also hit with a high-dollar ransom demand.

‘Peace and Security’ Call for the Covenant with Death and Hell. The ‘Palestinian’ Authority’s Hussein Al-Sheikh said the P.A. is ready for direct talks with Israel. Al-Sheikh is head of the P.A. General Authority of Civil Affairs, which serves as a liaison between the so-called ‘Palestinians’ and Israel. Al-Sheikh chairs the dialogue between the ‘Palestinian’ government and the United States administration.


In Daymond Duck’s article titled “Warnings,” which will be posted by July 25 on the Rapture Ready website, he says that God always warns before His judgments fell, and we’re watching the development of events that were prophesied 2,000-2,500 years ago.

Also, read “Big Tech Censorship Sets the Stage for the Rise of the Antichrist by Britt Gillette.