More and more, as time passes and the downhill spiral of this evil world becomes very obvious, a longing grows stronger each passing day within me. The idea of leaving this earth and going to my eternal home to be with my Jesus goes way beyond a passing fancy. Each day, I realize that the choice made some thirty-odd years ago to call out to Him to be my Eternal Savior is more valuable than anything I have ever done. (all emphasis mine)
First and foremost, I have learned there is a difference between believing Jesus exists and actually having a true relationship with Him. James 2:19 says, “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder.” Satan and the angels that follow him are eternally lost and have no pathway to forgiveness. Hell was made specifically for them (Matthew 25:41), and they are trying to get as many of our souls to join them as possible.
Our Heavenly Father could’ve designed this world to force everyone to totally worship Him, and He would never have felt the need to send a part of Himself to be the one and only perfect sacrifice that could cover all of our sins. Humans could’ve been objects of amusement rather than His created beings that He loves so much.
Not only does He love each and every one of us, but He has also made it possible for all who call on the name of Jesus to be with Him forever (Romans 10:13). There are no illusions, as He knows we all sin (Romans 3:23), and because of this, we should be condemned to eternal hellfire. However, through His Son, Christ Jesus, we are offered His free gift of eternal life if we receive and accept that gift (Romans 6:23).
There is nothing we can do to buy or earn this precious gift, but it is through the Grace of Jesus and the Mercy of God that we are eligible to be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Once a person comes to realize that this earth is but a fleeting moment in time, and the things of this planet are nowhere near as important as our eternal souls, a longing develops to leave here and be with our Savior forever.
There are numerous advantages that boost the longing within us to be a part of the Savior’s flock. One is the prospect of having a brand-new body that is imperishable and immortal. No more pain; no more disabilities; no more death. Even though the longing is there for a forever body, this is not the most important advantage.
Another is to be reunited with loved ones In Christ that have gone on ahead of us. Once they took their last breath here, they were immediately in the presence of Jesus. Paul said in Philippians 1:21-23, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose, I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.”
To be in our forever Heavenly Home with all the beauty and pleasure there and to be with all the Heavenly Hosts and saints is almost beyond our comprehension. Just imagine knowing all the people from the Bible days, and they will know each and every one of us as well. Being able to be with all the angels and to be in awe as to how much they totally worship our Holy Trinity is definitely something to long for.
All of these things bring a longing within me to be rid of this evil, sin-filled planet that humans have corrupted. Knowing that Satan will never be able to cause us any more harm or tempt us in any way is such a refreshing thought. To never see or feel the heartache that’s all around us ever again. However, these longings are still just a shadow of the one last event that I feel is the most important.
There’s a song that expresses it well. It’s called “Look for Me at Jesus’ Feet,” and my favorite version is by the Booth Brothers.
1) If I leave this world of sorrow sometime before you do, just look for me in Heaven, and we’ll talk the ages through.
2) But if at first you fail to see me, let me tell you where I’ll be. I’ll be thanking Christ, my Savior, for saving a wretch like me.
3) But if you should reach that city before my time has come, perhaps you’d like to greet me when my race down here is run.
4) Just wait, for I’ll soon be coming across life’s ebbing sea. And I’ll tell you now, dear loved one, just where to wait for me.
5) Don’t look beneath the gates of pearl. Don’t look on the streets of gold. Don’t look by the walls of Jasper, nor among the many sights untold.
6) For I’ve been longing, and I’ve been waiting for the Precious Holy One to see. There I’ll be through the countless ages. Look for me at Jesus’ feet.
Everyone can be forgiven and have a home waiting that will be prepared by Jesus Himself (John 14:1-3). Romans 10:9-13 gives the elements, and they are not difficult in themselves. Admit we’re all sinners; Believe Jesus died to cover all our sins, and have the faith to know that God raised Him from the dead; finally, Call out to Jesus to forgive us and to be our Savior forever. That’s it.
The hardest part is having faith and believing this is so. Satan will try to convince you otherwise through his false prophets and antichrists. Once you have truly received and accepted Jesus, know that He will accept you. We will still sin as long as we’re here, but the steps to receive forgiveness are found in 1 John 1:8-10.
God makes no promises that He will not keep. Jesus died for all our sins and will forgive us if we truly call out to Him. The downside to this is for those who will not receive and accept His gift. They will be destined to be in that long line at the Great White Throne Judgment of Revelation 20:11-15. From there, they will spend eternity in hell with Satan and his demons.
It’s a real choice, and God will accept whichever you make. He really would like everyone to be a part of the Savior’s flock (2 Peter 3:9) but knows more will accept this world instead (Matthew 7:13-14). He forces no one either way.
Meanwhile, for all who call out to Jesus, our longing will be fulfilled when we get Home. I probably will be at Jesus’ feet until He stands me up. One old-time standard song says, “My God is real, for I can feel Him deep in my soul.” This age is rapidly coming to the end of the age that was spoken of by Jesus, Paul, Peter, John and others. He will be coming for His church soon, and those who get left behind will face the worst time ever.
Get your reservation in, and know it will not be turned down. Then, you can join me where I want to be right now – At the Feet of Jesus!
Shalom! Come, Lord Jesus!