World Geopolitics by the Bible: Whither America? Part 2 :: By Wilfred Hahn

In the previous Part I of this series, we made a claim stating that there will be only seven major world Gentile rulerships before the endtime Tribulation begins. These are all depicted as heads in the visions shown in Revelation 12, 13, and 17. This is the geopolitical chronology set by the Bible with respect to the timeline of the Hebrews … historically and prophetically.

Where are we on that timeline today?

Our generation is currently living at the tail end of the 6th “head’s” rule … and the 7th is about to be unveiled in the near future. There is yet one more world ruler that follows the 7th head (but not shown as a head). This one is very evil and will be discussed briefly at a later time.

Knowing the times, just what are the implications? A period of rapid tumult yet lies ahead. And there will be some major impacts upon America, as we will reveal at the end of this series.

The “heads” that have had their time of rulership to date in our view are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (pending). The reader may have noted that these only add to a total of six. Have we miscalculated? No, because there are yet two following forms of Roman rule to unfold. The first of these is denoted by the 7th head with the 10 horns. (See the prophecies and visions regarding these heads found in Revelation 12, 13, 17 and the book of Daniel 2, 7.)

As we proceed with our examination of the topic of the 7 heads and 10 horns of Bible prophecy, let’s adopt a few naming conventions. There are a confusing array of kings and heads and beasts mentioned in Daniel and Revelation, to which we will refer in this study.

For the sake of expediency, let’s then agree to name the 7 historical kings that are shown as 7 heads (Revelation 12, 13, 17) as the Ruler Kings (RK), and the last-day 10 kings (shown as horns) as the 10K.

Correcting Wrongheadedness

Before launching into our study of the 7 heads, may we clear a few misconceptions at the outset. A most misleading and frequent error is to assume that the period of rulership for each of these 7 unfolds contemporaneously rather than sequentially. This is wrong. The seven hegemons follow each other. Once one is vanquished, the next comes on the scene. Those who are superseded are then allowed to remain on earth as lesser nations. For example, Persia once ruled the known world at one time. Today, called Iran, it is a relatively weak power player geopolitically.

Much prophecy interpretation has gone wrong (faltered) exactly on this very point. Many have tended to see these 7 heads as existing at the same time. The consequences have been disastrous for the credibility of Bible prophecy. Countless candidates have been cited down through the centuries … all of them incorrect.

Maintaining a correct heading, we must mention that some prophecy teachers identify the 7th head (ruler) as the Revived Roman Empire. We do not hold this view. Rather, we are more accommodative to the perspective that a revived Roman influence upon the world takes place during the latter period of the sixth head’s reign.

This is the “head” that is shown as being wounded by a sword “as unto death,” and which then recuperates (this being mentioned three times—Revelation 13:3, 12, 14). In our interpretation, this near-death wound has already long been healed. The Roman systems continue to strongly dominate much of the world today.

Before we move on with our topic of World Geopolitics by the Bible, we make one last comment about the Roman ruler that will be revealed very near the onset of the Tribulation Period. Revelation 17:11 says that “[…] even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”

He is the Antichrist. He is depicted in many forms in the Bible—for example, as a small horn (Daniel 7:8; an imposing horn [v. 20] and other identities).

When he finally does come on the world scene, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, shown in Revelation 17, will no longer be in power. It will have become superseded by the Antichrist. As such, “the great prostitute, who sits by many waters” and comfortably rode the beast, has been “burned” (Revelation 17:16) and bucked off.

This is a study for another occasion. Our focus at this point in the series remains the 7 heads on the beast in Revelation 12, 13 and 17, and the counterpart Scriptures in the Old Testament.

Why Study the Seven Heads?

The heads in Bible prophecy are a symbol of rulership … especially so if depicted as having golden crowns on their heads. For example, Revelation 12:3 shows the beast (red dragon) as having its seven heads crowned. This is the beast that represents the geopolitical, Satan-driven persecution of the Hebrews down continuously through Bible history.

Earlier, we claimed to know the identities of all the ruler heads (rulers). We had not yet presented the supporting Biblical proofs for our opinions. We will do so now.

Just what qualifying criteria should one use to identify a “major world rulership” in the geopolitical timeline that the Bible presents? Just where do we find proofs for the identity of these seven major kingdoms in the Bible?

Of course, all these answers are found in Scripture. As was mentioned at the start of this series, we are studying a narrow timeline partial to the Jews—what is presented in the Bible—not the total width and breadth of secular history.

Of course, the Bible can corroborate some historical aspects of the world, but we must remember that the narrative of the Bible is focused on chronicling the salvation plan of God. That is why the Bible tracks the history of the Hebrews (the servant Israel) and buttresses this with prophecy (past, present and future).

As such, we can prove the identities of the 7 historical oppressors of the Hebrews from the Bible. A shallow or incomplete study of the Scriptures on these matters will lead to possible inconclusiveness. As an example, we recall a vitriolic reply directly to this question, received some years ago from a reader. He insisted that because many of these kingdoms (heads) were not specifically named in the respective apocalyptic literature of the Bible, that their identity, therefore, was not valid.

In specific, he claimed that the Roman Empire was not expressly named … nor the fourth kingdom mentioned in Daniel. Actually, all the specific names of the 7 RK shown in Revelation 12, 13 and 17 are not mentioned by name. The heads are numbered but not named.

But that does not mean we cannot deduce their identity.

When combining the various facts, references, and actions of these kingdoms throughout the entire Bible, the conclusions become compelling. In fact, we would even say that the interpolated conclusions are ineluctable.

After all, the Bible is a “miraculous” book. One is awed by its interconnectedness, considering it is comprised of 66 separate books, written by some 40 separate authors, who may not have even known of each other. Yet, it all intertwines neatly. This is the wondrous reality of the Bible (Old and New Testament).

It must also be said that the Bible does not give up all its deeper, hidden pearls capriciously, choosing instead to reward those that diligently seek and study its pages. This is to say that much Bible study is required. For example, the Book of Revelation was never meant to open up effortlessly, nor for that matter, Daniel and other substantial amounts of prophecy in the Bible.

In fact, we are told by Daniel that when the Jews finally come into the “knowledge” of Jehovah’s plan and their Messiah, it would require a lot of “running to and fro” (Daniel 12:4, KJV) and searching the Scriptures anxiously.

Some things mentioned in the Bible are deductive. Though things may not be specifically identified by name, this does not mean that they do not exist. Just because a capitalized title is not used does not mean that a head cannot be identified.

For example, the Trinity is never mentioned as a term. Do we therefore not accept that there is a Father, Son and Holy Ghost?

Or, many claim that the word “rapture” is not mentioned in Scripture. Does that then invalidate this doctrine? Not at all. Other Bible prophecy also falls into this same category.

Consider also that there are more than a hundred prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Not one mentions His civil name in advance, other than Him being called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14) and other symbolic names. Yet, He did come in the literal sense and fulfilled many of these prophecies (others yet to be fulfilled in the future).

In the next part, we will reveal the identities of five of the seven Ruler Kings. The reign of these strike right into our times.

Bible’s narrative of world geopolitics in the next part of this series.

Wilfred J. Hahn is a global economist/strategist. Formerly a top-ranked global analyst, research director for a major Wall Street investment bank, and head of Canada’s largest global investment operation, his writings focus on the endtime roles of money, economics and globalization. He has been quoted around the world and his writings reproduced in numerous other publications and languages. His 2002 book The Endtime Money Snare: How to live free accurately anticipated and prepared its readers for the Global Financial Crisis. A following book, Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied: Preserving true riches in an age of deception and trouble, looks further into the prophetic future.

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