Contribution Request for Pakistan Outreach :: By Terry James

***Terry James Prophecy Power book for people of Pakistan***

Dear Rapture Ready family,

My book, Prophecy Power: Strength From God to Face Your Future, has been translated into the Urdu language (primary Pakistani language). This has been done by my long-time pastor friend in Pakistan. I gave his ministry the book absolutely free, to translate it so the people of that region can learn prophetic truth from God’s Word.

Prophecy Power, as many of you might know, is a book of thirteen lessons (chapters) in Bible prophecy yet future. It is something entirely unique to the sort of Bible-based books these folks have available to them.

I’m asking that, if the Lord leads you, to contribute whatever amount the Holy Spirit urges, to donate to the publication and distribution of this book. This will be an effort that will give all of God’s family a way to “store up heavenly treasure.”

The pastor, who has been a devoted Christian minister for many years in this perilous region for Christians, wants to distribute the book free to the people, as a witness and as a means of teaching God’s truth.

If you wish to be part of this effort, which I believe to be commissioned by our Lord, please make out the check, etc., to me, Terry James, and put in the bottom line Pakistan ministry, and send your contribution to the following address.

Terry James

Rapture Ready
P.O. Box 969
Benton, AR 72018

I will keep you updated about the results of this effort on behalf of our Lord’s work.

Thank you, and blessings.
