20 Sep 2021

Reaping the Whirlwind


Hurricane “Nicholas” leaves widespread damage in Texas.

Hurricane forecasters tracking 4 tropical disturbances, including remnants of Nicholas over Louisiana.

In France, Gard hit by historic rainfall — more than 2 months’ worth of rain in just 3 hours.


6.0 earthquake hits Sichuan, China, leaving at least three dead and 60 injured.


National Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning on Constitution, All Other Founding Documents.

‘Doormats’ for Pelosi: Vulnerable Democrats under fire over proposed tax hikes. Democrats promised to stand up to Pelosi’s reckless tax and spending spree, then let her walk over them. Democrats’ reckless spending is causing prices to rise, and their massive tax hikes will make things even harder for American families trying to recover from a pandemic.” Dems Propose $3 Trillion Tax Hike on Working Families and Small Businesses. House Democrats seek to hike top income tax rate to nearly 40%.

Treasury Secretary Comes Forward with Truth About U.S. Debt: Country on Course for Devastation in October unless debt ceiling is increased.

California teacher hangs ‘F— the Police,’ ‘F— Amerikkka’ posters in classroom.

TikTok moderators are ordered to suppress posts from ugly, poor, obese and disabled people in order to attract new users, documents reveal.

Joe Biden’s next blunder – Jerusalem. You’re probably wondering what comes next for the man who’s done everything wrong since he became president. Robert Gates, defense secretary under Obama, put it like this: “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Now Biden seems determined to reopen the U.S. special consulate in Jerusalem. (That is totally separate from the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.) Trump had the consulate shut down, largely because he was clear-eyed and knew it was designated to do business with the P.A.—terrorists. Re-opening the consulate amounts to a reward for terrorism… aimed specifically against Jews through the Palestinian Authority’s Martyrs Fund.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Milley Secretly Called Chinese General to Tell Him He’d Give Advance Warning of a U.S. Attack.


Bidensanity — Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens Shipped to Dozens of States as Coronavirus Fear Rages.

Border migrants refuse to wear masks or social distance, inspector general says. Illegal immigrants refuse to social distance or wear masks and can’t be kept in quarantine even if they contract Covid, the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general said in a report Wednesday that undercuts many of the Biden administration’s claims.

DHS shuts down border crossing to deal with growing migrant camp. Homeland Security announced it was shutting down the border crossing in Del Rio, Texas, to deal with a massive migrant camp that’s sprung up underneath the international bridge. The move marked a black eye for Biden administration officials, who just a day before disputed Gov. Abbott’s claim that Customs and Border Protection had proposed shutting the crossing down. The closure also served as an admission that the situation in the migrant camp has grown out of control.

Democrats Justify Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants by Arguing It Will Increase Deficit. Democrats are trying to grant mass amnesty to illegal immigrants by arguing that amnesty’s $140 billion price tag qualifies as a budget issue—a legislative maneuver that will allow millions of people to achieve legal status through a party-line majority vote. According to Politico, Democratic congressional staffers argued that because mass legalization will add to the deficit, the provision should be included in a reconciliation bill nominally meant to fund the federal government for the next year. The Democrat plan to legalize eight million immigrants will add $139.6 billion to the budget deficit by 2032, almost entirely due to increased use of entitlement programs and tax credits.


FDA advisory panel REJECTS COVID booster shots for most Americans. An advisory panel for the FDA shot down Pfizer’s request to approve booster shots of its COVID vaccine for the general population, citing lack of safety data, but approved the doses for seniors and high-risk groups. Hmm… so give the elderly and otherwise health compromised the shot? Hmm… smells.

Joe Biden the Killer: He Abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, Turned His Back on Our U.S. Allies, Was Responsible for Slaughter of 13 Servicemen and Women, and Now He’s Willfully Killing Texans and Floridians. Biden Goes Nuclear on Republican Governors Over Healthcare, Singles Out Florida and Texas Govs in Savage Tweet After Slashing Delivery of Lifesaving Covid Treatment to Their States.

DeSantis Moves to Buy Antibody Treatments Directly from Manufacturer After Biden Tightens Grip on Supply. DeSantis said he’s going to work hard to make sure Florida “can overcome the obstacles that HHS and the Biden administration” are imposing on the state, adding that the treatment has saved lives in the state. “To just kind of pull the rug out from anyone a week after the president himself said they were going to be increasing the distributions by 50%, it’s very, very problematic,” DeSantis said.

As Global Vaccine Mandates Rage, Now You See What Build Back Better and The Great Reset Are Really All About.

Postal Service Unions Spent Big on Biden campaign. Now They’re Rewarded by Being Exempted from the forced Federal Vaccine Mandate. Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate for federal workers will exempt U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employees who pumped millions of dollars into the 2020 election campaign.

They’re Creating the Biggest’ Witch Hunt’ in American History. Until recently, there hasn’t been an easy, efficient way to identify those who are not eager servants of the system. But COVID vaccines are the perfect litmus test, because “troublemakers,” “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” are pretty much the only ones refusing the shots at this point. This makes it easy to divide Americans into two categories, and gives authorities a perfect excuse to push them to the fringes of society.

The Next “Crisis” The Global Elite Have ‘Planned.’ From Doug Casey: Every year, the international ruling class—the most influential world leaders, CEOs of big corporations, top academics, and even celebrities—come together at Davos. The Davos crowd has become the most visible element of the ruling class. They overlap with lots of other groups pushing the same agenda—Bilderberg, CFR, and Bohemian Grove among them. In 2019, well before the first case of COVID was reported, the World Economic Forum (WEF), which hosts the annual Davos conferences, held an event to discuss the possibility of a worldwide pandemic. These people believe—correctly—that 90% of the public will basically eat whatever they’re fed and accept whatever they’re told.

The elite have been planning or playing with the idea of a virus for years. A great virus to smite humanity has been the subject of lots of sci-fi novels and movies over the years. And now, as usual, life is imitating art. Even if things just go along more or less as they are, there are lots of advantages to the COVID-19 virus from their point of view. The collapse of the economy, the Greater Depression, won’t be blamed on central banking, inflation, and the State. They’ll be sold as heroes in the fight against the virus. The depression will be blamed on COVID as opposed to the real causes. It’s really quite perverse.

Earlier this year, the WEF started making a lot of noise about cyberattacks disrupting global supply chains. Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder, has been calling for the internet to be vaccinated preemptively—presumably meaning more controls, regulations, and less freedom and privacy.

Are they foreshadowing the next real or manufactured crisis? How could it play out? The vaccine psychosis is just one aspect of this war. As much as the elite want to sell the January 6th event in Washington, DC as the equivalent of the Reichstag fire, I don’t think the average American buys it. Therefore, perhaps something real or imagined will transpire to allow them to designate a whole class of American citizens as domestic terrorists.

We now have genuinely crazy people in control of the apparatus of the state. They’re not going to let go of power voluntarily. Anything is possible at this point; we’re still in the early days. As we enter the trailing edge of the Greater Depression, there’s actually something much more serious to consider in looking at the world situation. Things are similar to 1914 or 1939. Who knows exactly what happens next?

American Airlines Flight Turns Around and Kicks Off Mother and Her Asthmatic 2-Year-Old Baby Over Mask Policy — Police Meet Them at the Gate. All because the child was suffering from an asthma attack mid-flight and could not wear the mask properly.

ABC Detroit Asks for Stories of COVID Deaths Among the Unvaccinated, Gets WRECKED with Thousands of Vaccine Injury Reports. ABC Detroit got a lot more than it bargained for when it asked its viewers on Facebook this question.

New Study Shatters Narrative Surrounding COVID Hospitalizations. A new study — still pending peer review — picked up by The Atlantic, of all places, puts the recent fearmongering over the number of hospitalized Americans with the Wuhan coronavirus in perspective. Most notably, the study conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School, Tufts Medical Center, and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System found that many of those “hospitalized with COVID” are not the dire situations hyped by liberal media and leading Democrats. The main narrative-shattering takeaway researchers arrived at: “Roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease.”

Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion.


Authorities locate third U.S. murder hornet nest of 2021. The department’s managing entomologist had called on the public in August to notify authorities of sightings, saying the detection and removal of the giant nest showed “how important public reporting continues to be.” “We expect there are more nests out there and, like this one, we hope to find them before they can produce new queens. Asian giant hornets were first discovered in the U.S. in 2019.

God used hornets to help ancient Israelites defeat the enemies who came against them so they could enter the promised land. “I sent the hornet ahead of you, which drove them out before you…. So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.’ Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:12-15).


Major Supermarket Chain Warns Inflation Is About to Impact More Americans. An executive of Kroger, one of the largest supermarket chains in the U.S., warned that grocery prices are about to become even higher this year as inflation sets in.

U.S. Trucker Issued Warning About Vaccine Mandates and Possible Food Shortages. He says when it hits truckers like him, and we see mass food shortages because these guys walk off the job or get fired for not taking the jab, Americans will understand what communism really is. Our entire world could change in 48 hours if Truckers stop driving.


It’s Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. The definition of racism has undergone a radical change in a short time. According to the new eighth-grade curriculum for the Albemarle County (Va.) School District, racism now means: “The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”


Two Healthcare Insiders at ‘Aegis Living’ Blow Whistle on Alleged Elder Abuse and Medical Fraud. ‘Aegis Living is Grossly Taking Advantage of Severely Vulnerable Adults.’


Stabbing attack at Jerusalem Central Bus Station. The terrorist stabbed two people before being shot.

Israel will turn ‘into hell,’ warns elusive Hamas leader. The head of Hamas’ military wing, Mohammed Deif, issued a rare recording to mark the 16th anniversary of Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria. Deif said, “Just like you say ‘go to hell,’ you left Gaza because it was hell for you, and tomorrow we will turn all of Palestine into hell for you.”

Afghan Women Chant “Death to America” at Pro-Taliban Rally on 20th Anniversary of 9/11 After Biden Arms Them with Weapons (VIDEO).


As Australia Announces That They Are Working To Advance The New World Order, They Are Also Pushing The Global D10 Ten Nation Confederacy. As we Christians know, such will exist in the Tribulation.


U.S. prepared to engage with North Korea. The United States said it remains prepared to engage with North Korea despite Pyongyang’s announcement that it had tested a new long-range cruise missile over the weekend.

Seizing On the Weakness of The Biden Administration, Communist China Announces Warships Could Soon Be Stationed Off Coast of Hawaii.

China following Russian model with large-scale buildup of nuclear forces.

Japan Holds Large-Scale Drills for 1st Time Since 1993 Amid Chinese Assertiveness.

South Korea fires its first ever submarine-launched ballistic missile hours after North Korea’s missile launch.

Three days, Four rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza. Giving up land for peace has never worked and never will.


Gillette Venus’ Obscene Commercial. It airs during prime time when children are likely watching TV. While a woman is posing in her shaving position, the camera zooms in for close-up shots of her bikini line as she discusses shaving between her legs.

Mayor Tells School Board Resign or Be Charged With ‘Child Porn’ Over Assignment, Parents Erupt in Applause. In Ohio, Mayor Shubert told board members he spoke to a judge who said the “642 Things to Write About” assignment amounted to distribution of “essentially what is child pornography.” The writing prompts including sexual content like,

  • Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.
  • You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this?
  • Write an X-rated Disney scenario.
  • A roomful of people who want to sleep together.
  • The first time you had sex.”

Authorities In Israel Are Baffled Why the Part of The Dead Sea Connected with God’s Judgment on Sodom Has Turned a Fiery Blood Red.

Abortion Abomination

New Records Show Obama Government Administration Purchased Aborted Babies’ Heads for $515 Each. Hundreds of pages of U.S. Food and Drug Administration records obtained under a Freedom of Information Act case brought by government watchdog Judicial Watch reveal the U.S. government was buying the heads of unborn babies, and other body parts for its “humanized mice” project.

MSNBC Claims Joe Biden is Following the Bible by Supporting Abortion. On MSNBC’s Politics Nation, host Al Sharpton brought on Dr. Obery Hendricks, a professor of Religion at Columbia University. Hendricks actually put forward the ridiculous argument that because the word “abortion” isn’t mentioned in Scripture, it must be okay to God. He said the president was on firm moral ground.


Transgender Bishops & The Fall of The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has taken more steps in its rapid decline into apostasy as it installed its first openly transgender bishop in a service held in San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral.

Rev. “Megan” Rohrer (biological male) will lead one of the church’s 65 synods, overseeing nearly 200 congregations in Northern California and northern Nevada. It was also announced that the bishop-elect should be addressed with the pronouns “they/their.” The LGBTQ (and all the other letters) bunch claims there are over 390 queer ministers in the ELCA at this point.

New project invents Hebrew letters to make the language of the Bible gender neutral.

Globalist Goblin Liars and Mother Earth Worshipers

Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Care That China Commits Genocide Because It’s Working on Climate Change. That’s the main issue to these Godless globalists. Their so-called climate change agenda is a ruse for global governance.


At the Crossroads: Today, God’s Word has been removed from the courtroom to the schoolhouse, and from Washington to the White House [and in other Western nations that were supposedly Christian]. As a result, men think that they can become women, and children think they can choose their sex. What we think is insanity is actually depravity. We have suppressed the truth—pushed it down and away—and we are reaping the whirlwind…. No matter how dark it gets, we must cling to the light of the cross and the path of God’s absolute truth. God’s Word is always our only hope, especially in these “times that try men’s souls.”