The Last-Minute Light Bearers :: By Edwin Tan

Picture the Bride being set to be snatched away at short notice by her Groom. Against an increasingly ominous backdrop, there are countless numbers that are diligently expecting to be whisked away from a wicked world at the twinkling of an eye. Their harshest critics are confounded by the lack of silence. Over the past weeks, prophecy conferences have gone ahead with packed attendees and innumerable multitudes watching online. This surely is a significant herald of the moment that would astound the rest of the unbelieving planet!

1 John 1:7 (NIV) very well gives many of the remnant as well as wannabes reason to follow the gleam described above while deserting the ongoing gloom.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us from all sin.”

The key differentiation is all about light versus darkness. Much of the globe that is enshrouded by lies and false hopes is in a state of spiritual blackness, although some in denial mode claim to be enlightened. On such a basis, the company they keep could be somewhat tenuous, friends for a brief spell and then sworn foes for a possible lifetime. In this spiritually paltry condition, marriages fail, parent-child relationships collapse, and an air of hostility permeates across the many that grope in the dark. Enough to fan distrust, which could lead to anger and possibly violence!

On the contrary, when we walk in the light, a calming influence descends on an otherwise tense setting. Despite dire circumstances, friendships are forged as fear and mistrust are dispelled by the power of the light source – our Lord Jesus. So the fellowship talked about in the above Scriptural verse is a reality. The conferences mentioned earlier do not show any sign of losing steam. Many more are in the pipeline as I write, hosted and featuring faces that a good many of the remnant are familiar with. What a thing to look forward to in such trying times! It would come as no surprise to the multitudes hungry for the truth that hear assurance after assurance – they will not have any problem knowing those voices of comfort and joy!

The Holy Spirit is indeed drawing many who walk in the light in one direction. These may be people in obscure locations across the world; they are getting firsthand information about what is to come readily. Mindsets are modified from disbelief into believing in the power of the Holy Spirit working wondrously in a mysterious way where many souls are concerned. Herein is solid evidence that there is indeed a last days harvest – except that it is simple and devoid of the fanfare typical of megachurch revivals. It firmly boils down to the oftentimes anonymous light bearers that facilitate the ease by which the Good News set many free from sin. All credit is to be given to the Lord Jesus for enabling the process to come to a fruitful conclusion!

Once a light bearer, always a lamp that keeps burning. Never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit when you fully surrender your all to Him. As He purifies you from sin and unrighteousness, He draws you into the light whereby you become a worthy instrument for His Glory. In so doing, your joy will be complete as you tower over the wrecks of these tumultuous times, not by our abilities but through His Love.

The “occupy until He returns” drumbeat is not in any way quelled by the unspeakable lawlessness that is reaching uncharted waters. Such is the limitless power of the Lord – this is the truth which overcomes the deception that is seemingly unstoppable. But it is truly halted, so long as there is total belief in the Saviour of our souls.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

With this uplifting piece of Scripture, all of us who are components of the Bride of Christ have been given a specific task – bringing Jesus to the unsaved, or to put it in another way, directing the unbeliever to Christ!


Edwin Tan

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