4 Apr 2022

Last Days Utter Immorality

“Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment” (Isaiah 59:14:15).


Texas AG investigating whether pharma companies deceptively advertised puberty-blocking drugs. “Companies should never promote or supply puberty blockers for uses that are not intended or approved,” Paxton said. “I will not allow Big Pharma to misleadingly promote these drugs that may pose a high risk of serious physical and psychological damage to Texas children who cannot yet fathom or consent to the potential long-term effects of such use.” (A photo in the article shows a sign on an elementary classroom door that states, “Some people are trans. Get over it.”)

Minnesota Wild raises money for kids’ puberty blockers on first-ever ‘Pride Night.’

New Jersey Middle School Forced 12-Year-Olds to Learn About Transgender Hormone Therapy without Parental Consent.

Disney Lashes Out at DeSantis for Signing Anti-Grooming Bill, Vows to Fight in Court. Florida Governor DeSantis signed a measure forbidding instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in grades pre-K through grade 3. Disney responded, “Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts.” Disney supports groomers and wants to overturn the will of the people.

Watch: Disney Executive Producer Says Company’ Welcoming’ of Her ‘Gay Agenda.’ Leaked video from Disney’s “Reimagine Tomorrow” summit reveals top-level employees openly discussing the company’s push to include more LGBTQ+ content in its ever-growing library. One video featured executive producer Latoya Raveneau talking about how the company encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.”

Openly Gay Teacher Accused of Sending Nude Selfie to Young Student. The degenerate left is determined to pervert students with its reprobate gay/trans agenda. The teacher, Dean Wright, is “most proud” of teaching kids about “pronouns.”

Biden Promotes Transgender Day of Visibility with Launch of New’ X’ Gender Marker. New Transportation Security Administration scanners that are gender-neutral are also planned as part of the administration-wide embrace of transgenderism and LGBTQI+.

There are so many more very recent news articles on this subject. See Mark Becker’s soon-to-be-posted article on Rapture Ready titled “Countdown to Judgment.”


WHO calls for widespread removal of abortion restrictions. The World Health Organization released new guidelines on promoting abortion, calling for a ban on any laws that restrict abortion, thus opening the door to sex-selective abortion and abortion up to birth.

Shocking Images Show 5 Babies Killed in Late-Term Abortions at DC Abortion Clinic.


The Corruption in Washington DC Is Far Worse Than Most Americans Can Possibly Imagine. The system our forefathers established has been completely corrupted, and Americans should be deeply ashamed for allowing this to happen.

Hillary Clinton Campaign & Demo-crat National Convention Fined $113K for Falsifying Fraudulent “Russia dossier” Expense. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC reported payments as legal expenses instead of accurately marking them as “paying Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on Trump.” Last week, Trump sued Hillary and Demo-crat Party leaders for falsely accusing him of drumming up the Russia hoax.

Dems Weaponize Govt Policies, Driving USA Into Dystopian Revolution. The reason Dems want failure is that they can’t achieve their goals without revolution. Yet the spontaneous revolution Marx taught us inevitably simply never occurred. Marx originally said the world’s beleaguered workers will arise and “throw off the chains” of capitalism. But free markets increasingly made workers’ lives better. So Marxists eventually developed a theory of internal destruction to collapse a society, an inverted revolution.


US Military wants AI to replace human decision-making in battle. Microsoft’s Brad Smith warned we might be caught up in a losing race with artificial intelligence. Our reality is rapidly catching up with the fictional portrayal of Orwell’s 1984. He called for lawmakers to protect the public against the all-to-real threat of the technology over the coming years.


Prime example of a Dem-nation: Crime stalls resurgence of downtown Minneapolis. It’s been two years since the start of the COVID pandemic, and downtown is thwarted by crime at every turn. This is an example of Democrat-run cities.


NYC’s black chief medical officer calls whites’ birthing people,’ blacks and Puerto Ricans’ mothers.’ “The urgency of this moment is clear,” she said. “Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to Black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-Hispanic White birthing people.”

WHO examining potential hearing problems linked to Covid vaccines. The World Health Organization is investigating 164 reported instances of hearing loss and other auditory disturbances associated with COVID vaccinations – primarily the Pfizer vaccine.


Number Of US Workers Testing Positive for Marijuana Reaches 2-Decade High.


10 real-life examples of people who died or were injured after receiving the COVID vaccine.


Biden says “food shortages are going to be real.” From Tucker Carlson: “Food shortages topple governments. They turn moderates into revolutionaries. A food shortage is a big deal. You don’t want one, but now we’re getting one just a little over a year into Biden’s presidency. Think forward. If the traditional calendar holds, we’ve got 1,032 days left of the Biden administration, and you wonder what things will look like by then. We’re already speeding toward dystopia…

GOP Senator Warns There’ll Be Worldwide Famine in the Next 2 Years. He said, “This will be a worldwide famine. I think it will be even worse next year than this year. So if 12, 15% of the wheat comes from Ukraine that’s exported, and they’re having problems getting fertilizer, they have tractors in the field, [and] all the diesel fuel is going towards their war efforts, right? So if all that’s clogged, all the USAID that we spend, all those type things, there’ll be a famine across the world, and we are seeing it right now.”

Supermarkets Allowed to Begin Rationing Food and Other Items, Says Spain’s Socialist Government. Amid soaring inflation, which hit nearly 10 percent in March, the Spanish government, controlled by the leftist Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has opened up a legal loophole for supermarkets to begin rationing to customers.


Sprawling storm triggers nearly 500 severe weather reports across the US A massive storm system that spread across much of the US this week left a trail of damage across several states. What started as a snow event in the Rockies turned into severe thunderstorms as the system moved into the Plains Tuesday. An EF-3 tornado touched down in Springdale, Arkansas, Wednesday, injuring seven people, two seriously. The storm line intensified further as it approached the Mississippi River, stretching over 1,300 miles at one point. Two people were killed when a tornado struck a home in Florida. So far in March, 223 tornadoes were reported compared to the average 91 tornadoes, making this March one of the most active in decades for severe weather.

Another multi-day severe weather threat looms for storm-fatigued US South this coming week. Damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes are all possible with this next round of severe storms.

Texas Wildfire Preparedness Level Increased to Level 4 Due to Activity, Resources. Level 5 is the highest level of wildland fire activity. The fire environment this week was characterized by critical weather conditions and dry grass that allowed the growth of several large wildfires across the state. Over the past week, 192 wildfires burned 173,559 acres.

Tennessee wildfire near Gatlinburg prompts evacuations of 11,000 homes.

Heavy rains trigger deadly landslides, leaving over 250,000 without drinking water in Ecuador. The current death toll currently stands at four, with four others injured. Homes and roads were damaged.

Australia floods: Thousands forced to evacuate for the second time in weeks after extraordinary rain burst river banks and lashed the east coast. Several towns in northern New South Wales, already struggling after record floods over a month ago, took a month’s worth of rain in just six hours. There was no official warning that the levee had been breached after sirens malfunctioned.


Eruption at Taal volcano, Alert Level raised to 3, Philippines. There’s magmatic intrusion at the Main Crater that may further drive succeeding eruptions.” It’s recommended that Taal Volcano Island and high-risk barangays be evacuated due to possible hazards should stronger eruptions subsequently occur.

Strong tremor and Crater Lake heating at Ruapehu, Aviation Color Code raised to Yellow, New Zealand. Sustained elevated tremor, combined with the slow lake heating, continues to indicate that gas is fluxing through the system.


On Opening Day of 2022 World Government Summit in Dubai, the First Item on the Agenda Was About Preparing to Receive the New World Order.


Israel terror threat level raised to highest amid spree of attacks. Israel raised its level of threat from terrorism to the highest possible after yet another deadly terror attack took place, the third within a week. Five people were killed when Diaa Hamarsheh, a resident of the West Bank, opened fire from an automatic rifle in two separate locations in the mostly ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak. The gunman was shot and killed on the scene.


Biden Admin’s Nuclear Deal: “This Isn’t Obama’s Iran Deal. It’s Even Much, Much Worse. “By every indication, the Biden Administration appears to have given away the store… What’s more, the deal appears likely to deepen Iran’s financial and security relationship with Russia and China, including through arms sales.”

Asia’s Autocrats Are Calling, Mr. Biden. While he was in Brussels and Warsaw showing US solidarity with Ukraine, rocket man in North Korea made a bold bid for his attention. For the first time since 2017, Kim Jong Un test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, the largest road-mobile missile ever launched. Had it been fired in a normal trajectory, its warheads could have reached DC and every city in the USA.

US Navy deploys electronic attack jets to Europe to bolster the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) radar jamming abilities.

Ukraine missile hits military camp inside Russia for the first time. Four Russian soldiers were injured.

NATO Likely to Approve ‘Major Increases’ of Troops as Zelenskyy Says 100,000 People Trapped in Mariupol amid the conflict.

Come Again? Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: “We Not only Fight for Ukraine – We Fight For this New World Order” (VIDEO). Ukraine parliament member Kira Rudik said, “we not only fight for Ukraine; we fight for this New World Order for the democratic countries.” Folks, there are no “good guy” governments in this war! Ukraine has long been used by Biden and other Global elitists like Klaus Schwab and George Soros to run corrupt dealings through, so it’s no surprise to see Ukraine’s officials pledging allegiance to leftist so-called ‘democracy’ using language like “New World Order.”

Ukraine Represents Globalism, and Russia Is Standing Up to Them, Israeli Politician Says. Read this whole article to understand, but here’s a brief summary]: Moshe Feiglin, a veteran of Israeli politics, sees the Ukraine-Russia war as a war of ideologies that could enflame the world. Feiglin doesn’t support Putin or his actions in Ukraine. But in this particular conflict, he sees the globalist powers supporting Zelenskyy as more of a threat to Israel. [NOTE: I repeat: there are no ‘good guy’ governments in this conflict — not Putin, not Zelenskyy’s government, not the US administration, nor other Western nations involved.]

Hamas says the next war with Israel will be a turning point in the conflict. The Deputy leader of the terrorist Hamas regime in Gaza says the next confrontation against Israel will have “a wider scope” (wider participation of the so-called Palestinian Arab public in Judea and Samaria and Israel) and that it “would be a turning point in the history of the conflict with the occupation (which they claim is Israel).”

Little do they know what’s in store for these terrorists at Armageddon. “Indeed, what have you to do with Me, O Tyre and Sidon [Lebanon – has Hezbollah terrorist regime], and all the coasts of Philistia [Gaza – has Hamas terrorist regime]? Will you retaliate against Me? But if you retaliate against Me, Swiftly and speedily I will return your retaliation upon your own head” (Joel 3:4).


Russian and Ukrainian negotiators developed poisoning symptoms during peace talks. A Russian businessman, a Ukrainian lawmaker, and another member of the Ukrainian delegation developed poisoning symptoms after peace talks in Ukraine. Symptoms included red eyes and tearing and peeling of the skin on their faces and hands — all consistent with poisoning by chemical weapons. Sources blamed the poisoning on Russian hardliners opposed to peace talks. The poisoning victims’ symptoms have improved.

Greater Iranian threat brings Abraham Accords countries closer. With the specter of a revived Iran nuclear deal approaching, Israel hosted a summit Monday, which included foreign ministers of the Abraham Accords countries and Egypt, together with US Secretary of State Blinken. The summit is part of a recent tendency by signatories to the Accords – Egypt, Bahrain, UAE, Morocco, Israel, and the US – to improve their ties through a series of cultural events, diplomatic visits, and summits.


UAE, US, and Israel Launch Religious Coexistence and Tolerance Chrislam Group Ahead of Opening of Abrahamic Family House. Chrislam is rapidly accelerating across the Middle East, riding the back of the Abraham Accords. In the fall, it’s expected that the Abrahamic Family House will be headquarters for Pope Francis’ Declaration of Human Fraternity and will feature a mosque, a synagogue, and a Roman Catholic Church.


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them” (Romans 1:16-20).


Last Modified on April 3, 2022
This entry was posted in Prayer Center
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