25 Apr 2022

Traumatic Times as the World Tumbles Toward the Tribulation


DeSantis Leads Florida Lawmakers Vote to End Disney’s Special Tax Privilege Due to its Support for Gender Grooming of Kids.

Parents Sue Massachusetts public school district for keeping their “genderqueer” and trans children’s identities and new pronouns a secret from parents.

Popular Minnesota camp asks kids for pronouns, houses them based on ‘gender identity.’ An Orono elementary school is sending third-graders on a day trip to a camp that promotes left-wing gender ideology. “Tanadoona welcomes and affirms Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual, Intersex, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQIA2S) campers and staff,” its website says. The organization supports “LGBTQIA2S campers” by offering “boy, girl, and all-gender housing options,” housing “trans and non-binary campers in accordance with their gender identity and preferred cabin option,” and flying the “Pride Flag.” Campers are given the opportunity to “share their pronouns in their introductions and during icebreakers,” while staff “wear nametags with their pronouns displayed.”

Mother says daughter’s entire friend group decided they are transgender.

Oklahoma State University hosts ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for kids as young as 2-years-old. The event was part of Oklahoma State University’s Pride 2022 month.

‘Groomer-gate’ – How Democrats Transitioned into the Party of Trans-Extremists.

After Specializing in Abortions and Baby Body Part Sales, Planned Parenthood Now Raking in Dollars in Transgender Services.

Second-Wave Feminists Pushed Sexual Revolution to End America, and It’s Working. The hottest flashpoint in the culture today is the trans movement, with the mob coming after anyone who dares to oppose the idea that men can become women and women men. The seeds for this effort were planted decades ago by a small group of women who gathered regularly to promote the creed of Marxism.

No, It’s Not the Economy That is of Most Concern – It’s the Raging Perversion, Moral Depravity, and Transgender Mutilation of Our Own Children. Bill Clinton’s campaign strategist was the first to use the expression, “It’s the economy, stupid,” which helped Clinton gain success in 1992. Most Americans believed it then and still believe it today. Many polls reveal that what’s at the top of our concerns for the country are the economy, inflation, price of gasoline, war, and education. But in God’s economy, those concerns would all be last on the list; our moral behaviors would be on the top of the list.

Germany Tries to Silence Jewish Woman for Exposing Pedophilia in America’s Public Schools. Chaya Raichik is the owner of ‘Libs of Tik Tok’ – a Twitter account considered the leading force in combatting the grooming of children in America’s public schools. It features videos of various school teachers across America boasting the pro-LGBT agenda. A German government-backed organization is responsible for doxing her [online harassment that involves uncovering someone’s personal information].


Californians Rally Against Infanticide Bill. Over a thousand gathered. “We’re talking about a bill that will not only terminate a child’s life, [but also] post-birth up to 30 days or longer,” Pastor Hibbs said. “The law, if passed, prevents an investigation or an autopsy on why the child died.”


New York Times thought just before the holiest times for Jews and Christians was the perfect time to publish an anti-God screed written by an angry (so-claimed) former believer. The Times is now openly proselytizing for atheism. While that’s its prerogative, it must be asked: why now, in the lead-in to two of the holiest of times for both Jews and Christians?

The Most Sinister Globalist You’ve Never Heard of, Yuval Noah Harari, Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab. [Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are implementing “The [so-called] Great Reset.”] Harari is praised by the likes of Schwab, Obama, Zuckerberg, and Gates. Harari, an Israeli historian who is often referred to as “the prophet,” is an atheist, vegan, openly gay, and a pro-transhumanist who is obsessed with rejecting the God of his fathers. Technology, argues Harari, is going to transform some people into gods. Harari assumes that religion evolved by natural processes and in no way reflects some kind of design or revelation from a God. One of his central arguments is that religion evolved when humanity produced “myths” which fostered group cooperation and survival.

He says the next phase of the current spy state “is surveillance going under our skin,” adding that it is “not just dystopian, it’s also utopian.” Harari casually states as if it were already a fact that soon “humans will walk around with biometric censors on or even inside their bodies, and will allow Google or Facebook or the Chinese government to monitor what happens inside my body.” Harari even admits Covid was the perfect excuse to introduce the invasive technology. He says one of the Great Reset technological tools that will soon be used to control humanity is the social credit score system.

Ilhan Omar Accuses Christians of Enjoying Prayer Privilege. The song “How Great is Our God” was begun by a team (on a plane flight) that had sent supplies to Ukraine. Rep. Omar (D-Minn) falsely claimed Muslims aren’t given that privilege. The Church of Satan sided with her, commenting on a different tweet, saying, “This is terrorism.” Jose Castillo, Republican candidate running for Congress in Florida, pointed out that “In America, Muslims can & do pray in public. If she wants a country where Christians aren’t allowed to do the same, Ilhan Omar should go back to her own country.”


Radical Far-Left Eco-Activist Group Extinction Rebellion Holds Earth Day Rally in Washington, Celebrating Religion of Wicca & Earth Worship, using the day as a political wedge to cudgel those whom they oppose into compliance. The radical Far-Left is not against worship, religion, or bowing down to deity – just as long as it’s not the God of the Bible. Earth Day is when their darkness seems to shine brightest, as they become Romans 1 ‘fools’ that worship the creature more than [rather than] the Creator. The pagan crazies were out in full swing, paying homage to their so-called Earth mother. Pope Francis is a Gaia worshipper, too.

Earth Day Still Focused on Immoral Climate Crusade. The UN’s International Mother Earth Day home page starts with the childish statement, “Mother Earth is clearly urging a call to action. Nature is suffering,” as if our planet were a conscious entity. This has been going on for years. Instead of concentrating on real world issues, Earth Day has focused on the nonsensical climate change crusade. Liberal elites continue to push this narrative no matter what else is happening in the world.


Dozens of US Cities Are Banning Natural Gas Hookups in New Buildings. A fight over legislation banning gas hookups in new buildings is exploding across the country. In 2019, Berkley, California, became the first city in the country to ban natural gas hookups in new building construction. Now, 42 cities in California have passed bans or severe restrictions. The California Energy Commission, which is updating the state’s building codes, could pass a statewide ban. Other cities, including Denver and Seattle, have passed similar laws.

Natural gas pipeline future in doubt after SCOTUS rejection. US Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a St. Louis-based natural gas company’s appeal of a lower court’s decision that could close a pipeline that runs through parts of Illinois and Missouri.

World’s Largest Carbon Removal Facility Designed to Fight Global Warming Suffers Major Setback After Arctic Blast Freezes Machinery.


Geoengineering the climate [mankind’s playing gods by trying to block the sun] would have massive repercussions for health of billions at risk of malaria who live in tropical countries, according to a new finding by scientists at Georgetown University Medical Center and colleagues.


‘The System Is Rigged’: Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach. With their long, sordid history, pharmaceutical companies incentivize doctors to prescribe their products through financial rewards. Thanks to their astronomical profit margins, the pharmaceuticals and health products industry is able to spend more on lobbying than any other industry in America.

A Noticeably Disoriented Biden Finishes Speech Calling Himself A ‘Full Professor at UPenn’ Then Slowly Turns to Shake Hands with An Invisible Person. Biden looked lost after finishing a speech on the ongoing supply chain crisis when he turned and stuck his hand out as if to shake hands – but there was no one else on stage. Then he was confused about how to leave the stage.

Five Witnesses Connected to Clinton Campaign’s False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate.


‘Woke’ Prosecutors & Judges Produced Nationwide Lawlessness by Showing There Are No Consequences for Crime. Detroit’s former Police Chief decried the substantial rise in crime nationwide, pointing the finger at woke prosecutors and judges who’ve shown bad guys that there are “no consequences” for committing crimes. Lack of accountability and “complicit” Democrat leadership is the root of the lawlessness problem.

Toronto turning into a s***hole city. On Easter weekend, a woman was pushed onto subway tracks, and a teen was forced out of her car at gunpoint in what had traditionally been a quiet Toronto neighborhood. There was also a $28.5-million bust of crystal meth and coke in a condo directly beside the Novotel hotel, where over 220 homeless men and women, many with drug addictions, are housed. The drug stash and the dealer arrested had no doubt used the Novotel – where residents can take their illegal drugs with impunity– as a cash cow. Never mind the other homeless hotels in downtown Toronto where illegal drugs are not only permitted but encouraged – or the plethora of safe injection sites around downtown where addicts are given clean needles to take their drugs, but “safely.”

Chicago Residents Fight to Reclaim Streets from Illicit Drug Dealings.

Flow of Fentanyl into American Communities Quadruples Under Biden. Four times as much fentanyl is flowing across the US-Mexico border under Biden compared to when Trump was in office.


Puzzling outbreak of liver disease in kids spreads to EU, US. Last week, British officials reported 74 cases of hepatitis in children since January. The usual viruses that cause infectious hepatitis weren’t seen in the cases, and scientists and doctors are considering other possible sources. Additional cases have been identified in Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands and Spain [no numbers given]. US officials have spotted nine cases in Alabama in children aged 1 to 6.

Data shows most COVID deaths occurred after the rollout of vaccines.

FDA Springs Into Action Over 100 Reports of ‘Lucky Charms’ Cereal Causing Illness, But What About the One Million Plus Reports of Adverse Vaccine Reactions? In what brand of math does 100 reports of adverse reactions to a breakfast cereal prompt swift action, but over a million reports of adverse reaction to a vaccine does not?

Biden planning Global COVID Summit to ‘vaccinate the world.’ Despite failure of COVID vaccines to stop infection and transmission of the virus amid alarming safety signals, Biden is calling on the world’s political and private sector leaders to meet for a second COVID “summit” (May 12) to “make new commitments and bring [so-called] solutions to vaccinate the world.”

In China: Shanghai residents forced into lockdown. (See Video)

Videos: Chinese officials violently beat, arrest residents for breaking lockdown rules.


Border Patrol Union: Abbott Should “Absolutely” Use Constitutional “Invasion” Powers on Border.

The National Border Patrol union (represents about 18,000 agents) said Texas Gov. Abbott should invoke his powers under the Constitution to call the border crisis an “invasion” and respond accordingly. “We’re at a breaking point. We’ve got miles upon miles of border that aren’t patrolled because we have to deal with, frankly, an invasion,” Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said.

26 state governors announce new ‘Border Strike Force.’ Republican Governors Doug Ducey, Greg Abbott and dozens more announced formation of American Governors’ Border Strike Force, a multi-state effort to combat influx of illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border caused by Biden’s “disastrous border policies.”


Food Processing Plants Burning Across US, Threatening Meat Supply. There has been an outbreak of fires in food processing facilities across the nation in the last six months as food prices soar and supply chains are stressed to their limits. At least 16 such disasters have taken place. While most incidents have shown no foul play after investigation, the trend presents a curious string of events across the country. What is going on?

Supply Chain Woes to Worsen in Summer Months, Large Trucking Company Warns. The US may experience much worse supply chain pains in the coming summer months due to massive lockdowns ongoing in China.

Food Production Is Going to Be Substantially Lower Than Anticipated All Over the Globe In 2022.

From Michael Savage: I don’t think people realize how severe this crisis will eventually become. Never before in modern history have we seen global food production hit by so many major problems all at once. It truly is a “perfect storm,” and hundreds of millions are going to deeply suffer as a result. Things may be somewhat bad now, but conditions will eventually get much worse as the months roll along.

Things Are Bad Now, But You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet. Things are bad now, but food prices will be much higher a year or two from now. The global fertilizer crisis isn’t going anywhere; if anything, it’s going to intensify. The same could be said about the Ukraine war. Peace talks are dead, so it looks like fighting between two of the most critical breadbaskets in the world will continue for months to come. Meanwhile, the bird flu pandemic continues to wipe out millions of chickens and turkeys all over the globe. We’ve never seen a “perfect storm” quite like this, but of course, some of the factors that will be driving up food prices are entirely self-inflicted.

For example, the Chinese government didn’t need to lock down nearly 400 million people in an attempt to prevent COVID’s spread. The past two years have provided ample evidence that such lockdowns are foolish, but the Chinese went ahead. As a result, hundreds of commercial ships are impatiently waiting off the coast of Shanghai. Those are giant cargo ships that bring stuff across the Pacific Ocean to us. If the Chinese don’t loosen up, many of our store shelves will become quite empty in the months ahead. And it isn’t just commercial ships sitting idle. Many of our major retailers couldn’t operate without goods they import from China.

Here in the US, food prices have been moving higher for months. All over the world, a great battle for food resources has begun. The Chinese saw this coming in advance, so they’ve been engaged in the largest stockpiling program any of us have ever seen. China is in Hoarding Mode, and It’s Pushing Grain Prices to Historic Highs. China made another large buy of US corn. Food security concerns are driving the country’s increased appetite for commodities.


Spring snowstorms caused power outages across states in northeastern US, with over a foot of snow falling in some places. As far south as Virginia, residents looking forward to spring instead were greeted by wintry blasts.

Say it ain’t snow! Yet another April blizzard aims for northern US Plains. Old Man Winter is about to strike again this weekend (April 24-25), unleashing what will be the third snowstorm in a little over a week across parts of Montana and the Dakotas. The storm could evolve into a full-blown blizzard with travel-snarling snow that could result in feet of accumulation.

‘Very chaotic situation’: Crews tackle growing wildfires. Destructive fires in the US Southwest have burned dozens of homes in Arizona and put numerous New Mexico villages in the path of danger, as wind-fueled flames chewed up wide swaths of tinder-dry forest and grassland and plumes of smoke filled the sky.

South Africa reels from ‘worst’ floods. South Africa is grappling with one of the biggest natural disasters in its history. Floods have killed over 400 people and destroyed thousands of homes.

Chile announces unprecedented plan to ration water as drought enters 13th year. Due to record-breaking drought, Chile will ration water for the capital of Santiago, a city of nearly 6 million.


5.7 Shallow Earthquake in Bosnia kills one, causes significant damage across several cities.


Death threat to Jews chanted openly at rallies across the UK. Crowds in anti-Israel protests in the UK have repeatedly chanted Arabic death threats to Jews. UK’s Jewish community leaders say police don’t wish to enforce the law even as protesters shout clear death threats at demonstrations against Israel across the UK.


ISIS calls for new ‘global offensive’ while the West is distracted by the Ukraine war.

Jerusalem: Public Buses Unrideable as Ramadan Riots Spill into Streets.


Critical Race Theory Makes Its Way into Mandatory Trainings at Top US Medical Schools. Almost all of the nation’s top 25 medical schools are incorporating ideas related to critical race theory into mandatory training programs for students and staff, warned a watchdog website documenting leftist indoctrination in K-12 and higher education.


Russia tests nuclear-capable ballistic missile that Putin says has no peer. Russia test-launched its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, a new addition to its nuclear arsenal which Putin said would give Russia’s enemies something to think about.

Russian TV Declares, “World War Three” Has Begun. Russian media reacted to the sinking of a flagship battlecruiser by proclaiming that World War three had begun.

Russian general reveals plan to invade Moldova next. In comments reported by the Russian state-run TASS news agency, Russian Maj. Gen. Minnekaev, Deputy Commander of the Central Military District, said the “second phase” of Russian military operations in Ukraine will focus on establishing a “land corridor” between Russia, the Russian-occupied territory of Crimea, and Transnistria, which is a pro-Russian breakaway region of neighboring Moldova.

Putin’s Islamic Orc Army in Full Display. Some want these people to conquer all of Europe. This is the true face of Eurasianism.

Ukraine War Is Depleting America’s Arsenal of Munitions. Western allies face a choice: Send more weapons to Ukraine or save their stockpiles for their own defense.

Gaza militants fire rockets toward Israel; Israel responds with strikes in biggest escalation since last 11-day war. Israeli jets targeted a military post and a tunnel complex “containing raw chemicals used for the manufacturing of rocket engines.”


Footage of ‘car-sized ball of lights’ shadowing US warship ‘kept secret by Pentagon.’ The bizarre sighting was captured by crew aboard the USS Kearsarge in October 2021, but it has allegedly since been marked as classified by officials.


We Have War, Pestilence, Famine, And Plague.

And wickedness is rampant. We know all this is prophesied to increase in intensity and frequently in these last days as we draw closer to the return of Christ. But those who are in Christ need not fear.

“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do” (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11).

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1).

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4).

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

How Can I Be Saved? The Simple Plan of Salvation. Click this link to see Geri Ungurean’s article on how to be saved.