Hate Speech” According to Jesus :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard


John 15:18-25, Matthew 24:9, Mark 13:13, Luke 21:17, 1 John 3:13, 2 Timothy 3:12

Summary: The Lord Jesus warned His Disciples that they would be hated, as He was, for telling people the truth about their sins, spiritual deadness, and the need for redemption found only in Him (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). This message is still hated by the world today. Some things never change.

I want to begin with defining a term that describes the attempts of Christians, no matter how well-meaning their intentions, who gullibly believe that they can make friends with a world system that hates them no matter what they do, say, or imitate. They will bend over backward trying to “fit in” with trends, causes, styles, and anything else in order to “be a good witness.” Some churches attempt to draw people in with gimmicks, music, and set-ups that resemble raucous concerts more than reverent times of fellowship (Hebrews 10:25). Desperate pastors and congregations will tend to do anything that gets the wicked world to look and say with a feigned admiration, “Hey, those Christians aren’t so bad after all. They’re cool like us.”

After forty years of service to the Lord Jesus Christ and witnessing all of these schemes grow, develop, and inevitably fail, allow me to give you a word of advice. Please drop the facade. This is nothing more than a “dysfunctional relationship” on your part and totally opposed to what the Lord Jesus teaches about the world system and its attitudes towards the things of God. It is nothing more than a one-sided attempt that never works as it pertains to the message of Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2).

The word “dysfunctional” is defined as” anything characterized by abnormal, unhealthy interpersonal behavior or interaction” (Merriam-Webster Online). The modern church as it grows more apostate with every passing day (Matthew 24:10: Luke 11:26, 14:30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 Timothy 1:19, 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:4; Hebrews 3:12; 2 Peter 3:17), fits that definition perfectly as it tears itself apart from the standards and foundation of the Scriptures and the clear teaching that true followers of Jesus Christ are to abstain from worldly, sinful practices and to avoid mixing the truth of the Gospel with the world’s false beliefs and demands.

Too many “believers” are being scared and intimidated of being labeled as partakers in “hate speech” for speaking out about the sins of the world and the need to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. Churches that take a biblical stand against the moral free-fall obviously occurring in these last days are placed on “hate lists” by legal and government organizations that are bent on silencing God’s Word. “Big Tech” takes delight in censorship and removal of posts and videos that dare to speak out against evil and its brood. Yet, some folks under the banner of “Christianity” still want to persist in chasing after the approval of activists whose lifestyles and words clearly clash with the teachings of the Lord Jesus, hoping that if we cater to their demands, all will be well.

What does the Lord Jesus have to say about all of this nonsense?

You might not like what He has to say, but since He IS the head of the church (Ephesians 1:22, 4:15; Colossians 1:18), the King of Kings, Great Savior, and the Holy Lord God Almighty who is forever holy, just, righteous, compassionate, yet unchanging (Malachi 3:6) in His standards, decrees, and expectations, it would be a good idea to listen, as it determines our relationship with Him as well as our eternal destiny:

1) The world HATES Jesus Christ as depicted in the Scriptures. He is God in the flesh (John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:16-18; 1 John 1:1-4), Lord and Savior (Romans 5:6-11,10:9-10), and the ONLY means by which we have access to God the Father and the eternal home that awaits us (John 14:1-6). Any other “Jesus” that the world makes up or redefines in order to appease their sinful nature is false and blasphemous, and the remnant body of believers needs to be courageous enough (Joshua 1:6; John 19:10-11; Acts 4:20, 7:51) to stand and say so.

2) The world HATES the Gospel message (Mark 1:14-15; John 3:16; Acts 4:12). Humanity HATES the idea that we are sinners (Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-18) and that we cannot make ourselves right before God in our own power or ability (Ephesians 2:8-10). The world HATES the very idea of humbling themselves before God, yet all will bow to Him (Philippians 2:8-9) either as Savior or Judge one day.

3) The world HATES us who are authentic, uncompromising followers of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:18-20), and we should not be surprised by this, especially as we proclaim His message without fear or intimidation (Acts 2:14-39, 4:18-20). If anyone is pushing the narrative of “hate speech,” it is the very world system that does it and acts the hypocrite by placing the label on us (Proverbs 12:15, 16:2, 21:2, 30:12).

4) Any attempt to appease and live in the world as a believer is in itself contradictory and destroys our testimony

(Matthew 13:22), presents a bad example (Matthew 23:2-3), plants in the minds of the unsaved that nothing is going to happen to them (Matthew 24:38-39; Luke 12:13-21; Hebrews 9:27), and thwarts the objective of keeping our focus upon the work Jesus expects from us and the promise of the world to come (1 Corinthians 3:14,15:58; Romans 12:2; Hebrews 6:10; James 4:4, 13-14; 2 Peter 3:1-13; 1 John 2:15-17; Revelation 21:1-7).

5) Finally, if you claim to be a follower of Jesus yet live a worldly life that is devoid of any real evidence, and you live and act like everyone else, then, according to the Word of God, your “faith” is false, your “conversion” is false, and you will be judged and condemned by the Lord Jesus Christ for your phoniness and immoral, hypocritical life (Matthew 7:21-23; 2 Timothy 4:10; Hebrews 6:4-6; Revelation 20:11-15). You HATE Jesus and HIS words, even though you profess Him with your mouth. You are guilty of “hate speech” and no better than Judas. I pray that this will wake you up and get you on your knees before God in repentance and that you truly become one of His as the days get nearer for His return.

6) If you are tired and fed up with the messages of hate, vileness, wickedness, malevolence, and downright evil that marks the character of this world and its debauchery, and you want real peace and truth, then I invite you to come to Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30; John 10:28-30), repent of your sins, and ask Him to save you this day (Romans 10:9-10). The world will end up hating you and worse. Be of good cheer, however, for as the Lord Jesus told His disciples and the generations to come who would follow Him, He has overcome the world, defeated death, hell and the grave, and is coming back to make all things new.

Look up, be watchful, for our redemption draws near (Luke 21:28).


Donald was born and reared in the authentic “Cajun Country” of southern Louisiana. He is a graduate of Louisiana College (B.A. in History Education/ Biblical Studies, 1984), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. In Christian Education, 1994), and Andersonville Baptist Seminary (Doctor of Ministry, Biblical Exposition, 2000). He has been in the Gospel ministry since 1986, serving as an evangelist, interim and supply pastor, hospital and rescue mission chaplain, high school and college teacher, and pastor in churches in Louisiana and Oklahoma.

In 2018 he began to devote his time to the rich field of internet and social media evangelism and outreach. In 2021 he became a member of the Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, using his skills as a writer to contribute articles and sermons to websites such as Rapture Ready, Sermon Central, and Inspirational Christian Blogs. He also writes Bible studies and curricula for churches in southeast and central Asia and Africa, the locations of which are anonymous. He can be contacted at: donaldwhitchard@gmail.com for inquiries, information, and speaking/preaching engagements. A copy of his resume is also available upon request.