13 Dec 2023

Speaker Johnson Refuses to Budge on Border Security after Meeting with Ukraine’s Zelensky
After meeting with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson doubled down on his commitment to securing America’s borders. Johnson has asserted that he will not negotiate on aid for Ukraine until the federal government produces a border security plan.

Oh Look, It’s A Satanic Goat Skull And Pentagram In The Iowa State Capitol
Residents of Iowa have expressed disbelief after the Governor allowed a Satantic Christmas display featuring a Baphomet skull and blood red pentagram to be placed inside the State Capitol.

Democrats Combine All Their Gun Control Plans Into One Comprehensive Bill
Democrats have reintroduced previously failed proposals representing an exhaustive list of almost all of the gun control bills they have been pushing. The bills would nullify current laws and establish stricter gun regulations. “Senator Warren’s bill is a laundry list of unconstitutional liberal gun control fantasies

Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Demanding Harvard, MIT Presidents Resign
The resolution, … is authored by House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; the three other lead sponsors are Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., and two Jewish American Democrats, Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey and Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida.

The World, And Much Of The Church, Are Leading Followers Of Jesus To The Slaughter
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their desires and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.”

Joe Biden: ‘Without Israel, Jews wouldn’t be safe anywhere’
“We continue to provide military assistance until they get rid of Hamas, but we have to be careful.” The whole world, public opinion can shift overnight. We can’t let that happen.”

IAF destroys Jabalia launch site firing rockets at Sderot
The Israeli Air Force overnight Monday destroyed a launch site in Jabalia from which rockets were being fired toward the western Negev city of Sderot, one of several launch sites attacked over the past 24 hours across the Gaza Strip. they located 250 rockets, shells and rocket-propelled grenades, as well as other weapons and military equipment.

Why the images of Hamas prisoners sparked outrage
The murder and rape of Israelis on Oct. 7 led to a spike in antisemitism, not anger against Hamas. And yet, the world can’t tolerate photos of defeated Palestinian terrorists. the pictures that really upset him (and, apparently, others throughout the world) were those depicting Palestinians who had surrendered to the Israel Defense Forces.

IDF recovers bodies of two hostages from Gaza
After an identification procedure carried out by medical officials and military rabbis together with the Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Israel Police, today (Tuesday) IDF and Israel Police representatives informed the families of Eden Zakaria and (SGM) Ziv Dado, who were taken hostage by the Hamas terrorist organization on October 7th, that their bodies had been recovered and returned to Israel.

IDF destroys explosives lab, defeats terrorist squad in Jenin
On Tuesday morning, an IAF strike eliminated a terror squad in Jenin after the terrorists threw explosives and fired at IDF troops on the ground. The IDF 636 unit spotted the terrorists as they launched an attack which was then thwarted by a strike from an IAF aircraft.

IDF has begun pumping seawater into Hamas tunnels in Gaza
IDF Chief Herzi Halevi, in a statement last week, hinted at the effectiveness of this method, describing the flooding of the tunnels as “a good idea,” although he refrained from discussing the operation’s specifics. Both the military and the Prime Minister’s Office has maintained a policy of not publicly disclosing details about their efforts to dismantle the tunnel infrastructure.

550+ rabbis confirm: Jews don’t want ceasefire
More than 550 rabbis—all named—have responded with their own letter. “There is not broad support within the Jewish community for a ceasefire. Not now,” the second group wrote. “More than 20% of the above-mentioned letter signatories signed anonymously. Beyond demonstrating a lack of courage, it is hard to substantiate and verify an ‘anonymous’ petition,” they wrote. “Further, the majority of pro-Israel Americans, especially clergy of all denominations, believe that a ceasefire before the eradication of Hamas leadership and a return of all hostages is a grave danger to global security.”

Netanyahu: We are preparing for the possibility of war with the Palestinian Authority
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that Israel is preparing for the possibility of war with the Palestinian Authority forces, against the background of discussions about concessions for the Palestinians and the issue of allowing Palestinian workers into Israel.

Israel rejects allegations of unlawful use of white phosphorus shells against Lebanon
The Israel Defense Forces officially rejected allegations made in a Washington Post report on Monday, claiming that the Israeli army unlawfully used U.S.-made white phosphorus shells. “The IDF uses only legal weapons. The main smoke shells used by the IDF do not contain white phosphorus. Similar to many Western armies, the IDF also has smoke shells that contain white phosphorus, which are legal under international law,” the IDF stated.

Iranian-backed Houthi terror militia strikes Norwegian-owned vessel on the Red Sea
The Houthis, an Iranian-backed Yemenite terror militia, struck the Norwegian vessel STRINDA with an anti-ship cruise missile in the Bab-el-Mandeb strait in the Red Sea, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) reported on Monday. “The [motor tanker] STRINDA reported damage causing a fire on-board, but no casualties at this time,” the Norwegian vessel was in international waters

Israel must respond to increased attacks by Hezbollah, War Cabinet Minister Gantz tells Blinken
Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz reportedly informed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday that Israel had no alternative but to respond forcefully to the increase in Hezbollah attacks on Israel’s northernmost border. The Iranian-backed terror proxy Hezbollah recently stepped up its attacks on northern Israeli border communities, which has led to Israel responding by targeting various positions of Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon.

Texas mother leaves state to abort disabled baby after Texas Supreme Court blocked abortion
‘Very sick or disabled unborn babies don’t deserve the abortionists lethal needle or forceps – they deserve medical care, & in the cases needed, neonatal palliative care,’ Lila Rose said.

Severe floods hit Bolivia, leaving at least 8 people dead 
Heavy rainfall and thunderstorms since December 10, 2023, have led to floods and river overflows in Bolivia, particularly in the Potosi and La Paz Departments, causing fatalities, missing persons, and widespread damage.

Somalia flood crisis update: 118 dead, 2.48 million affected, receding waters amid ongoing humanitarian efforts 
Somalia’s severe flooding crisis sees a slight improvement as waters start to recede in some regions, but the humanitarian impact remains critical, with 118 deaths, 2.48 million affected, and 899 000 displaced as of December 12, 2023.

Looming Digital Gulag: European Union’s Terrifying Digital ID Plan Exposed
“This is exactly the dystopia that George Orwell described in his novel 1984, which we are moving into today.” – Dominik Kettner

Hate And Hostility: ‘Saturday People Are The First Targets… The Sunday People Are Next’ 
Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to spike. Spiritual warfare has manifested as forces of darkness have been working overtime.

Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide
It’s finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses

More Americans Preparing For Doomsday
Apparently both the left and the right are preparing for “doomsday,” whether that is societal collapse, civil war, and EMP, Armageddon, or just any event that would require self-reliance rather than dependence on government entities.

Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Demanding Harvard, MIT Presidents Resign
“There is a reason why the testimony at the Education and Workforce Committee garnered 1 billion views worldwide…”

Microsoft Inked Deals With Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Outlets, Documents Show
Microsoft helped Chinese state-run media outlets disseminate propaganda as part of previously unreported partnership agreements, documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.

BREAKING: Mobs of Chinese Men Invade California
Mobs of illegal aliens consisting primarily of Chinese males swarmed the California border today, according to reports.

Kids Developed Headaches, Stomach Pain, Sleeping Issues While at Vacation Home Near Multiple 5G Antennas
Three children and their parents rapidly came down with multiple health problems — including sleep difficulties, headaches, stomach pain and skin rashes — when they stayed at a summer home 125 meters away from a cell tower with multiple 5G antennas, according to a new peer-reviewed case study.

First It Was Wheat, Then Rice, Now Onions Are on India’s Restricted List 
India added onions to the nation’s expanding list of food staples slapped with sweeping export restrictions, as the government seeks to contain domestic prices ahead of a national election next year.

China Leads ‘New Axis’ in Harvesting DNA From Pregnant Women, Fetuses: British MP
Communist China is gaining a significant strategic advantage through its application of artificial intelligence (AI) to DNA editing technologies, according to one British lawmaker.

35-Year-Old Firefighter Injured by COVID Vaccine and Forced to Retire Sues New York City for Disability Benefits
A New York City firefighter diagnosed with permanent heart damage after he received the COVID-19 vaccine is suing the City of New York and its Fire Pension Fund.

Are Hordes Of Military-Age Chinese Men Being Brought Into The United States In An Attempt To Destabilize Our Society?
Over the past couple of years, vast numbers of illegal immigrants from China have been pouring over our southern border.  Most of them are military-age men.  So why has there been such a dramatic spike?  Is some sort of a coordinated effort going on that we don’t know about?

Scotland’s wind turbines secretly use generators powered by “fossil fuels” 
In February, Scotland’s power sector was criticised after it was revealed that dozens of giant turbines have been using diesel generators. The information came from a whistle-blower who said the “environmentally friendly” windmills were only turning thanks to hydrocarbon fuels, commonly referred to as fossil fuels.

National Citizens Inquiry releases historic report on investigation into Canadian government’s response to covid
At the end of November, the National Citizens Inquiry (“NCI”) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to covid-19. Despite the climate of fear created by the Canadian government, 305 witnesses have testified to create the largest and most robust record of the covid experience in the world.