14 Dec 2023

Divine Retribution? Turkish lawmaker threatens Israel, immediately has heart attack
Hasan Bitmez, a 53-year-old parliamentarian representing the Islamist Saadet (Felicity) Party, delivered an address at the General Assembly of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday accusing Israel of ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Palestinians. He concluded by threatening Israel. “We can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history… Israel will not escape the wrath of Allah,” he said about Israel’s war against Hamas. “You will not escape the wrath of Allah,” Bitmez said, … He then collapsed at the podium.

The Call of the Hour – Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley
The current war proves that Israel cannot allow terrorist organizations, or countries that house them, to have sovereignty over its borders. A plethora of potential military responses are constantly being considered both confidentially and publically in the media and in broader platforms.

Be Fruitful And Multiply?: Climate Activists Depict Having Children As Unethical
I wrote about an interview with a paleoanthropologist who referred to humans as a “very particular type of ape” and called us an “invasive species.” In that article, I noted that this view of mankind has consequences. And one of those consequences is the “anti-natalist” movement we see becoming increasingly popular in the West as people are urged not to have children for the sake of the planet

Israeli ambassador says two-state solution is dead in fiery interview
The Israeli ambassador to the UK has said that the idea of a two-state solution is no longer plausible after the October 7 attacks by Hamas. “It’s about time for the world to realise that the Oslo paradigm failed on October 7. “On October 7, Israelis were traumatised by the worst massacre since the Holocaust.”

Israel launches drone strike on terrorists in Jenin
An Israeli drone late on Wednesday attacked a group of terrorists who were planting explosives and endangering IDF forces in the West Bank city of Jenin during arrest operations. Palestinians report several terrorists killed and wounded.

No deal, no cash, no ceasefire – analysis
What is US policy on Iran now that everything fell apart, and how does this impact Israel?

Israel close to ‘diplomatic solution’ to move Hezbollah away from border – report
Israel is close to reaching a “diplomatic solution” to move terror organization Hezbollah away from the northern border with Lebanon, KAN News reported Wednesday morning. Along with Israel’s main goal of moving Hezbollah forces north of the Litani River and away from Israeli civilians, discussions with European partners included the potential strengthening of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL), situated in the country’s south.

Aircraft strikes terrorist squad in Jenin for the second time in one day
Palestinian Arab sources reported on Wednesday night that an aircraft attacked a terrorist squad that threw explosives during arrest activities of Israeli security forces in the area of the city of Jenin. The Red Crescent claimed that three terrorists were eliminated and two were critically injured.

Hunter Biden defies congressional subpoena
Hunter Biden defied a congressional subpoena Wednesday by refusing to appear for a deposition with the House Oversight Committee, the latest development in the impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., threatened a contempt of Congress charge last week if Hunter Biden refused the deposition. In a statement Wednesday, Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said they will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.

An Omen of Victory? Bar Kochba Swords Listed as National Geographic’s #1 Archaeological find
Roman Iron Swords, hidden by Bar Kiochba rebels 1,900 years ago, were recognized by National Georaphic as the top archaeological find for 2023. Some see the announcement as an omen, foretelling the victory of Israel in Operation Iron Sword; the war against Hamas. At the top of the list of seven archaeological finds was the discovery of four remarkably well-preserved Roman swords …

When ‘Harvard of the South’ was an aspiration
When I attended Emory University in the 1980s, students expressed pride in Emory being the “Harvard of the South.” Then, albeit acknowledging Emory’s second-class status to Harvard’s longer history and being ranked one of the best universities in the U.S., if not the world, it was an aspiration. Today, association with Harvard is vile, corrupt and morally repugnant. For an institution whose logo bears the Latin word for “Truth” (Veritas), Harvard has become a den of evil,

‘We are continuing until victory,’ Netanyahu vows day after 9 IDF soldiers killed in single battle
“Yesterday we had a very difficult day, and every day we have precious boys dying,” Netanyahu said during a visit to an IDF base. “They are actual heroes of Israel. My heart and our hearts go out to both the fallen and the families. We know their lives have changed. And yet, I want to say most clearly what I just said to a commander in the field: We are continuing to the end.”

Homefront Command commander: ‘The situation in the north is worse than in the south’
Milo told the residents that Israel has already set a target date for a war with Hezbollah and admitted that the situation in the north is worse than that in the Gaza envelope, as far as the danger of threats and the treatment of the threat in the north.

Doctors tell hospital administration they won’t treat terrorists
After a Hamas terrorist was taken to Hasharon Hospital in Petah Tikva for treatment, group of doctors say this is the 1st and last time. “While our children and loved ones are risking their lives for the defense of the country and our security, we cannot give treatment to those vile murderers whose sole purpose is to murder us.”

Govt. Spokesman Eylon Levy: World wants us to give Hamas the fuel used to burn Israelis
He said that it was during this visit that he realized that Hamas had used cans of fuel brought in from Gaza to burn many of its victims, some the bodies of victims who had already been killed, others who were burned alive. “The world presses Israel to let fuel into Gaza, and they took fuel from Gaza into the kibbutzim on October 7 in order to burn people alive,” he said.

‘Biocomputer’ combines lab-grown brain tissue with electronic hardware
Researchers have built a hybrid biocomputer — combining a laboratory-grown human brain tissue with conventional electronic circuits — that can complete tasks such as voice recognition.The technology, described on 11 December in Nature Electronics1, could one day be integrated into artificial-intelligence (AI) systems, or form the basis of improved models of the brain in neuroscience research. The researchers call the system Brainoware.

UN votes against Israel | Erdan: If you want a real ceasefire in Gaza, call Sinwar
The Ambassador presented a poster with the phone number for the Hamas office in Gaza and said, “…I have an idea: if you want a real ceasefire, here is the right address. This is the phone number of Hamas’ office in Gaza. You can all call +970-599-373765 and ask for Yahya Sinwar. Tell Hamas to put down their arms, turn themselves in, and return our hostages. This will bring a complete ceasefire that will last forever! So, why are you not doing this? Why are you not holding Hamas accountable?”

Tropical Cyclone “Jasper” makes landfall over the Far North Queensland coast, Australia
Category 2 Tropical Cyclone “Jasper” made landfall over the Far North Queensland coast, Australia at around 07:00 UTC on December 13, 2023, with sustained winds near the center of 100 km/h (62 mph) and gusts to 140 km/h (85 mph).

Nashville tornado unleashed fireball that appeared to disrupt storm
At least six people died and 23 were injured by multiple devastating tornadoes that rolled through the Tennessee Valley on Saturday. One of them, an EF2 twister (on the 0-to-5 scale for intensity) with 130 mph winds, carved a nearly 30-mile path through the heart of Hendersonville, just north of downtown Nashville.

Dengue cases break records in Americas amid warmer temperatures
Dengue is sweeping across the Western Hemisphere in numbers not seen since record-keeping began more than four decades ago, with experts warning that rising temperatures and rapid urbanization are accelerating the pace of infections.

Guess What Happened Immediately After A Member Of The Turkish Parliament Declared That Israel Will Suffer The “Wrath Of Allah”?

Very strange things continue to happen in the Middle East. Earlier today, a member of the Turkish Parliament named Hasan Bitmez delivered a passionate speech about the war in Gaza. As he concluded his speech, he boldly declared that Israel would experience the “wrath of Allah”. Moments after ending the speech, he literally collapsed on the stage and other members of the Turkish Parliament rushed to his aid…

Dog Respiratory Illness Maps Show Its Spread to 16 States
Dogs are falling sick with a mystery illness across the United States, with cases being recorded in at least 16 states, according to the latest figures from Louisiana State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

COVID-19 hospitalizations up 30% as docs urge patients to seek new vaccine
In the rush of holiday activities, you may have forgotten about COVID-19 — but it hasn’t forgotten about us. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that as of November 25, there were almost 20,000 weekly hospitalizations due to the coronavirus, a jump of nearly 30% in just four weeks.

In 2025, The U.S. Will Finally Begin Preparing To Fight A Nuclear War With Russia
Will the upgrades that are coming to our strategic nuclear arsenal be ready in time?  Right now, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that first went into service in the 1970s form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal.

Tech Bros Fight Back Against Democrat Socialist Who Blames “Capitalism” For Poop-Covered San Fran Streets 
“You understand why I donated $50K this year just to get this guy out of office, right?”

Scientists Now Say ‘Breathing’ Harms The Environment?
A new study led by Dr. Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh, claims gases exhaled by humans when breathing contribute to global warming. Sadly, this isn’t a parody.

U.S Signs United Nations Climate Deal Agreeing to ‘Transition Away from Fossil Fuels’
The United States has joined other countries in signing the United Nations (UN) climate deal to confirm a commitment to “transitioning away from fossil fuels.” Led by Democrat President Joe Biden’s unregulated “Climate Czar” John Kerry, the U.S. signed the pledge at the end of the UN’s COP28 climate summit, according to The New York Times.

Let The Games Begin: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Authorized By House
“The impeachment inquiry is necessary now…”

COVID Nurse Exposes Deadly Hospital Protocols
The Children’s Health Defense interviewed, Gail McCrae who was a nurse during the COVID times and worked in the Bay area of California, which was notoriously one of the most strictly compliant populations in the United States. As Gail says, “We were compliant, not just with the lockdowns and the masking, but also the Covid injections.”

CCP Behind Plans To Make Americans Addicted to Drugs, Former DEA Boss Warns.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is orchestrating a “strategic plan” to exacerbate America’s fentanyl crisis impacting millions of Americans across the country to supplant the United States as the world’s leading power, former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) director of special operations Derek Maltz Sr has suggested.

Pfizer Facing Lawsuits Over Failure to Disclose DNA Sequence In Its COVID-19 Vaccines
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is facing the threat of multiple major lawsuits after it failed to disclose information about a DNA sequence used in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to regulators.

Nativity Scene moved in Toledo after complaint, letter from Freedom From Religion Foundation
A Nativity Scene that has been displayed in front of the fire department in Toledo, Iowa for the last 15 years has been moved after the city received an official complaint from a non-resident and received a letter from the Freedom From Religion claiming the Nativity Scene should be removed out of respect for the First Amendment.

Steve Kirsch: New Zealand Whistleblower’s Data Conclusive, 1 Death per Thousand Covid Shots
Steve Kirsch has analysed the data obtained from Barry Young, the New Zealand vaccine data whistleblower who was recently arrested under mass ‘breach of privacy’ legislation and faces up to seven years in prison.