17 Dec 2023

The Fig Tree Is Alive: Are We Among The Generation That ‘Shall Not Pass Away’?
So, Jesus taught his Jewish disciples … Jerusalem was never the capital of any other nation but Israel. So, here you have the Jewish Messiah speaking to His Jewish disciples in the Jewish capital of the Jewish people. “when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know…” It’s not “you think” and it’s not “you guess.” It’s “you know that summer is near.

UK ‘Experts’ Say We Shouldn’t Breathe Anymore Because We’re Warming the Planet
The report, released by an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh named Dr. Nicholas Cowan, says “small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)” released by humans “both contribute to global warming.”

Saudi Arabia arrests 18,428 illegals in a week
Around 18,428 violators of residency, labor laws and border security regulations were arrested in various regions of the Kingdom within a week. The arrests included 11,664 violators of the residency system, 4,301 violators of the border security rules, and 2,463 violators of the labor laws. 36% were Yemenis, 62% Ethiopians, and 2% of other nationalities,

Pentagon To Launch ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’ To Reopen Red Sea Passage
There is still a lot of speculation but progress seems likely on reopening the Red Sea to shipping. The Drive is reporting that next week, on his trip to the Middle East, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is expected to reveal a ship protection initiative to protect ships from Houthi attacks, as disclosed by a U.S. military spokesperson to The War Zone. This announcement coincides with today’s news that the U.S. Navy intercepted 14 drones dispatched by the Houthis from Yemen in the early hours of Saturday.

Siberian Freeze Brings Power Outages and Death
“Towns and villages across Siberia have been hit by a succession of power outages as freezing temperatures grip much of the region, Russian media outlets reported Monday [December 11],” reports the Moscow Times. “Temperatures over the weekend fell to as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius

“AI, risk to finance”… First warning from US regulators
U.S. financial regulators have warned for the first time that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) could pose risks to the financial system. Specifically, FSOC believes that AI may pose certain risks, including cybersecurity, compliance, and privacy issues.

Korea-U.S. joint nuclear operations training starting next year… Hotline between leaders in case of nuclear crisis
By June of next year, South Korea and the United States will release nuclear strategic planning and operation guidelines containing comprehensive guidelines for joint response in the event of a North Korean nuclear attack.

Seizing Private Land Is Next Step in Fight Against Climate Change
Analysts speculate that in order to meet net-zero goals and build out a renewable energy infrastructure, enormous swaths of land will have to be converted for industrial use. “With current siting practices, an area the size of Texas is required to accommodate the wind and solar infrastructure we need to reach nationwide net-zero emissions by 2050,” said Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a renewable energy advocate.

US Unveils Additional Sanctions Targeting Hamas Officials and Financiers
The United States and the United Kingdom jointly announced a new round of sanctions against eight individuals associated with or directly involved in Hamas’ operations. the individuals in this round of sanctions have acted as liaisons for Hamas’ diplomatic and financial dealings with foreign entities. The sanctioned individuals,

The leaders of Italy, the UK and Albania meet in Rome to hold talks on migration
Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who held talks in Rome, were also joined by Albanian counterpart Edi Rama, who is seen as a key ally in the efforts to manage migrant arrivals from North Africa to European shores. Meloni’s office said in a statement after the meeting that the talks with Sunak “focused primarily on the joint work in the field of migration within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in London” in April.

Eat Ze Bugs Alert – Over 100 products children eat contain insects. They have code names in the ingredients listing.
They are feeding your children insects without telling you. If you are feeding your kids anything conventional, there are two ingredients to look out for. E120 and E904 are additives found in many food products which are obtained from the insects. There are currently more than 100 products containing these additives. Most of them are products intended for children.

Moscow faces strongest snowfall in 150 years
Cyclone Vanya has paralysed Moscow on December 15. The height of snowdrifts in Moscow set a record in almost 150 years, meteorologists said.

Cold wave freezes most of China, shutting highways, roads
President Xi Jinping called for “all-out” emergency response efforts as a cold wave extended its grip over China on Friday, with temperatures falling below freezing across most of the country and snowfall affecting transport in many places.

Florida braces for possible tropical-storm-like conditions this weekend
Florida is experiencing the onslaught of heavy rain and gusty winds that will resemble conditions produced during a tropical storm. The FOX Forecast Center said an area of low pressure is deepening and will move across the state, setting the stage for severe weather and tornadoes in the southern half of the Peninsula.

Powerful pre-holiday storm to pound 20 states, slow early Christmas travel
Flood and high wind alerts have been issued for certain parts of the East Coast.  The FOX Forecast Center is tracking a powerful pre-holiday storm affecting millions in at least 20 states. The storm is expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds and will continue to impact the region through early next week.

Fury over secondary school teaching material which asks pupils if it’s ‘fair’ for Hamas to attack Israel and says terror group killed ‘some people’: Government launches probe
A school is being investigated after its teaching material asked pupils if Hamas’ terror attack on Israel was ‘fair’.  Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said she was left horrified to see educational material attempt to ‘justify’ the murderous attacks on October 7 which left more than 1,400 dead and hundreds kidnapped.

The Fig Tree Is Alive: Are We Among The Generation That ‘Shall Not Pass Away’?
…So, Jesus reminds the disciples, “Look, the fig tree, remember the fig tree (of Matthew 21:18-20)? That fig tree that died, it’s going to come back to life.” Then He said, “the generation that will see the ‘rebirth’ of that tree, that generation shall not pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:32-35). What things? His coming back.

Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’
A pro-vaccine doctor who administered thousands of shots has decided to blow the whistle and alert the public about a “major cover up” of “devastating side effects” including cancer and cardiac arrest caused by the Covid mRNA injections.

China is harvesting organs from detainees, tribunal concludes
An independent tribunal sitting in London has concluded that the killing of detainees in China for organ transplants is continuing, and victims include imprisoned followers of the Falun Gong movement.

Breaking: Islamic Attack by Muslim Youth Foiled in Canada, Media Once Again Tries To Whitewash Islam
Following the arrest, a disturbing pattern emerges, one that the media seems determined to obscure: the undeniable link between Islam and acts of terror.

SCOTUS to Hear Doctors’ Challenge of Mail-Order Abortion Pills
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, petitions in the landmark case in which a group of doctors are challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of mail-order abortion pills.

Wallingford-Swarthmore School District ‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses and Restricts Employees’ from Wearing Christmas Attire
In a recent memo addressed to all drivers and aides, Wallingford-Swarthmore School District in Pennsylvania outlined new guidelines regarding holiday decorations and attire.

The Death Protocol: Whistleblower Nurse Says “One Medical Blunder Cost Thousands of Lives.”
…The NG163 ‘end of life’ protocol from NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence had been issued to doctors and nurses across the UK on April 3, 2020 and remained in place until March 21, 2021. According to Roberts and other healthcare campaigners, NG163 essentially told medics to prescribe a deadly cocktail of powerful drugs to people in hospital and elsewhere who had been diagnosed with an “advanced case of Covid-19.”

The Richest are Leaving the Country
The richest people in Britain are leaving. Over half a million wealthy taxpayers left Britain last year and were replaced by over a million immigrants looking for free money and free housing.  The end result was a net increase in population of over 700,000.

Doctor Exposes the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVID 
…“And so, my advice to you: don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.” Instead of seeking help from the hospital, Dr. Marik recommended eating right, sleeping right, getting enough sunshine, lowering stress, and taking care of your lifestyle because, again, “The medical system will kill you.”

Pfizer’s Dirty Little Secret: Graphene Oxide is in COVID Vaccines and has Fatal Shedding Effects
…confidential Pfizer documents, that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of for 75 years, but were subsequently forced to publish by order of the US Federal Court; and various scientific studies have confirmed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine does in fact contain a highly toxic substance known as Graphene Oxide. A substance that is so toxic that it has and still is destroying red blood cells and forming strange blood clots.