22 June 2024

Beijing-Hosted Ukraine Peace Conference? Why Not…
China shunned the Switzerland-hosted peace talks attended by some 90 countries and which happened last week, however, the government of Xi Jinping has urgently called for an international peace summit hosted by Beijing.

California Legalized Drugs; Cartels Took It Over…
Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County.

Israeli forces step up bombardment across Gaza, amid fierce fighting
Israeli forces pounded Rafah and other areas across the Gaza Strip and engaged in close-quarter combat with fighters led by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, residents and Israel’s military said. Residents said the Israelis appeared to by trying to complete their capture of Rafah, the city on the enclave’s southern edge that has been the focus of an Israeli assault since early May.

Nowhere In The Bible Does It Say God Will Establish A ‘Fake Israel’ In Her Ancestral Land
I received another email recently from someone claiming that current Israel is not biblical Israel. The writer further stated that the people we call the Jews today are not Jews at all. The typical rant ensued about the wickedness of modern Israel, Zionism, the Mossad, and the Ashkenazi Jews who control the world. Normally embedded in the rant is some expletive about Israel controlling America.

Massachusetts Unanimously Passes Bill That Would Legalize Sale Of Babies By Pregnant Mothers
It’s impossible to stress enough how much the abandoning of biblical authority—and thus the absolute morality of the Christian worldview—has impacted our society, hurting the most vulnerable (women and children). And a new bill that unanimously (keep that in mind—unanimously) passed the Massachusetts house just highlights another layer of the brokenness that comes from leaving behind God’s design for marriage, gender, and sexuality.

Weary Lebanese brace for war after new Hezbollah threats
The warning by Nasrallah, who also threatened Israel with widespread precision strikes, left many Lebanese resigned to preparing for a possible escalation. “Of course we don’t want to go into a war with them but if that’s in solidarity with the people in Gaza, then so be it,”

Leaked recording reveals Smotrich has plans for West Bank
In a speech in the West Bank, Finance Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich details his plan to remove control from the Defense Ministry “so that they won’t say we’re annexing” and claims Netanyahu supports it

‘Raise Your Hand if You’re a Zionist’: NYPD Releases Photo of Suspect Wanted in Antisemitic Incident
Police in New York City are looking for a suspect who yelled “raise your hand if you’re a Zionist” on a crowded subway train last week after an antisemitic demonstration in front of an exhibition in downtown Manhattan commemorating victims of the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks.

Greek mythology in the real world: Legendary Minotaur Labyrinth possibly found in Crete
A 4,000-year-old circular structure resembling Minoan tomb architecture was unearthed near Kastelli, Crete, suggesting it could be the legendary labyrinth of King Minos. Atop a hill near the town of Kastelli – and approximately 51 kilometers southeast of Heraklion, Crete’s capital city – the ancient structure features a unique architectural design, commonly attributed to the Minoan civilization, and is believed to have been constructed around 2000-1700 B.C.

Reports in Syria: Air strike and explosions near the border with Iraq
Arab-language media on Friday evening reported an air strike in Al Bukamal in Syria, located near the border with Iraq. Explosions were heard in the area following the strike. Al-Arabiya TV reported that the strike targeted what was described as “military headquarters”. Other reports said a weapons truck was attacked as well.

96-year-old former Lehi fighter promoted to Command Sergeant Major by IDF
Ezra Yakhin, who fought in the Lehi paramilitary organization before the founding of the State of Israel, was promoted by the IDF at the age of 96. Yakhin, engaged in reserve duty with the IDF Rabbinate, was promoted to Command Sergeant Major in a special ceremony.

Armenia recognizes Palestinian state, Israel furious
Armenia on Friday recognized the “State of Palestine,” citing the need to forge “peace and stability in the Middle East [and] the establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.”

A Palestinian State Will Lead to War with USA
The push for a Palestinian state is perceived by experts as a move that could pose an existential threat to Israel, directly contradicting the 2022 joint declaration. Irwin J. Mansdorf, a senior fellow and analyst in political psychology at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, warns in an oped in the Jerusalem Post that this development “not only contradicts the commitment outlined in the joint declaration but also constitutes a significant threat to the US itself.”

Iran set to increase uranium enrichment in preparation for US elections
According to the report, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran had informed the International Atomic Energy Agency of its plan to install some 1,400 new centrifuges at the heavily guarded underground facility, which would triple the production of enriched uranium at Fordow alone.

Israel reportedly plans moving troops from Gaza to north as Hezbollah shoots 45 rockets at Galilee region
According to the IDF, the 45 rockets were launched in two salvos around an hour apart, with both activating alarm sirens in the area of Zar’it, Arab al-Aramsheh, Shomra, and Gornot Hagalil. They all fell into open areas, the army said. conversations between Israeli and American officials that Israel was planning to reduce its troops in the Gaza Strip and move them to the north to prepare for an eventual war with Hezbollah.

IDF strikes launch site within Gazan humanitarian zone as forces attempt to complete Rafah operations
Thursday night, a launch site placed by the Islamic Jihad inside a shelter in the humanitarian area in Khan Younis was struck by an IAF aircraft. The IDF said that prior to the strike, various measures were taken in order to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians. The IDF spokesman’s office condemned the violation international law through the use of human shields. “Terror organizations in the Gaza Strip continue to place weapons and terrorist infrastructure in the midst of the civilian population, endangering them and using them as a human shield,” the spokesman said.

Southeast Coast Area Of Possible Tropical Development Will Enhance Rain Today
The National Hurricane Center is watching for tropical development off the Southeast U.S. coast. Parts of the Southeast coast will see enhanced rainfall from this system today, regardless if it forms into a tropical depression or storm.

Putin warns South Korea against arming Ukraine
Putin has warned South Korea it would be making “a big mistake” if it arms Ukraine in the war against Russia. His comments come after Seoul said it was considering such a possibility, in response to Russia and North Korea’s new pact to help each other in the event of “aggression” against either country.

Cargo from ‘most ancient’ shipwreck found off Israel
Cargo from the remains of the oldest shipwreck to be found in the deep sea has been discovered in the eastern Mediterranean, Israeli archaeologists have said. Hundreds of intact amphorae – ancient storage jars – believed to be 3,300 years old, were discovered 90km (56 miles) off the northern coast of Israel at a depth of 1,800m (5,905ft) on the sea bed.

‘Day one’: Trump vows to ‘end’ Biden’s Title IX rewrite of protections for girls
The Biden rewrite of the 50-year-old civil rights law redefines sex to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

Hajj death toll tops 1,000 after extreme heat: AFP tally
The death toll from this year’s hajj has exceeded 1,000, an AFP tally said Thursday, more than half unregistered worshippers who performed the pilgrimage in extreme heat in Saudi Arabia.

Destructive flooding strikes French and Swiss Alps 
Heavy rainfall and snowmelt caused catastrophic flooding in the French and Swiss Alps on June 11, 2024. In the French village of La Berarde, 97 people were stranded, and in Switzerland’s Zermatt, the Mattervispa river flooded the town center.

Fifth Graders Now Enlisted as Homosexual Groomers
A new “kinder-buddy” program in a Southern California elementary school has caused outraged parents to storm the school board meetings. One fifth grader came home upset that he had been paired as a mentor with a kindergarten student, and they had been asked to share a weird coloring book…”

Exclusive: Biden’s Green Energy Agenda Would Make Military Reliant on China
The Biden administration’s aggressive push to transition to alternative green energy is leaving the U.S. military dependent on its top adversary, China, which would be disastrous in the event of a war with the country, according to a study by the Heritage Foundation publishing on Thursday and obtained first by Breitbart News.

Sen. Tom Cotton to Biden: You’re playing politics with our ally’s security
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Thursday sent a letter to US President Joe Biden, criticizing the Biden administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as it continues to battle Hamas.

Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The United States?
China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage.

Germany: Islamic Supremacists and Antifa Violently Disrupt Memorial for Policeman Killed in Jihad Terror Attack 
“Every day, women and men are no longer safe on German streets because the government allows offenders [Afghani Migrant] like the one here in Mannheim to enter our country regularly, leading to more stabbings and violence.”

The father of Sputnik V says “aggressive anti-vaxxers” in Russia should be dealt with by law enforcement
On Wednesday, Alexander Gintsburg, the father of Russia’s covid vaccine Sputnik V, was interviewed by a child on the Russian state-owned news agency TASS.  During the interview, Gintsburg said that “aggressive anti-vaxxers, who push their opinions on the people around them” should be dealt with by the state and law enforcement authorities.

Network Rail covertly monitors people’s emotions using facial recognition and AI; it hasn’t gone down well with the UK public
During the past two years, eight train stations around the UK tested artificial intelligence (“AI”) surveillance technology with CCTV cameras.  Thousands of people catching trains likely had their faces scanned by cameras at ticket barriers with the data sent to Amazon Rekognition for analysis.

Documentary unveils the shocking medical conspiracy in America during the covid era 
‘Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story’ tells the story of Clifton Dawley, whose son believes his father died due to covid hospital protocols. It is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on the experiences of covid protocol victims and their families.

California Legalized Drugs; Cartels Took It Over…
Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up…

Paula White says Trump asked her what God thought about his presidential run
Former President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisor, televangelist Paula White-Cain, said Friday during the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority summit that he asked her for God’s opinion when he was considering a potential presidential run in 2011. In her speech, she criticized the Biden administration as “against God, against our faith.”

‘Total Lawlessness’ & Looting Has Made Gaza Aid Delivery Nearly Impossible: UN Chief
“no authority in most of the territory”

Nurse alleges FBI threatened her, accuses Texas Children’s Hospital of trans-related Medicaid fraud
A Texas registered nurse who accused doctors at the largest pediatric hospital in the United States of committing Medicaid fraud related to gender interventions for minors claims FBI agents threatened her at her home in response to the whistleblowing.

Catholic priests attacked, gagged, left helpless in India church robbery
Two Catholic priests were seriously injured in a violent robbery at a church in Odisha, sparking concerns over the safety of the Christian minority community in the region.