23 June 2024

Russia launches ‘massive’ attack on Ukraine power infrastructure
Ukraine on Saturday said Russia had launched a “massive” overnight attack on energy infrastructure in the country’s west and south. “Equipment at (operator) Ukrenergo facilities in Zaporizhzhia and Lviv regions was damaged,” the energy ministry said, adding that two employees were wounded and hospitalized in Zaporizhzhia.

Secularists Promote ‘Secret Bible Text’ Claiming Jesus Was A Hot-Headed, Lying, Murderer
The sub-heading of the article was, “A mislabeled fragment of Egyptian papyrus tucked away in a German library has blown apart thousand-year-old perceptions about the Bible, and Jesus himself.”

For second time this week: Local residents of Kalkilya murder Israeli citizen upon entry into city
An Israeli citizen in his 60s who entered Kalkilya on Saturday morning with his car was shot dead by local residents, according to Palestinian reports cited by Israeli media. IDF closed the entrances to Kalkilya following the murder and have begun vehicle checks and arrests. This is the third event in Kalkilya in the last 48 hours.

Reuters denies reporting that Israel will attack Lebanon
Reuters denied on Saturday that it had reported that Israel would attack Lebanon within 48 hours, after reports circulated on social media citing the news agency as saying this.

Hezbollah flag in the heart of Manhattan
Ofir Akunis, the Consul General of Israel in New York, tweeted a photo of anti-Israel demonstrators waving the Hezbollah flag in front of the consulate entrance. “So, America: Is this what you want? The flag of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran, here in the heart of Manhattan? Photographed in front of the Israeli Consulate in New York. Wake up and stand with Israel!!”

Reports in Syria: Air strike and explosions near the border with Iraq
Arab-language media on Friday evening reported an air strike in Al Bukamal in Syria, located near the border with Iraq. Explosions were heard in the area following the strike. Al-Arabiya TV reported that the strike targeted what was described as “military headquarters”. Other reports said a weapons truck was attacked as well.

US says it will fully support Israel in all-out war with Lebanon
Senior US officials assured an Israeli delegation to Washington that the Biden Administration would be fully prepared to back Israel if an all-out war develops with Lebanon,

Canada prepares to evacuate 45,000 citizens from Lebanon amid fears of all-out war
Joly said that Canada was preparing a military evacuation of 45,000 citizens amid fears of an all-out war between Lebanon and Israel. … Ottowa had already sent military to the region for “the largest evacuation we have ever undertaken.” “The window of opportunity is closing,”

Joel Rosenberg tells Janet Parshall, ‘We are facing an apocalyptic war’ and says God is ‘shaking Israel’
But it isn’t just the terror attacks, Rosenberg said, Israel is getting attacked from multiple angles. “We’re getting attacked from every single side physically, in terms of missiles and terror attacks, but also in the media and in the international arena, in the world Court and the UN.”

Israel reportedly targets senior Hamas terrorist Raed Saad with airstrike in Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces struck Raed Saad, a senior official of Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening, Israeli media reported, citing Palestinian sources. At the time of publication, the IDF hadn’t commented on the strike and Saad’s death wasn’t verified yet.

Israel estimates: Hamas military’s #4 commander dead
Sa’ad, also known as Abu Ma’ad, was struck when the building where he was hiding in Al-Shati exploded. Sa’ad is considered to be Hamas’ fourth-highest commander, and plays an essential role in the top command’s decision-making.

After over 5,000 projectiles fired at Israel in over 8 months, full-out war with Hezbollah seems inevitable
Over the past few weeks, the simmering tensions between the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah and Israel have escalated to a point where, today, Israel is openly preparing its troops for the outbreak of a full-blown war, which media and experts are speculating may only be weeks away. Biden administration officials have recently been cautioning Israeli leaders almost daily against escalating the conflict, fearing a wider regional war that could pull in Iran and its proxies is becoming inevitable.

Pride: Celebrating Sin
We hear the word “pride” a lot these days, particularly in reference to the LGBTQ worldview. But what is interesting is that “pride” is used many times in Scripture, but in almost all these instances, it is condemned because it relates to the sin nature of man. For example, Jesus said,

A war of words: How the left tries to control language
We often hear phrases like “climate change,” “gun violence,” and “gender-affirming care” on repeat in the media — and it may seem like a war of words and the hijacking of language to promote leftist narratives. A new campaign called Language Watch aims to expose how common phrases are being used as propaganda and how to fight back against words and phrases that are misleading America. Dan Curry, the chief strategy officer of Restoration of America — the non-profit organization behind “Language Watch” — says the constant repeating of key words and phrases isn’t an accident.

Many electric vehicle owners want to go back to normal cars, study finds
Nearly half of American electric vehicle (EV) owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting firm. Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase,

Destructive flooding strikes French and Swiss Alps
Heavy rainfall and snowmelt caused catastrophic flooding in the French and Swiss Alps on June 11, 2024. In the French village of La Berarde, 97 people were stranded, and in Switzerland’s Zermatt, the Mattervispa river flooded the town center.

Watch: Hail flows like lava during severe thunderstorm in Nebraska
A wild hailstorm left a surreal scene in Nebraska where clumps of accumulating hail oozed across a Scottsbluff yard as if it were being covered by frozen lava.

Thunderstorms expected to impact Northeast, New England on Sunday
As a frontal boundary attempts to slice through the warm, humid air from the Northeast’s recent heat wave, a few storms are expected to turn severe on Sunday, potentially bringing hail, damaging winds and even a few tornadoes.

Filipino poor scavenge for recycled food to survive
They call it “pagpag,” meaning dusted off or recycled, and it usually refers to food. Garbage scavengers in the impoverished Manila area of Tondo are not looking just for re-usable goods among the rubbish but, increasingly, for food to feed their families.

China Buying Up Land Near Strategic US Military Bases, 19 American Locations Potentially Compromised
Chinese land purchases near strategic military bases in the United States are causing even more concern about the amount of political and strategic power the country wields in America.

White Christians being replaced in Europe 
A “militant” faction of pro-migration politicians is overseeing the “replacement” of white European Christians with Muslim immigrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared.

Islamic Honor Killing in Germany: Afghan Parents Arrested for Murdering ‘Westernized’ 15-Year-Old Daughter 
Honor killing is the product of an Islamic society that finds its justification in the Qur’an and Islamic tradition.

DEI in aviation is making flying less safe
Earlier this month, former FAA test pilot Brett Vance….and retired…airline captain Kevin Stillwagon discussed diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) in commercial aviation. “I’m convinced that … in the aviation industry there’s a good chance that if you follow DEI principles exclusively, we could cause some fatalities,” Vance said. Dr. Stillwagon agreed. “We’re already seeing some signs of this,” he said

The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening 
…“They have exposed themselves,” Oliver said. “They’ve gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it.