24 June 2024

Ukraine open to Russia attending next summit, adviser says
Ukraine may invite Russia to the next meeting slated with international partners aimed at working out a formula for future peace talks, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s chief of staff said.

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’
One of the more common lies peddled by top Democrats, including of course President Joe Biden, is that former President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. Except, anyone who watched the full clip knows it’s B.S., which is why anyone peddling the hoax has been operating in bad faith.

Biden Admin Asked Amazon To Hide Vaccine-Critical Books During Pandemic
The Biden Administration pressured Amazon to hide books for sale on its platform that were critical of vaccines during the pandemic, it has been revealed. The findings were presented by the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government in documents that show Amazon reduced the visibility of titles that the government deemed overly critical of big pharma shots.

They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers
Stem cells that are derived from human skin tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain “organoids” that the system depends upon. I realize that this sounds like something straight out of a really bad science fiction movie, but it is actually happening. Scientists at Final Spark are calling their hybrid computer “the Neuroplatform”, and it is being reported that it only uses “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional set up” This “breakthrough” is being hailed as a way to save a gigantic amount of energy.

Heat wave scorches US East Coast as dangerous temperatures expand to West
More than 100 million people across the U.S. were under heat warnings on Sunday, with cities on the East Coast bracing for record-breaking temperatures as the heat dome causing the dangerous conditions expands to the West Coast.

U.S. carrier in Med ahead of possible war with Lebanon
U.S.S. Eisenhower deployed for months in the Red Sea makes a stop in the region on its way to its home port in Virginia; will be replaced by U.S.S. Roosevelt The U.S.S. Eisenhower has reached the Mediterranean on its way from the Red Sea, back to its home base in Virginia but will remain there to “assist” in any development that may occur between Israel and Lebanon,

Israeli Forces Destroy Terrorist Training Facility in Southern Gaza
The Israeli military’s 401st Brigade’s destroyed the “Abu Said” training post in the Tel Sultan area, according to a press release on Sunday. Soldiers raided and destroyed the training outpost, located in the Rafah area of the southern Gaza Strip.

Lebanon doesn’t want war: Online campaign against Hezbollah attempts to stop the war
Hashtags and social media campaigns led by Lebanese media personalities attempt to restrain Hezbollah from what they deem ‘destruction of the state.’

Countdown to war between Israel and Hezbollah has begun
In the last couple of weeks, it has become clear that a war with Hezbollah is inevitable. It has no longer become a conservation of “if” rather than “when.”Since October 8, the day after the devastating Hamas massacre, Hezbollah has attacked Israel every day and has been doing so every day since. The group has fired over 5,000 rockets, anti-tank missiles, and explosive-laden drones toward the northern border, forcing 60,000 Israelis in the North out of their homes and turning them into displaced people in their own country with no end date on when they should be going home.

Muslim group denounces Hamas, October 7th massacres
A Canadian Muslim organization took out a full-page advertisement in out of the country’s nationwide newspapers on Saturday to condemn the Hamas terror organization and Iran’s paramilitary Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for their attacks targeting Israelis.

Hezbollah threatens war ‘without rules’
The Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror group overnight Saturday threatened to wage war against Israel “with no restraints.” In a video message, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said, “In case an inclusive war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without restraints, without rules, without limits.”

Iran set to increase uranium enrichment in preparation for US elections
According to the report, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran had informed the International Atomic Energy Agency of its plan to install some 1,400 new centrifuges at the heavily guarded underground facility, which would triple the production of enriched uranium at Fordow alone.

Two former IDF generals appointed to coordinate Israel’s southern and northern war fronts
Retired IDF Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal, a former head of the IDF ground forces, has been appointed coordinator for Israel’s southern region, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday. Netanyahu also appointed former Israel Navy commander Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eliezer Cheney Marom to coordinate military activities for the northern front, where there has been an escalation of attacks on Israel from the Iranian-backed Lebanese terror forces of Hezbollah.

Hamas attempts to rehabilitate itself in Gaza, recruits teenage boys to fill ranks
The Hamas terrorist organization has been attempting to replenish the ranks of terrorists eliminated by Israel during the Gaza War, Army Radio correspondent Doron Kadosh stated recently. According to Kadosh, Hamas has appealed to 16- through 18-year-olds to enlist in its forces and, in recent days, security forces have identified attempts to train and equip these newly recruited terrorists.

Ultra-Orthodox parties signal readiness for compromise over IDF draft law, according to Hebrew media report
The ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) leadership appears ready to compromise and isn’t looking to bring down the government over the IDF draft law controversy, Likud party officials told the Israeli newspaper Maariv on Sunday.

Record flooding inundates northwest Iowa, prompts evacuations, isolates one city
Portions of Iowa were struck by historic flooding that damaged nearly 2,000 properties and prompted evacuations and disaster declarations over the weekend. “I can tell you that the devastation is severe and it’s widespread,” Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said at an afternoon news conference in Des Moines.

A deadly tornado and a rare feat for storm chasers
The data they gathered marks only the third time that scientists have calculated wind speeds that reached more than 300 mph within a tornado.

Strong M6.0 earthquake hits near the coast of Venezuela 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit near the coast of Venezuela at 03:58 UTC on June 23, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 87.4 km (54.3 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 98 km (60 miles).

After over 5,000 projectiles fired at Israel from Lebanon in over 8 months, full-out war with Hezbollah seems inevitable
Over the past few weeks, the simmering tensions between the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah and Israel have escalated to a point where, today, Israel is openly preparing its troops for the outbreak of a full-blown war, which media and experts are speculating may only be weeks away.

The Number-One Prophetic Signal Bible Students Everywhere Should Be Watching
Most Christians who have seriously studied Bible prophecy for years have given Israel as the number-one signal to watch for. This has been especially true since the Jewish people—hated, hunted, and murdered throughout millennia, and finally killed by the millions in the Nazi Holocaust—came back into the Promised Land following World War II in 1948.

At Least Five Police Officers Dead and Priest Beheaded After Terrorist Attacks on Church and Synagogue in Dagestan, Russia – Officials Allege Terrorists Were Using NATO Supplied Weapons
At least five police officers were killed and a priest was beheaded in terrorist attacks in Dagestan on Sunday. Bearded gunman dressed in black attacked the synagogue and a church. Russian officials say the terrorists are using NATO provided weapons.

Andrew Bridgen: We are already at war with Russia 
On Thursday, Andrew Bridgen, an independent candidate for Northwest Leicestershire, joined Resistance GB journalist Will Coleshill. One of the many shocking revelations he made is that the UK is already at war with Russia but installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has not officially told Parliament or informed the British public.

This is Your Future 
It is an election year in the UK, the US and much of Europe.  Regardless of who wins, whether parties on the right or left of politics, we are hurtling towards Net Zero and the Great Reset – although the future will arrive more speedily if left-wing governments gain power.

California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake
“Payroll jobs declined by 32,000 from September 2023 through December 2023. On the contrary, the monthly reports showed increase in job growth at the time… With the fourth quarter revision, calendar year 2023 saw essentially no net job growth

Trump tells Christians their ‘religion will be in tatters’ if Biden wins: ‘We answer to God in Heaven’
Former President Donald Trump told a national gathering of Christian conservative activists Saturday not to let the secular left “silence” and “shame” them in a bid to keep them from voting, saying Christianity would be in “tatters” if President Joe Biden is reelected.

Maher Audience Silenced After Andrew Cuomo Admits NYC Trump Trial Should Have Never Happened
“That case, the attorney general’s case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought.”

Children Among Mass Casualties After US-Supplied Missile Targets Crowded Crimean Beach
Kremlin blames Washington for missiles “loaded with cluster warheads.”

Man accused of desecrating Quran set on fire by lynch mob in Pakistan
A man was violently lynched by a mob in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province after accusations of desecrating a copy of the Quran were made against him.

Robert Morris scandal: James Robison refutes claims he met with victim’s family, knew she was 12
Days after Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, televangelist James Robison has refuted reports he accompanied Morris to meet with the family of the woman who claims she was abused at age 12.

Archbishop who called Pope Francis ‘servant of Satan’ summoned for potential ex-communication
Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 83, who served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States from 2011 to 2016, was summoned to an extrajudicial trial at the Vatican for “the crime of schism” this week, he announced on X.

Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures
More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extremely high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced Sunday. Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj rituals in and around the holy city of Mecca.