30 June 2024

The Devil Is Driving The Global Antisemitism… Why Would Any Christian Side With Him?
There is a growing mindset today that as long as you believe in Jesus and that He was raised from the dead, the rest of what you believe is of no consequence. You can believe some of the Bible or none of the Bible, or even things outside of the Bible, and still have the expectation of arriving in heaven. The problems with this thinking are many, … “I am a believer in Christ who doesn’t believe all the Bible is true.”

University of Minnesota President Admits Agreeing to Anti-Israel Terms to End Protest Despite Not Understanding Language
University of Minnesota interim president Jeff Ettinger told the state senate on Tuesday that he signed an agreement to appease pro-Hamas student activists and end their illegal occupation of the campus despite not understanding the inclusion of an Arabic word justifying the use of violence against Israel. “That was a mistake by our administration,”

Germany bans neo-Nazi song rendition chanted by Euro soccer fans
The phrase “L’amour Toujours” means “love forever” in French. Ironically, the song — in its new rendition — has been turned into an anthem for xenophobia. The song, originally released in the early 2000s, has gained traction among far-right groups, and even young Germans have started chanting to the opening music: “Auslander raus, Deutschland den Deutschen,” (Foreigners out, Germany for the Germans.)

Strong black support for campaign to unmask Hamas supporters in New York
A coalition of faith and civil leaders is demanding that New York State reinstate its law banning wearing masks in public places after months of violent anti-Israel protesters wearing face coverings. The campaign, called Unmask NY, has garnered the support of Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City.

Gog of Magog: Who Is The Russian Leader At The Center Of The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy?
Today’s events in the Middle East, though not direct fulfillments of Ezekiel’s prophecies, strikingly foreshadow them; and a survey of Ezekiel 38 in its context reveals that the events Ezekiel described may be on the horizon.

Top teachers union representatives to vote on anti-Israel measures
Controversial votes that have caught the attention of American Jewish groups include denying a connection between antisemitism and anti-Zionism; supporting the BDS movement against Israel; and affirming the nakba, or “catastrophe” that Palestinians consider to be the creation of modern-day Israel in 1948.

‘Iran fighting seven-front war on Israel’ – Netanyahu
Israel has a ‘long battle’ ahead, warns Netanyahu, saying Iran is working to topple the Jordanian government and encircle Israel on all sides.

The Dems can’t make Biden leave if he won’t go
Biden can (and very well might) tell them to all go to hell. The Democrats had plenty of time to edge Biden out. Despite all the talk, no one seriously tried to do it. Now they’re stuck.

Biden’s ‘reformed PA’ marketing strategy
The Biden administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said this week “it is essential that the Palestinian Authority work to reform itself and that it do so as quickly as possible.” The entire idea is just a ploy to impose a Palestinian state on the Israelis.

US sends USS Wasp assault ship and Marines to eastern Mediterranean
The U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and the Marines aboard are being sent to the eastern Mediterranean to serve as a deterrent and provide the U.S. military with options as tensions continue to rise between Hezbollah and Israel along the border with Lebanon, according to three U.S. officials.

Israel may transfer up to 8 Patriot batteries to Ukraine even as war in Israel’s north heats up
Israel is in talks with the United States and Ukraine about sending up to eight Patriot batteries to Ukraine, unnamed sources said on Thursday. The Patriot batteries have been on loan to Israel from the U.S. for several years and they were recently taken off the field, as they were being replaced with newer systems,

Iran threatens to ‘obliterate’ Israel as Hezbollah strikes northern Israel over the weekend
As diplomatic efforts seem to be failing so far and Hezbollah continues its incessant attacks against northern Israel, the Iranian regime on Friday threatened to join Hezbollah against Israel in the event of an all-out war. “All options, incl. the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” it added Iran’s so-called “resistance fronts” include its proxy militias, such as Hezbollah, the Yemeni Houthis, and various militias in Syria and Iraq, all of which have taken part in the attacks against Israel since last October.

Iran to hold runoff election with reformist Pezeshkian and hard-liner Jalili after low-turnout vote
Iran will hold a runoff presidential election pitting a little-known reformist against a hard-line former nuclear negotiator after results released Saturday showed the lowest-ever poll turnout in the Islamic Republic’s history. More than 60% of voters cast no ballot in the race that saw reformist Masoud Pezeshkian best Saeed Jalili, who competed alongside two other hard-liners.

Obstruction Law Ruling
The US Supreme Court yesterday ruled federal prosecutors improperly relied on an obstruction law used in charging over 300 people involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the US Capitol.

UN Security Council demands Iran-backed Yemen rebels halt their attacks on ships in Mideast waters
The U.N. Security Council on Thursday approved a resolution demanding Yemen’s Houthi rebels halt all attacks on ships and urged that the disruption to maritime security in a critical Middle East waterway be urgently addressed.

Delhi experiences historic June rainfall, resulting in severe flooding and 11 deaths, India
On June 28, 2024, Delhi, India recorded the highest June rainfall in 88 years, causing severe flooding and widespread damage. At least 11 people have been killed, including 4 children. Forecasts predict more rains over the weekend.

M6.1 earthquake hits near the coast of Peru following M7.2 on June 28
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit near the coast of central Peru at 07:05 UTC on June 29, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 19.3 km (12 miles).

Historic NWS thunderstorm warnings issued as rare storms move over Arctic Alaska
The National Weather Service (NWS) office in Fairbanks issued multiple Severe Thunderstorm Warnings on June 27, 2024, as severe thunderstorms began to stretch over Northern Alaska and the Arctic Circle. These storms generated winds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and quarter-sized hail.

CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans
“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.

Another “Vaccine Passport” Bill Fails to Pass in New York Where Medical Legislation Is Disguised So the Nanny-State Can Impose Vaxx Mandates Later
New York is the city and state where legislation to remove medical rights and privacy masquerades as “options” so the medical-police-state can later impose vaccine mandates and perform gender mutilation surgery on kids without parental consent.

LISTEN: Planned Parenthood staffers laugh on 911 call for woman bleeding after abortion 
Planned Parenthood staffers were caught on audio laughing during a 911 call for a woman who suffered a perforated uterus because of a botched abortion, Operation Rescue has revealed.

Here are some of the bizarre things happening in the “new normal”
…Bizarre things are happening everywhere, including UK politics. “Whatever happens at the coming general election in the UK, Britain is going to have a communist government (the Tory party is now as left-wing as the Labour party) which will delight Guardian readers and BBC staff members,” Dr. Coleman notes.

Islands that climate alarmists said would be sunk by climate change are actually growing
Climate change is not drowning atoll nations such as the Maldives, the Marshall Islands and Tuvalu, research has revealed. Historically claimed to be vulnerable to sea level rises driven by global warming, recent findings show these low-lying island nations are almost all still the same size or growing.

A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations aimed at combating climate change 
The Supreme Court on Friday curtailed the power of US federal agencies to regulate the environment, public health and other fundamental aspects of American life. It effectively overturns a long-standing precedent known as the Chevron deference.

Australia: “Managed retreat” is a scam to take people’s homes and replace them with smart cities…independent researcher Kate Mason has exposed how this sinister scheme is using exaggerated modelling of climate change effects to designate certain areas as uninhabitable for humans.  Properties in these areas are uninsurable and prices are plummeting.  Of course this would be the result. “Who is going to buy in a flood zone?  Unless it’s a developer who will raze it all to the ground and build a Smart Resilient complex,” Mason said.