Jesus said one of the signs of the end times is the love of many growing cold. We are rapidly approaching a time when many brothers and sisters in the Lord will offend, betray, and hate one another. This is a call for true unity and genuine love among believers when love grows cold, Matthew 24:10-12.
We witness love and human kindness growing cold everywhere in our time, from business to education and family relationships. The internet and social media have brought many benefits to society. Yet, they have also unmasked the malice formerly hidden in our hearts. Collectively, we say and type hateful things about one another we’d never dreamed of just a few decades ago. The fact that love in the world is growing cold isn’t a surprise. What is surprising is the same level of coldness is invading Christians and churches. This diminishing love for one another contradicts our claim to be disciples of Jesus, John 13:35.
There is authentic biblical unity among true believers. It is rooted in the centrality of Jesus, sound doctrine, and mutual love. Before we continue, I want to mention the idea of unity at all costs. There’s also false unity that masquerades as true Christian fellowship. Oftentimes, it is cloaked in ecumenism, common goals, and shared values under the banner of love or Jesus’ name. But it’s not authentic love or unity if not rooted in the truth, Philippians 1:9.
This isn’t a blanket statement, but many fellowships and Christians are proof of love growing cold in these last days. Individually, our callous indifference toward other Christians shows our lack of love. We hear about a fellow Christian in material need. We can meet it but decide to be generous with our words, not our money. Love growing cold is spreading or feasting on the gossip instead of rebuking and extinguishing it at the source. Envy and strife cause divisions among believers. We proudly exclaim we love God on social media. We assert this love in church services and among our cliques. Yet, we secretly hate other Christians, and the religious act makes us liars, 1 John 4:20-21. Instead of making peace and pursuing love, we nourish a root of bitterness.
We have become great wordsmiths in Christian circles. Much is written and spoken about our love, unity, and fellowship in Jesus. We wax eloquent about being the hands and feet of Jesus and loving in word and deed. Yet, there are people we promised to pray for and haven’t. There are those we are being led to witness to but don’t. There are people in our local fellowships we haven’t forgiven but should, 1 Peter 1:22.
We have become puffed-up fans of our favorite preachers instead of maintaining true Christ-like love and unity. We live in a day of celebrity pastors, mega-movements, coalitions, and networks, 1 Corinthians 3:3-4. I’m not asserting that all well-known organizations are inherently wrong because some advance the Kingdom. But we must use discernment about who we listen to and join with. We shouldn’t stop being Bereans because of well-crafted mission statements, spiritual-sounding platitudes, and good feelings, Acts 17:11.
As we consider those in spiritual leadership, we must look at a disturbing trend among shepherds. There’s a marked increase in pride, self-promotion, and sectarianism. It’s often the outcome when the emphasis is placed on movements, methods, money, and men, not Jesus. We’ve seen what happens when we elevate and idolize men, even those who began with good intentions. Consider how many scandals, broken churches, and hurting souls directly result from love growing cold.
Leaders can become jaded and minister to attendees, members, and convention goers, not to individual living souls. Our ranking among peers and the numbers we bring in have become the gold standard by which success in ministry is measured, even if we won’t admit it’s rooted in selfish ambition. It produces envy, strife, confusion, and evil deeds, Philippians 1:15-16 and James 3:16. When did ministry become a competition? If you are a shepherd, we’re on the same team. I’ve witnessed fellow ministers not give other shepherds the time of day because there’s nothing to gain. I have also seen well-known and extremely busy preachers do everything they can to show love and appreciation to other brothers.
I know millions of Christians and thousands of local churches must have a growing love for other believers and strive for unity in the true Church. Despite love growing colder and some professing believers losing their fire, countless remnant Christians still pursue a deeper love for one another and unity in the true Church.
How can we regain love and true unity among Christians?
God’s word is replete with encouragement to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Here’s what the Bible says about love and unity in daily life: 1 Thessalonians 4:9. When everyone seems to be firing back, getting in the last word, and pounding the send key, we should respond like Jesus, Colossians 3:12-14. If we open our eyes, there will be needs right in front of us that other Christians use help with we didn’t notice before, Galatians 6:10. When someone wants to bend your ear with gossip, or you are tempted to spread some yourself, remember how this vile sin spreads like gangrene. Think about what it does to the person on the receiving end of slander, even if they are unaware. Choose to pray for them instead. Proverbs 17:9.
“If what we call love doesn’t take us beyond ourselves, it is not really love.” “The evidence of our love for Him is the absolute spontaneity of our love.” “Love is the beginning and the middle and the end—the first sign, stamp, and seal—of the saint.”— Oswald Chambers
Dear Christian friends, I haven’t arrived and have fallen short in many ways. But I want to re-commit to yield to the Lord’s command to a genuine love for fellow believers that only His Spirit can give. Let’s remember the love Jesus lavished upon us and have that same heart toward other believers. If you are a fellow minister, imagine what would happen if we esteem others better than ourselves. What would happen if we looked out for other people’s interests and ministries? It would produce a loving, like-minded humility that can only come from the Holy Spirit, Philippians 2:2-4. As love grows cold before Jesus’ return, let’s have true unity and love one another deeply from a pure heart, Psalm 133:1.
All for Him,
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