“Be Big!”
In one of Laurel & Hardy’s classic films, Babe Hardy barks at poor Stan, “Be Big!” It was a call to be bold and not settle for mediocrity. Of course, The Boys were all about mediocrity! (Except when it came to comedy!)
After my recent rants about Donald Trump’s foreign policy team and how they are approaching certain aspects of the Arab-Israeli crisis, Trump himself has come out with a novel idea (not unprecedented, but extremely out-of-the-box thinking where modern diplomacy in the West is concerned).
Last week, Trump raised the possibility of moving most if not all Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip and re-locating them to Jordan and Egypt.
It would be the sports equivalent of scrapping a pro-style offense and installing the wishbone. Except in Trump’s plan, this would work in the modern world.
He’s being big with this plan.
Of course, the corrupt Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan said no way. Egypt said no way.
Trump said, “Way.” In the last 24 hours, when asked by reporters about the reluctance of those two Muslim states to absorb such a sizable, radicalized society, Trump said, “They will do it.”
So, this isn’t an idea that is just floated out there and it goes away like most of Washington usually does. It has come about because Trump is willing to, well, impose his will.
That is something none of our previous presidents were willing to do. Even under Reagan, the State Department was infested with career Arabists. His advisors (such as James Baker) didn’t like the Jews and they didn’t like Menachem Begin’s Israel. George H.W. Bush presided over the disastrous Oslo deal. George W. Bush was considered to be very friendly to Israel, yet he loved the plan to evacuate the Gaza Strip, Sharon’s disaster decision that has led us to the chaos there now.
Obama and Biden were just flat-out anti-Israel.
Enter Trump. I don’t think Trump views any of this through a biblical lens. He’s a secular deal-maker. It would be nice if he felt the way Roberto Silva does, as he tweeted this week:
“We are in a complex moment of the multi-front war against the axis of evil. It is a moment that we can take advantage of to focus on the only one who has everything under his control: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. May God bless the hostages and their families. May God bless Israel.”
But even if Trump is not a Christian Zionist, he has a better team around him than predecessors did. Pete Hegseth at Defense. Mike Huckabee as ambassador.
How this came about recently is intriguing to a lot of people.
From the Jerusalem Post:
“Referring to Gaza’s population, Trump estimated ‘probably a million and a half people,’ and suggested: ‘We just clean out that whole thing. It’s – you know, it’s – over the centuries, that’s – that’s many, many conflicts, that site. And I don’t know. Something has to happen, but it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything is demolished, and people are dying there. So, I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change.
“Those comments – he said this arrangement could be temporary or long-term – triggered an immediate backlash, with Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas all saying, albeit politely, that this was a nonstarter.
“WHETHER OR not this is a well-formed plan, whether any real thought or staff work has gone into the idea or how it would be implemented, by even mentioning the idea publicly – and then repeating it a second time – Trump has removed it from the purview of the Israeli radical Right and introduced it into mainstream discourse. That alone is no small shift.”
What makes this different is Trump’s insistence that Egypt and Jordan will take in the Palestinians. His leverage? For starters, the billions we give them in aid each year. Won’t take the gang of criminals? The money train stops.
Many people aren’t aware that Jordan’s population right now is Palestinian and has been for 75 years. In September, 1970, Arafat and his gang of criminals/terrorists had gotten so bad in Jordan that King Hussein brutally put them down. It was known as Black September.
In Egypt (Yasser Arafat was Egyptian), the Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928, and is heavily populated by Palestinians. Much of Sadat’s, Mubarak’s, and now al-Sisi’s time has been spent keeping a boot on the neck of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the spiritual forefather of every Muslim terror group in the Middle East, especially Hamas.
No American Administration or diplomatic corps has ever had the backbone to impose its will on the Arab-Israeli conflict in a positive way. They only knew to parrot the grotesque plan to create a Palestinian state.
Trump is challenging everyone to Be Big.
I hope he succeeds.