Disrupting Statism :: By Bill Wilson

The leftist media and Democratic faithful are in a state of outrage by President Trump’s disruption of statism. From the minute he was sworn into office, the Democratic Party’s worst nightmare began.

Trump, like a whirlwind, is disrupting the longstanding statism that has been very carefully built over the last 60 years. In fact, no one living has seen this historical attack on statism in America. When Democrats and the news media opined repeatedly that Trump was a threat to democracy, they were speaking of their form of democracy, which is statism. Simply put, statism is a political system in which the state has substantial control over social and economic affairs—the evolved definition of modern democracy.

Americans have been so long in the simmering pot of statism that a vast segment of the population does not recognize the tyranny it brings. It is obvious to those who have been watching the temperature in that pot come to a lethal boil. The country has been conditioned since Franklin Roosevelt to accept the premise that equality under the law and meritocracy were somehow evil. Americans have been pummeled over the decades with class warfare, where equality under the law really means that people have rights that do not exist. The media and leftists have pitted countrymen against one another. We have seen this ideological subversion in media, entertainment, education, politics, government, and, yes, religion.

Trump’s relentless attack on statism has created an empty cavern in the mass formation psychosis of this nation. Revenge, they say, is the dish being served. No, far from it. Saying there are two genders creates mass hysteria, but it is a return to common sense—no—God-ordained order–as far back as Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Ending government-mandated political favoritism is not undermining civil rights—every man is created equal under the law and endowed by certain inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—it is ensuring that people are not given unfair advantage because of race, gender or religion. That is the law, and that’s the way our country was founded. It is a reset of common sense. Equal opportunity.

Revoking security clearances from those who no longer work in government or have lied, spied, and frustrated citizens’ rights is not revenge. It is setting things right. Ending energy policies designed to transfer wealth to crony businesses and crooked politicians is not bringing the world to an end because of climate change; it is restoring science and common sense. Shutting down the borders, ending welfare for illegals, and expelling bad actors is not violating human rights; it is protecting citizen rights and restoring national security.

When one can step out of the boiling pot of statism and cool off a bit, it becomes obvious that Trump is not a threat to democracy; he is a disruptor of statism, a restorer of the Republic.

Posted in The Daily Jot