Here We Go Again –Doomsdayer Déjà vu :: By Terry James

As is readily apparent every day, the Trump haters are back in full “derangement syndrome” mode. This delusion includes that embraced by the so-called scientists who give us the Doomsday Clock.

These doomsdayers have, as of the January 20, 2025, installment of the Donald J. Trump presidency, begun the second hand of their Doomsday Clock clicking forward, setting it at 89 seconds until midnight.

Midnight, in their terms, is when the world will come to its end in a gigantic nuclear catastrophe. They tell us this is the closest the world has come to that midnight cataclysm.

So, as that famous New York Yankee philosopher Yogi Berra put it: “It’s déjà vu all over again.”

In February 2017, just days after Trump 45 took office, we posted my following commentary.


Doomsdayers’ Diatribe

Six days into the presidency of Donald J. Trump, the humanistic gurus of the community known as the “atomic scientists” raised a ruckus. They lamented that we are within two and a half minutes of nuclear midnight. This is supposed to mean that global catastrophe is closer, perhaps, than it has ever been.

The atomic scientists’ perception of the unthinking bumbling—or perhaps deliberate evil—of the new president makes the Doomsday Clock time-setters nervous indeed.

Their joint declaration states:

Both his statements and his actions as president-elect have broken with historical precedent in unsettling ways. He has made ill-considered comments about expanding the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He has shown a troubling propensity to discount or outright reject expert advice related to international security, including the conclusions of intelligence experts. And his nominees to head the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency dispute the basics of climate science.

I have written in these commentaries for many months that the globalists’ key rallying point for trying to bring about the new world order they seek has been global warming. It is now called “climate change.” The Luciferian rant is ratcheting up in every aspect of geopolitical atmospherics. However, we can expect, I have absolutely no doubt, an even more massive uptick in the assault. Climate change will be the spear tip of the campaign against God’s order of things as we move deeper into this administration.

The scientists in question collectively issued the accusation—highly disturbing, in their view—that Trump, during the presidential campaign, talked about the need to increase and upgrade nuclear weapons capability. At the same time, they ranted that he spoke against their and the general scientific community’s overwhelming consensus that climate change poses a threat beyond any other to the well-being of the planet.

All the while, they’ve said nothing of former President Obama’s trying to anger Russia’s Vladimir Putin in the last months of the Obama administration – a thing that gave Putin fodder to proclaim the need to further increase the Russian nuclear arsenal.

Like in every other instance of hypocritical treatment by media and the humanistic, scientific community, Obama gets a pass while their collective ire descends full force on the one who defeated them in the American electoral process.

They ignored that international relations have deteriorated dangerously during the Obama years; rather, they noted fawningly that the former president in 2010 called for a nuclear-free world.

At the same time, they pointed out angrily their convoluted and quasi-accurate assessment that Trump suggested South Korea and Japan might consider developing nuclear weapons since North Korea and even China represent growing threats. They berated Trump and his six-day-old administration for having no “firm plans” to extend the controversial “Iran nuclear deal.”

The doomsdayers further castigated Trump and laid out their great fear his winning the American presidency has wrought:

The political situation in the United States is of particular concern. The Trump transition team has put forward candidates for cabinet-level positions (especially at the Environmental Protection Agency and Energy Department) who foreshadow the possibility that the new administration will be openly hostile to progress toward even the most modest efforts to avert catastrophic climate disruption.

Please believe me. This is not the last we will hear of the climate-change madness.

Those of the Million Woman March and the “if-it-feels-good-do-it” crowd lost their political fast-track to succeeding they were previously on. These, as we have witnessed, are furious to the point of displaying mental instability. But the globalist elite of this world, working to bring in Antichrist’s regime—even if unknowingly—are exceedingly angrier and more determined that this president will be removed by hook or crook.

We already hear the volume increase on talk of impeaching him. There are more than mere hints that a coup d’état is in the wishful thinking of the angriest of the nation’s power brokers.

It does not, nor should it, surprise that this level of rebellion is raising its ugly, serpent-like head. We only have to go to the great book of Revelation to understand the extremes to which fallen man will go when they don’t get their way.

There will be a rebellion of the most horrific magnitude ever at the end of the Millennium—the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ. This uprising will occur, we are told through prophecy, after the rule of the only perfect ruler in all of human history.

And this gets us back to the Doomsday Clock scientists’ warning about Trump causing the destruction of the earth because of his declaring as lunacy their climate-change mantra. Well, maybe it’s I—not Trump—who call it lunacy, but he adamantly opposes it, and them, nonetheless.

The fact that Revelation 20:7-9 tells us there will be this last, satanically led rebellion in an attempt to dethrone the Creator of all things lets us know there will still be a planet Earth despite President Donald Trump and even seven years of Tribulation.

Also, it proves, in my estimation, the lunacy of the doomsdayers’ diatribe.


That was all part of Trump’s election in 2017. Yep, Yogi! It’s déjà vu all over again!
