The Bodies and Souls of Men :: By The Gospelist

The debate regarding euthanasia is heating up around the world. And it looks like it is going to be the wave of the future. The lone holdout is the United States, and we are fading fast.

According to those who promote this evil, euthanasia, defined properly as murder by doctor, can be used when someone is allegedly suffering from a debilitating illness. The impetus for this malevolence is that no one wants to be a financial burden to their families or disrupt their lives to the point where they make their loved ones miserable.

That’s when ailing people, especially the elderly, are taken on a guilt trip to get them to terminate their lives so they can ‘end everyone’s suffering.’

We, as Christians, oppose euthanasia because our death should be in God’s hands. That having been said, there is no need for us to extend our lives when we are suffering greatly and we know we are about to die. However, all decisions about one’s life need to be made prayerfully by the sufferer and his family, not by a deluded doctor backed by a government functionary.

Euthanasia is easily abused by evil and corrupt governments, like the government of Oregon, where people are viewed as disposable.

Since the world is filled with evil and corrupt governments, it looks like we are going to get severe abuse of euthanasia.

We as a society are supposed to praise God and protect life because we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Liberals, leftists, and Marxists see us only as a clump of disposable cells.

In the Book of Revelation, we are introduced to a new economic system where several goods are bought and sold. Among these commodities are the bodies and souls of men (Revelation 18:13).

In a story in ‘The Exposé’ by Rhonda Wilson, entitled “The Euthanasia Threat,” a little more light is shed on exactly how this new market transaction will likely come about.

Ms. Wilson reports on Dr. Vernon Coleman, who is attempting to warn us of the danger that state-sanctioned euthanasia poses. According to Dr. Coleman, doctor-assisted suicide is not about compassion; it is about money and organ harvesting.

In other words, it is no different than sexually mutilating and sterilizing confused children for profit (this is ‘Transgenderism’ accurately defined).

To get the euthanasia ball rolling, they first must propagandize the citizenry to support “Death with Dignity” (the left does love their euphemisms).

According to Dr. Coleman, “Euthanasia is about saving money, collecting organs for the super-rich, killing disabled children, killing the mentally ill, and reducing the money spent on caring for the poor and the disabled and patients in pain.

Euthanasia isn’t always painless, and anyone making this claim is lying. When you take their cocktail of life-ending drugs, there are often complications such as severe pain, a sensation of drowning, and terror in a large number of cases.

And this horror can go on indefinitely.

There is no concern for those suffering debilitating illnesses; “it’s all about saving money and harvesting organs for the rich,” he said.

He put out a video on BitChute under the title ‘They want to kill us’ for those who want more information.

Dr. Coleman has noticed that there is a global plan to encourage governments to include euthanasia as part of their government-run health care plans. That is, their ‘socialist’ health care plans.

The only evidence we need of this assertion is the fact that the corrupt media the world over seems to be completely on board with this. That means the evil Globalists have put the word out to all media outlets to promote their new money-making scheme.

The new system works like this: First, our doctors are trained on how to persuade us to allow them to kill us whether we are suffering from a debilitating condition or not. Their level of persuasion will depend on how useful they view us as being to the Satanic kingdom that is being built (our doctors, along with all health care professionals, attend numerous seminars funded by the evil Globalists that will teach them this new medical ethic – and richly reward those who go along with it).

That means people of faith will be in for big trouble in the near future.

As with most totalitarian ideologies, they will begin with persuasion to get what they want. Once that begins to fail, after a few laws are passed, our medical professionals may have to slip a note to the local bureaucracy, which can employ more coercive techniques.

The communist Chinese government has mastered ‘death with dignity.’

According to Dr. Coleman, euthanasia is being promoted as a means of offering dignity and control to those who are suffering. The problem is there is no dignity in suicide, and the ability to control this process is fading fast.

At this point, those who brush this off as just another conspiracy theory deserve ‘death with dignity.’

The propaganda supporting this evil is already occurring. Many of those who are suffering are being told that they have a duty to die for the good of society.

Population control advocates will even kill children who say they want to die and, at some point, they will not need parental permission to do it. If they can mutilate a child sexually without informing the parents, there really is nothing preventing them from ending a child’s life when it suits their purposes.

Any child who goes to the school nurse or to the hospital is now in danger. Regardless of whether the child’s problem is physical or psychological, he/she is in peril of being subjected to an agenda rather than being given proper health care.

The elderly are also in great danger if the young decide to turn against them.

When someone is killed through euthanasia, it does not go into the official statistics as death by euthanasia; it goes down as death by cancer, diabetes, depression, or whatever malady that led to the decision to seek ‘death by doctor.’

It is no different than when all deaths by the standard flu were listed as ‘COVID deaths.’

Medical professionals around the world are now being trained to be hostile to their patients. The evil Globalists have jettisoned the Hippocratic Oath and inculcated their new ethic so that physicians show the same disdain for humanity that they possess.

The evil Globalists and their media are creating a world where life is not worth living. They fill people’s heads with the pagan notion of climate change where there is a ‘no win’ situation. If we do not stop climate change, they claim, we are all going to die. If we make the changes they want, we will die of exposure, starvation, or government oppression.

They have already convinced a large number of people that they are suffering from a mental illness that requires psychotropic medications. This has left the citizenry susceptible to any ridiculous propaganda that they spew out through the airwaves.

Canada is well ahead of the curve when it comes to knocking off people through euthanasia. They have killed tens of thousands of people with their ‘free health care’ system that few can access. Many Canadians choose to die rather than live in agony, waiting for their chance at accessing Canada’s free medical services.

Those who are considered a burden to their society are encouraged to end their lives. Apparently, these medical professionals are very persuasive because thousands have taken them up on their offer.

Canada’s Supreme Court even got into the act of widening how many people can off themselves.

And a growing number of people are anxious to see euthanasia expand, especially when it comes to killing off the elderly who stubbornly refuse to die. Many believe that the elderly have a duty to die by the time they reach 70.

This age excludes the elites, however.

It is not hard to imagine where this is all leading.

  1. The evil Globalists want to reduce the world population.
  2. The evil Globalists want to make money off of human suffering.
  3. The evil Globalists want to pervert the medical profession to suit their purposes while caring nothing for the health of the patient.
  4. The evil Globalists want socialized medicine, to control health care, and don’t want to waste money on those they consider ‘worthless people.’

This is what number three, ‘Good health and Well-being,’ of their ‘sustainable development goals is all about. If you think the evil Globalists care about our health and well-being, you have completely misunderstood the situation that we all find ourselves in.

Once the goals of euthanasia are fully realized, people will eventually be convinced to sell their organs if they believe life is not worth living. There is a worldwide demoralization campaign going on right now to bring that about.

In Holland, the government is promoting ‘Euthanasia Week’ as if it is something worth celebrating. Those who have been convinced that death is superior to life can make a ‘Living Will’ in which they commit themselves to euthanasia at some future date.

These are legal documents that cannot be easily annulled. Once you have made the decision to kill yourself, and money has changed hands, there is no turning back.

The Globalists are already making preparations for this ghoulish practice to go worldwide. The money for hospices and palliative care is drying up around the world. These programs are being eliminated to force people to make a choice: live in pain and misery or agree to end their life.

In Britain, not long ago, doctors visited patients in their homes to provide needed care. This practice has been ended as doctors are being financially rewarded for providing poor medical care.

And the new Marxist government of Britain is fully on board with the new destructive healthcare practices.

This leaves millions of people on never-ending waiting lists where they are offered death instead of waiting in pain for medical care.

This is happening around the world. The doctor/patient relationship is being transformed. If the COVID protocols are a good indicator, even in this country doctors are being trained to see patients as cattle.

Dr. Coleman points out that there is only one reason why ‘the establishment’ is keen on euthanasia. It will release a good many organs for use.

If people are left to die naturally, their organs will be wasted. If their organs can be harvested in good condition, they can be given to those who are considered ‘useful’ to those in charge.

The evil Globalists will find many takers for those who are offered a lot of money to kill themselves. Perhaps they will offer someone the opportunity to live in decadence for one year before agreeing to allow themselves to be killed.

There are thousands of scenarios where people will be willing to sell their bodies and souls for a small taste of the best that this world offers.

This process is compatible with the abortion agenda since they are based on the same ideology. They plan to get rid of those they consider ‘burdens’ and then make money selling their body parts.

We, as Christians, cannot submit to the demonic agenda of euthanasia or abortion. It is the job of the church to warn the world of what is coming and call the advocates of this wickedness to repent.

We will not be able to stop it, but we need to rescue as many as possible before this becomes standard operating procedure.

Satan wants you to believe that your life is worthless. If he were God, he would be right. But he is not God; he is just a fallen angel who wants to destroy what God has created.

Any ideology, such as euthanasia, abortion, climate change, or evolution that is designed to suck the meaning out of life must be opposed. Satan has no hope of a wonderful future, so to follow him is foolish.

God offers something much greater.

Time is short. The Babylonian market system is being set up now.

We need to take our stand against evil and rescue as many as possible until the Lord comes for us.