Billy Sunday

Billy Sunday, born in Ames, Iowa, became a professional baseball player with the team we know today as the Chicago Cubs. Shortly after being saved through the outreach of the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, Sunday turned down a $400-per-month baseball salary (at a time when the average worker made $480 per year) for an $84-per-month ministry position. He advocated a strict morality and campaigned effectively for prohibition. Billy conducted hundreds of revival meetings and reached an estimated 100 million people.


1. Booze
2. “The Need For Revivals”
3. “He That Winneth Souls is Wise”
4. Atonement Through the Blood of Jesus
5. Backsliding
6. Why Delay Your Real Conversion?
7. Broken Down Altars
8. Old Time Religion
9. Spiritual Food for a Hungry World
10. “Teach Us to Pray”
11. The Second Coming of Christ
12. Theater, Cards and Dance