Tribulation Chronicles Part 2: The Lie:: By Alice Childs

If you are following these Tribulation Chronicles, it is apparent to you by now that an event unlike any other in history has just occurred. In fact, the magnitude and scope of what has just happened is so breathtakingly unprecedented that you cannot yet fathom just how profoundly your world has now been altered.

Of course, I am referring to the event I told you about in the last letter. That event was the rapture of the Church. I know that many, if not everyone, to some degree or other has at least heard of the rapture either through movies, books, YouTube, or whatever; but most likely what you know or THINK you know is a “Hollywood-ized” version that bears little, if any, resemblance to the truth.

In order to learn the truth, you are going to need to turn to the Bible – a book with which you most likely have had little to no acquaintance, or a nominal one at best. Perhaps you have never picked up a Bible. Either way, you need to find one now. In fact, you need to find as many as you can get your hands on because very soon, the Bible will most likely become a banned book, and after the rapture, merely to possess one will put your life in jeopardy.

So while you yet can, gather as many as you can find, and find a secure place to hide them. Do this as quickly as you can; for after the rapture has occurred, online sites such as this one will almost certainly be shut down sooner or later, made inaccessible fairly rapidly.

This site, in particular, was specifically created for the explicit purpose of having archived in one place a wealth of Biblical teaching for the sole purpose of giving you, the left-behind ones, the truth amidst all the lies you will be told about what has already happened, and about those things which are shortly to come to pass.

If possible, download and print out as much of the information and Bible studies published and archived here. Put them in a place of safekeeping along with as many King James Bibles (my own personal preference) as you can find. The language may seem a bit archaic to you at first, but because the Bible is God’s ‘living Word,’ God Himself will help you to understand what you read. If you trust the Lord and believe in Christ as your Savior, His Holy Spirit will open your understanding.

As I stated in the last letter, it is no longer your physical life that matters. You will almost certainly lose your physical life during these final seven years of human history under Satan’s usurpation of this world system. It is the destiny of your immortal soul that is the only thing that matters from here on out. As things begin to rapidly spiral out of control, very few are likely to live through these last seven years.

What matters most is not how you can prepare to live through this time, but rather are you prepared to die? Where will your conscious, sentient, immortal soul – the very essence of all that is you – end up after you die?

Now that I have told you of the first things you need to do, let me now tell you what you need to know. You need to be aware that there is an agenda that the global powers that be – those who operate a globalist world system under the power and authority of Satan (the Father of Lies and the avowed enemy of the Most High God) — are working towards fulfilling. I must give you warning that these rulers of darkness do not want the truth regarding the rapture to be known.

Once people realize that the Bible not only predicted this very event 2,000 years ago, many will soon realize that everything the Bible stated is truth, and truth is the one thing that Satan and all who follow him cannot abide or allow.

Satan has had millennia to perfect “the lie” that he will continue to perpetrate in order to continue to deceive and lure the rest of mankind into an eternal Hell. Why does he do this? Very simply, he does so because he hates God. Because God loved mankind enough to send Jesus, God the Son, to die in our stead to redeem fallen man. Satan hates man too. Satan hates you. You have been left behind because you believed his lies and rejected Christ during the era of grace that was the Church Age.

He has already deceived you once. Do not be deceived again.

So, what is “the lie” that Satan has always used but will perfect during these last seven years? Why, it’s the oldest lie in the universe, and it goes straight back to the Garden of Eden. The Lie is this: that man can become his own god within himself apart from the Creator God. It is the self-same lie that brought down creation when Adam and Eve believed it, and it is the self-same lie that is the rotted foundation upon which every single false religion is built – the lie that MAN can create his own reality apart from the eternally existent, all omnipotent Creator.

Satan will continue to use this lie (and the many variations of it) to bring in his ultimate deception.

Let me give you some examples of variations of the lie that he could likely use to explain away the disappearances of those who have been taken home to Glory. Be aware of these, and be on the lookout for any other “explanations” that cast GOD as the evil one and which cast Satan (Lucifer) as the good or benevolent “god.” Below, I will list the top six most likely (from my personal perspective) explanations that Satan may use to explain away our disappearance.

Possible Lie # 1 – That extraterrestrials (ET’s) have been monitoring our planet ever since man “evolved” and have stepped in to remove all those who were unwilling to join with the rest of the world’s religions, in order for “peace” to be achieved. Watch for catchphrases such as:

(A) Panspermia – the belief that this planet was seeded by visitors and beings from other galaxies and worlds; that humanity is the descendant of alien races.

(B) Ascended Masters – beings from other planets or dimensions who have “spiritually evolved” beyond humanity and who have evolved beyond the need of bodies of flesh – entities who claim to be pure consciousness and who have been guiding humanity throughout humanity’s spiritual and physical evolution into a higher form.

Possible Lie # 2 – That the earth itself is a living sentient being; that “Mother Earth” (sometimes referred to as the “goddess” Gaia) is now in the process of cleansing herself of all human entities who possess negative energies and who have been impeding her “rebirth.” The entire religion of ecology (which includes the entire climate change pseudoscience) is based on the belief that Earth is a living being with self-awareness and sentient intent.

Possible Lie #3 – That humanity has just taken a giant Gestalt, spiritual, evolutionary leap forward; that all those who were unprepared or less “spiritually enlightened” were removed to another dimension (or planet) until they could become more enlightened and spiritually attuned; that mankind has just moved beyond “homo-sapien” into “homo-noeticus,” and all those not ready to evolve had to be removed to “work out their karma” in another existence; that all the children were taken to another planet or dimension to protect them from the planetary changes that the earth is about to endure, to prepare them to be returned when Earth and the “more enlightened ones” who were left here after the “great vanishing” (or the great purge as they will likely call it) will have come through this transitional period.

Possible Lie # 4 – That all who were taken were merely random accidents or were possibly the targets of some new or super-secret weapon.

Possible Lie #5 – That there was an accident with CERN and that those missing were pulled into some alternate universe or alternate dimension, or possibly that this is all the result of some giant Mandela Effect involving a rip in the space-time continuum, an accident involving the transfer of the missing ones into another parallel multiverse, or some such thing.

Possible Lie # 6 – that the rapture was an elaborate HOAX – a false flag event carried out by the governments of the world via something like Project Blue Beam – that the rapture never actually happened but was made to appear real, and all of the missing ones have been either incarcerated inside FEMA camps here in the United States and other prison camps worldwide, or perhaps the missing have been taken into some kind of protective custody.

These are but a few of the possible explanations that may be used by the globalists – the New World Order elites, who will, under Satan’s guidance, be running the show in this New World Order. The most important thing for you to know is this: all of these explanations, along with any others the ruling elite may put forward, will be a LIE.

The truth is simple and direct. What will have really happened to us is this: all genuine believers in Jesus Christ – those who were part of His Church – were taken to Heaven by Jesus Christ Himself. We are now with Him in Heaven in the Father’s House. This is the truth.

Be alert. The Bible says that all who do not come to faith in Christ during these last seven years will be brought under a strong delusion and will believe “the lie.”

I implore you, before you go any further: ADMIT that you are a justly condemned sinner in need of a perfect Savior. BELIEVE (place your faith and trust) in the truth that Jesus – God the Son – died on the cross as payment for your sins and mine – that He rose again bodily on the third day. Accept this truth and believe that Christ Jesus is the only way of obtaining eternal life.

I beg you, do this before it is too late, for as you will learn from the next chronicle, what is coming next is nothing less than World War III, and it will be DEVASTATING beyond your wildest imaginings.


Exceeding Abundantly – The Saga of SEVEN :: By Alice Childs

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Ephesians 3:14-21, KJV).

Back in 2019, Rapture Ready so graciously partnered with me in what I consider to be a mission endeavor. Rapture Ready published my story SEVEN as a chapter serial, allowing its vast worldwide readership to take a fictional journey through the seven-year Tribulation along with the story’s characters who find themselves left behind after the rapture of the Church. Although the characters and storyline are fiction in SEVEN, the coming events that are on the cusp of beginning as soon as the Church is raptured are NOT fiction.

My heart’s desire was then and always has been to use a fictionalized story to spread the gospel, to warn those who will be left behind of their lost condition, and to warn them of what is coming. My purpose was to do my best to present the truth of scripture via a fictional medium to those who might otherwise never pick up a Bible or read the excellent teaching content housed in sites like Rapture Ready or other Biblically sound Christian venues.

When we began this journey in 2019, I had absolutely no clue first of all that SEVEN would ever be read by anyone but myself, my husband, or possibly my children. However, as is so often the case, God had bigger plans that I could not and would not have ever dared to dream.

From my earliest childhood, my life’s dream has always been to be a writer. Those who love to write and teach simply do it regardless of whether the one writing ever thinks anyone will read or hear what’s on your heart. If you feel led to write, you just write, and for the believer who writes, or teaches, or preaches, or sings, or whatever, we just do it because we feel called to do it, and we leave the results in God’s hands.

Thus, when I began writing SEVEN in the spring of 2018, then put it aside for an entire year after writing only the first chapter, I didn’t feel rushed or anxious or anything. I honestly had no thoughts that it would ever appear anywhere other than on my documents site or be read by anyone but me and David, my husband – my captive audience. Then in 2019, out of the blue, the Lord opened the door, and Rapture Ready allowed me to share my story with its readership, thus giving SEVEN an enormous audience and its first publication. I was then and still am now blown away by that unexpected opportunity. Still, I assumed that that was the fulfillment of my dream, and I was happy and beyond grateful for it. I still am.

However, as God so often does, He went “exceeding abundantly” beyond even the blessing He had already given me through Rapture Ready. As SEVEN was being published, so many readers took the time to email me, encouraging me and telling me how God was using SEVEN to impact themselves and their lost families. I treasured each one of these responses and did my best to respond to each one. So many were asking if I had any plans to publish the story in book form. My answer was always “Not at this time” because, honestly, I had no clue where to even begin such a quest.

After I finished the series in December of 2019, I put SEVEN out of my mind. Then came 2020, when everything fell apart. I, like everyone else, just hunkered down and did my best to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Then this year, out of the blue, I decided (except that I now know it was God leading) to check into what might be involved in self-publishing. Honestly, from my perspective, it was a lark. I truly didn’t expect anything to come of it except that I could now at least say I had “checked into it.” Again, God did the totally unexpected and “exceeding abundantly” opened yet another opportunity that I never saw coming. He led me to a self-publishing company that has taken SEVEN and is running with it. How far and to what end this new twist in the road of SEVEN’S journey will be is yet to be seen, but as of now, the saga of “SEVEN” continues into its next phase.

In publishing the story in book form, we expanded the title to SEVEN: A Story Of Things To Come, and it’s now in actual print form and available for purchase. Please, I hope and pray that you hear my heart. God knows my heart. With every fiber of my being, I want SEVEN to be a mission endeavor with only two goals: (1) that God alone be glorified, and (2) that the lost are brought to Jesus by reading and being exposed to God’s Word, the only thing that has the power to bring lost souls to eternal salvation through the gospel (1Corinthians 15:1-4).

My goal in posting this here is not to use this venue as a personal platform to sell a book, but to share with all of you who have been on this journey with me, by showing you just how “exceeding abundantly” God works. Most of all, to continue SEVEN as a mission endeavor to reach the lost in which each of us has played a part. Every prayer raised on my behalf, every time SEVEN was published or shared, every encouraging word and legitimate critique given that helped me grow as a writer and communicator – all of that is part of our fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel…”

Every soul brought into the kingdom will share in the crowns that we are earning for our faithful obedience to our Lord – crowns that we can then lay at His nail-scarred feet when we meet Him in the air.

SEVEN may be my story, but the dissemination of it throughout the world is our shared mission. Beginning with Todd Strandberg, Terry James, and the editorial staff at Rapture Ready, and rippling outward to every single reader who has taken the time to read SEVEN and share it, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for not only making my dream a reality but for making this global mission journey with me.

Details for purchasing the printed book are posted below. I have learned many things throughout this new-to-me foray into book publishing. One of those new lessons is that the retail price of books is determined by the number of pages. SEVEN’S length is 610 pages, which means that the retail price for it is going to be higher than for a book of, say, 300-400 pages. I apologize for that, but rather than write the story as a series of books (as in the LEFT BEHIND series), I intentionally wanted to write a stand-alone story that covered the same seven-year Tribulation period but that would be when completed, one book. Of necessity, that made the length of the book rather an epic.

The prices of both hardback, paperback (which are available now), and eBook (which will be available in a couple of weeks) are as follows: HARDBACK – $43.99, PAPERBACK – $29.99, EBOOK – $3.99. The book is available now at the publisher’s site and will be available on all major online book sites such as Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, and Amazon within the next ten to twelve days. When you go to the publisher’s site to order, there will be a place to write any reviews of the book that you may have.

I’ve already shared a few comments from readers with marketing to help them better understand what the book is about and to show them that there have already been people who have read it. These comments were shared with the publishing team alone and are not on the book page. I would not use these comments without permission from those who made them. However, for any of you who have read the book, if you feel so inclined, would those of you who have already read it when you purchase a copy consider giving it a rating and writing a short review or comment on the WR site? You certainly don’t have to, but I would very much appreciate it if you’d consider doing so.

You can make your order either from their website, or call Writer’s Republic and order by phone at 877-656-6838, or from the website at

They are currently building my author’s website, which they said will take about 3-4 weeks to complete. When it is up and running, I’ll post the info here. It will likely be

Last but not least, I want to take the time to thank each one of you for your support, encouragement, and the love you have shown me from the very beginning of this journey that we have made together. Most of all, thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for me and to share the book, which contains within it the gospel of salvation and a warning about the coming Tribulation. I have always seen SEVEN as a mission endeavor. May God alone be praised and glorified, and may He send SEVEN throughout the world and use it for His honor and glory, and to bring many lost souls to salvation now and after the rapture, before it is eternally too late – especially those who will find themselves left behind after we are gone.

May our great God alone be praised, and MARANATHA in the mighty name of Jesus!
