Stupidocrisy: Insanity of Liberal Thought :: By Bill Wilson

A recent drag queen march in New York City found activists chanting, “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming after your children.” Two recent news stories also demonstrate the insanity of liberal thought. The UK Sun reports that teachers and parents have been warned by a government-backed safeguarding group not to over-react to schoolkids identifying as “Furries”—kids that think they are animals. The Radio Times says that singer Elton John will not perform in the United States after his farewell tour because of “disgraceful” anti-grooming and parental rights laws prohibiting the targeting of children by the LGBTQ+ community. In both these stories, let’s think a little bit about what is being promoted.

The 76-year-old John, who is “married” to a husband and has children, told the Radio Times, “It’s all going pear-shaped in America. We seem to be going backward. And that spreads. It’s like a virus that the LGBTQ+ movement is suffering.”

Indeed, if that movement is aimed at grooming kids and sexual predation, it should be suffering a setback. The gains that the LGBTQ+ community made over the years resulted in homosexuals being portrayed on television and in movies as accepted and normal; a redefinition of marriage; and the institutionalization of celebrating homosexuality and other deviant sexual preferences during an entire month out of the year. Probably, most importantly, the movement has ingrained itself in schools and libraries across the country, grooming kids to become the next generation of LGBTQ+ practitioners.

This movement has gone so far as promoting biological men identifying as women to compete in sports and beauty pageants, among many other things. They demand, coerce and expect “acceptance” no matter how bizarre the behavior. This whole “furrie” thing is just one more example of moving the needle forward. It’s apparently not enough to coerce elementary and middle school kids into believing they are something they are not and having a sex change. Now the idea is to make parents “accept” and treat as normal their kids who want to identify as animals. I’ve heard of schools that have put litter boxes in their restrooms for this new breed of LGBTQ+ adherents. This is absolute insanity.

First, Elton John is really saying that because America is pushing back against the LGBTQ+ movement being able to groom children for sexual indulgences, he will no longer sing in America. Second, these LGBTQ+ activists, in the form of child psychologists or whatever, are saying that a parent should embrace and encourage their child’s unhealthy mental behaviors.

Where do we draw the line?

It starts with parents and leaders saying enough is enough.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Maybe we should tell Elton John to take a hike down his own yellow brick road. And parents, don’t let these insane psychologists, LGBTQ+ activists, and government schools tell you how to raise your kids. Anything less is, say it with me… Stupidocrisy.

Posted in The Daily Jot


Got Zeal? :: By Bill Wilson

The Archbishop of York, a major leader in the Church of England, last week told the organization’s General Synod that the Lord’s prayer was “oppressively patriarchal” because of the reference to “Our Father” at the beginning of the prayer taught by Christ.

The July 7 report from GBN, a Great Britain news network, quotes Archbishop Stephen Cottrell saying, “I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have labored rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life.”

In other words, Cottrell is saying that Christ was wrong in describing God as Father because the word’s use conjures up bad memories of earthly fathers. What?

It’s this type of thinking that drives people even further away from God, and allows for the misinterpretation of both content and context of the Bible.

The Church of England and its American counterpart, the Episcopal Church, have been in decline. They are examples of Christ’s reference to salt losing it savor. They lack zeal for God in their leadership, as do many churches that are compromising to culture rather than being the light of Christ in their communities. Sharing the pulpit with drag queens, supporting the very things that are detestable and abominations to God, twisting the Bible to gain a control are all marks of the times. Sin is justified. Bad doctrine is practiced. Ceremony takes precedence over substance.

In Numbers 25-30, the story of Phinehas reveals a new character type at the time—the zealot. Israelite men were literally being seduced into Baal worship by Moabite women. God became angry with the flagrant in-your-face sin. He sent a plague in the camp. Phinehas stepped up and decisively killed both Zimri, an Israelite prince, and a Midianite princess who were “cavorting” right in front of the Tabernacle. The Lord spoke to Moses saying that Phinehas was “zealous for my sake,” and he ended the plague. In Numbers 25:13, God rewarded Phinehas and his “seed after him, even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was zealous for his God and made an atonement for the children of Israel.”

Another zealot, David, wrote in Psalm 69:8, “I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children, because zeal for Your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult You have fallen on me.”

The disciples recalled this psalm when, in his zeal, Christ cleansed his Temple in Jerusalem.

Christ is our greatest example of zeal for God. His zeal challenged the hearts and practices of the religious leaders. His zeal gave everlasting life to those who believe in Christ. As followers of Christ, we are charged to take up this zeal in exercising the Great Commission.

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.”

Lord, give us the courage for such zeal.

Posted in The Daily Jot