The Immorality of Socialism :: By David Reagan

The Rise and Fall of Socialism in America

The Socialist Party of America was founded in 1901. It received support from trade unionists, progressive social reformers, populist farmers, and various immigrant groups. But it never did well at the polls, particularly in presidential elections. And its staunch opposition to American involvement in World War I resulted in a large number of defections.

The best showing ever for a Socialist ticket was in 1912, when their candidate, Eugene Debs, received 901,551 total votes, or 6% of the popular vote. In 1920 Debs ran again, this time from prison, and received 913,693 votes, 3.4% of the total.

Socialism rebounded in the 1930s during the Great Depression under the leadership of Norman Thomas, but President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, which introduced America to Welfare-Statism, prevented Socialism from gathering much steam. Later, the party’s opposition to American involvement in World War II cost it much of its support.

The party stopped running presidential candidates after 1956 when its nominee won fewer than 6,000 votes. The party decided, instead, to focus its efforts on educational programs. In the early 1970s the party splintered into three main groups, and the original party changed its name to Social Democrats, USA.

The Resurrection of Socialism in America

It was therefore startling to most people when Newsweek magazine proclaimed on the cover of its February 6, 2009 issue that “We Are All Socialists Now.” As proof, the magazine pointed to the fact that the U.S. government had already — under a conservative Republican administration — effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. The writer of the cover article then asserted, “Whether we want to admit it or not…the America of 2009 is moving toward a modern European state.”

How can this resurrection of Socialism be explained? It relates to the rapid secularization and paganization of American society in recent years, especially since the election of President Barack Obama in 2008.

Socialism always flourishes in a secular society. And the reason is simple. Here’s how Robert Knight of the American Civil Rights Union explained it in a recent article: “…Socialism goes hand in hand with abandoning God and worshiping the idol of an ever-growing government.”1

And that’s how United States Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont, an openly avowed Socialist, won more than 12 million votes in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries — by promising that government would become the National Nanny by providing every need. He promised free college, free health care and another $10 trillion in federal spending. When considering such reckless promises, Robert Knight asks, “What’s not to like if you view government as an ATM machine for all your needs?”2 Or, to put it another way, “Who needs God when government will supply everyone’s needs at someone else’s expense?”3

The Competing Systems

There are really only two types of social organization — collectivism and individualism. In the 20th Century, collectivism took many forms, such as Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Welfare Statism and Communism. The alternative system, and the only one compatible with individualism and freedom, is Capitalism.

Collectivist systems like Socialism rely on state power to forcibly redistribute wealth. These systems amount to legalized theft. C. Bradley Thompson, who is a professor at Ashland University and a staff member at the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs, has summarized Socialism brilliantly as a ruling system that “uses compulsion and the organized violence of the State to expropriate wealth from the producer class for its redistribution to the parasitical class.”4

Defenders of Socialism always try to present themselves as compassionate people who care for the underprivileged. They characterize Capitalism as a dog-eat-dog system that produces inequities, with great disparities between the rich and the poor. Thompson responds to these arguments as follows:5

Yes, there are winners and losers in Capitalism. The winners are those who are honest, industrious, thoughtful, prudent, frugal, responsible, disciplined and efficient. The losers are those who are shiftless, lazy, imprudent, extravagant, negligent, impractical and inefficient. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards virtue and punishes vice.

Thompson then sums up his whole argument against Socialism by saying, “Simply put, Socialism rewards sloth and penalizes hard work, while Capitalism rewards hard work and penalizes sloth.”6

The Need for Common Sense

The young people who are swarming to Senator Sanders’ support are a spiritually bankrupt generation who view government as God. They are also a greedy generation that desires “free stuff.”

And they are obviously ignorant of economics and are hard up for common sense, for one of the facts of life is that there are no free meals. Thus, if government gives you a “free” education, you will spend the rest of your life paying exorbitant, confiscatory taxes to cover the cost of that education and the “free” educations of those who follow you. I guess the problem with common sense is that it is not very common.

David Reagan: I guess the problem with common sense is that it is not very common.CLICK TO TWEET

Considering Scripture

Some liberal Christian spokesmen have tried to defend Socialism on the grounds that the early Church in Jerusalem practiced Socialism as described in Acts 2:44-45:

44) And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common;

45) and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.

Yes, the early Christians, who were severely persecuted, banded together in communal groups to help defend and support each other, but that is a far cry from Socialism. The key here is that they shared their goods of their own free will. No one forced them to do so.

In like manner today, I give a lot of my income to many ministries, churches and social welfare organizations that provide food, clothing and even lodging to poor people. But I do so willingly as an expression of my love of Jesus. No one forces me to do so.

Again, the Socialists utilize the power of the State to force people to give to others through policies that result in a forced redistribution of income. And that is theft, pure and simple. Their desire is to make people dependent on the State because such dependence, in turn, will provide the Socialists with ever greater power over people’s lives.

One interesting thing in this regard that I have noticed over the years is that when Socialist politicians are forced to reveal their income tax returns, they never show any significant donations to help the poor. No, these “compassionate” liberals want to help the poor with your money and mine — not theirs.

David Reagan: Compassionate liberals want to help the poor with your money, not theirs. #capitalismCLICK TO TWEET

Insights About Socialism

Rupert Murdoch, the British media mogul, recently gave a speech about the virtues of Capitalism. In the process, he made a very insightful comment about Socialism:7

Socialism is a form of feudalism. The Lord is the State and the Aristocracy which rises up around the State…The serfs are the same people who have always been serfs throughout history. Socialism doesn’t save anyone from working for the company store. Government just becomes the company store.

Winston Churchill always had a pithy way of presenting profound ideas in brief statements. Here’s what he had to say about Socialism as compared to Capitalism: “The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery.”8

One blogger, who chooses to remain anonymous, has this to say about the morality of Socialism:9

Socialism is immoral at its core [because] it requires an acceptance that the government owns you, that when the rubber hits the road, you are simply a number, and that if you are more productive than most other people, you will be replaced as a cash cow to be milked for what some group of Statists consider “The Common Good.”

History attests to the fact that people are always willing to surrender their freedoms for the promise of security. That is exactly what Socialism does. Beware!


1) Robert Knight, “Embracing the Socialist,” www.washingtontimes. com, February 14, 2016, page 1.

2) Ibid.

3) Ibid., page 3.

4) C. Bradley Thompson, “Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System?”, October 1993, page 2.

5) Ibid.

6) Ibid., page 3.

7) Nick Sorrentino, “Socialism fails because it is largely immoral in its denial of fundamental freedoms,”, April 22, 2013, page 2.

8) Anonymous, “On Taxes and Socialism,”, page 4.

9) Ibid.

Will Modern Day Israel Survive? :: By Dr. David R. Reagan

A recent edition of Israel Today magazine featured an article by its editor, Ariel Schneider, titled, “How Long Will Israel’s Third Kingdom Survive?”

While thinking about modern day Israel’s 70th anniversary, it occurred to Schneider that “in its 3,500 year history, the nation of Israel has only three times been able to live free, united, sovereign and independent. And only for very short periods of time.”

The First United Kingdom

He argues that the very first time Israel truly existed as a sovereign, united nation state was during the kingships of David and Solomon — a period of 82 years, from 1010 to 928 BC. King David ruled a united Israel for 40 years (1010 to 970 BC). He was followed by his son, Solomon, who also reigned for 40 years (970 to 930 BC).

But two years into the reign of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, a civil war broke out over excessive taxation, and the kingdom split between 10 tribes in the north and two in the south. The northern area became known as the state of Israel, with its capital at Samaria. The two tribes in the south called their state Judah, and its capital was in Jerusalem.

The Divided Kingdoms

The northern kingdom of Israel was apostate from the beginning. Never once in its 208 year history (930 to 722 BC) did it have a king who, in God’s eyes, was considered to be righteous. Its hard-boiled rebellion against God and His Word resulted in the kingdom’s destruction by the Assyrians in 722 BC.

The southern kingdom of Judah was blessed with great kings like Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Hezekiah and Josiah. The kingdom was also blessed with prosperity. But its greatest blessing was spiritual, for the Shekinah Glory of God resided in the nation’s temple in Jerusalem.

But the Judeans gradually fell into apostasy as they intermarried with the Caananites and ended up worshiping their gods. The Lord sent remedial judgments to call them to repentance. But they persisted in their rebellion. God also sent many prophetic voices to call them to repentance and to warn them of impending judgment, but they had deaf ears.

Finally, God allowed the Babylonians to conquer them and take them into captivity. After Babylon fell to the Persians, the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland, but they remained under Persian domination until the nation was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. After his death, the Jews came under the rule of the Greek Seleucid Kingdom.

The Second United Kingdom

It would be 800 years after the United Kingdom of David and Solomon before the Jews would once again experience a united, independent kingdom. It was the product of the Hasmonean revolt against the Seleucid Greek occupiers that began in 164 BC. Eleven years later, in 153 BC, Jerusalem was conquered and the Temple was cleansed. In 135 BC John Hycranus was crowned King of Israel, and six years later, in 129 BC, he proclaimed Israel’s full independence. This sovereign state lasted 66 years, until 63 BC when the Romans conquered Jerusalem.

Brief Sovereignty

This means that all three of Israel’s united sovereignties added together equal only 218 years (David-Solomon, 82 years; Hasmonean, 66 years; and Modern Israel, 70 years).

If you count the existence of Israel as a state in one form or another from the time of King Saul (1030 BC) to its destruction under the Romans in 70 AD, you have a total of 960 years. During that time, the Jewish people lived under a unified, sovereign government for only 148 years (David-Solomon, 82 years and Hasmonean, 66 years), totaling only 15 percent of the time.

Some historians would add the period when Judah existed alone, from 722 to 586 BC, a period of 136 years. But during those years, the nation was often under the domination of foreign powers like the Assyrians and the Egyptians, requiring it to pay tribute as a vassal state.

The point is that Israel has never been able to exist for very long as an independent, unified sovereign nation.

Prospects for Today

And, for that reason and others, most modern experts on the Middle East suggest that the current state of Israel (the Third United Kingdom) will also have a short life. On the surface that estimation seems valid. After all, Israel’s seven million Jews are surrounded by 22 hostile Arab nations with more than 400 million people. Israel’s survival appears to be hopeless.

But, “He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4). Israel has been engaged in constant, never-ending warfare ever since the modern state was established, and Israel has miraculously survived. This is in fulfillment of Bible prophecy which says that in the end times, Israel will be like David against Goliath (Zechariah 12:8) and that Israel will consume its adversaries like a raging fire in the midst of a woodpile (Zechariah 12:6).

The Bible also promises supernatural protection of Israel when the nation is invaded in the end times by a mighty coalition of enemies led by Russia (Ezekiel 38 & 39). This overwhelming army will be destroyed by God with battlefield confusion, earthquakes, pestilence, torrential rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone (Ezekiel 38:20-22 and Ezekiel 39:6).

But the Bible also prophesies that the current state of Israel will be overthrown by the Antichrist in the middle of the Tribulation when the Jews reject him as their Messiah (Revelation 12:13-17). During the last half of the Tribulation (3½ years), the Antichrist will become obsessed with annihilating the Jewish people, and they will scatter to other nations, including modern day Jordan where they will be supernaturally protected (Daniel 11:41).

At the end of the Tribulation, we are told that the remnant of surviving Jews worldwide will put their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10 and 13:1).

When Jesus returns to this earth at the end of the Tribulation, He will regather all believing Jews back to their homeland and establish them as the prime nation of the world, and they “will never be uprooted again” (Amos 9:15).
