Can You See the Light of Day? :: By Don Twobears

Habakkuk 2:1-3 “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

I had to re-read this passage of Scripture, not once but 3 times! Considering all the Prophecies that are coming true today all across the Globe, I was dumbstruck so to speak.

How Prophetic is that?

Please understand; I have recently had eye surgery. I first had cataract surgery for my left eye; boy was it getting bad! Anyways, my left eye was doing better thereafter; but about 4 months ago, my left eye did something strange. If I were to look at anything straight and level, I would see a Blip, or better—a Sine wave. Little did I know, that was not so strange for the Ophthalmologist; I had a membrane that developed on the back of my Retina. So I was scheduled for left eye surgery once again, an “Epi-Retinal Membrane Peel.” It’s not as bad as it sounds; yet if left untreated, I could lose vision in my left eye.

I had never taken my vision for granted, yet there were things that I had not counted on taking place, putting my vision in jeopardy. Please understand; as an American Indian, we should have great vision. At 18, I could count the hairs on a flea’s butt at 5,000 meters. HA HA! Now that I am old, my vision is more critical in my Life. I thank the Lord for HIS Wisdom and HIS Hand of Healing! It will be a little while before my vision returns to full, but I am again so very Thankful to the Lord.

I would like to point out that the Holy Word of God is full of Passages that speak of vision, seeing this or that; vision is so important. A great deal of Eschatology centers around being able to “See.”

We often read about being ‘the Watchers on the Wall.’ So, as you see, vision is critical and it is not always the vision with just our eyes, but with our hearts as well – Israel as a Globally recognized nation; the unrest in the Middle East during the Last Days; Jerusalem returned to the Jews; etc., – best of all, being able to read the Word of God and learning to understand it, the Prophecies that have already taken place and those still to come.

And what about sharing the Word of God? Does this not require that one of you is able to Read? As I have been saying, vision is critical in the Word of God; yet how much of our daily lives do we take for granted, like vision or hearing?

This is not to say one must be able to read; one can hear the Word of God even though they cannot see. The mind that is set on the Lord will have eyes that are able to see and know the Truth. One that does not see with eyes is able to see the truth found in God’s Holy Word to us. I am so happy to be able to see better and better as each day passes, and yet I know my Heart is able to see all that my eyes are not able to see – and that is the Wisdom of my Lord.

How odd is it that there are so many in the world that are not able to see what is right in front of their faces?

The Word tells us that the Majority of the world walks that Highway to destruction; they do so willingly! How odd again that they “Choose that route” rather than give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ?! Yet, if you ask most people, they will tell you, “Oh yes, I believe in God!” My usual reply is, “The Devil believes in Jesus Christ too.” The problem comes when you see the surprise on their faces. That is the moment that you know they have never known Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! So then the question is, what do we do about that?

It is no surprise to anyone that these people must first HEAR the Truth that gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to Convict that Individual of their Sin. People already know about their own Sin. The Problem is how to turn to Jesus Christ for HIS Blood to cover their Sin. There is NO other way to the Father!

As I have said before, these people need to see the Broad Highway they are walking on; it leads to Eternal Destruction, sort of like watching Zombies shuffle along. We first must awaken them from their slumber to see what all is going on around them and to let them know just how short the time is! Once they are awake, then we must offer them the knowledge that we possess about Salvation through Jesus Christ. After that, we are done; everything is in the capable hands of our Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the problems with Humans is that we continually have that “Hope” factor with us as we live. The next problem is that in Hell and the Lake of Fire…there is NO HOPE. That aspect that we have lived with all our lives is removed. Once in Hell, there is no way to do anything over again. If nothing else is able to scare you, that should be the ultimate one! Imagine for a moment…NO HOPE. It makes my mind scream…to say the least! This brings me to a point about the deceivers in the Pulpits…can you imagine where they will be? Can you imagine what this world will be like AFTER the Holy Spirit is removed?!

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

The answer has always been there in Black and White for anyone to read or hear. Oddly enough, in Revelation it says: Revelation 3:22 “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

And how long has the Holy Word of God been around? For at least 4,500 years! You would think more people would know what is in the Word of God and would know the absolute Truth! In this we now know, those that perish have chosen not to accept the Word of God and will not accept the Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ! How sad is it that so many will die forever, tormented in the knowledge that they had a chance to accept Jesus Christ. They had as much of an opportunity as you or I!

Where is your Home? Please do not tell me; instead know it in your Heart and then go out and tell others! If nothing else, know that Jesus Christ…KNOWS your Heart and HE knows where your home truly is.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

All Scripture comes from the King James Version of the Bible

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Is Perspective Really Everything? :: By Don Twobears

I was spending some time lately with my vision; I have had Cataract Surgery on my Left eye. My right eye is doing well…thus far. And I was sitting on our little porch in our rocking chairs with my Wife and drinking our morning Coffee, enjoying the beautiful Texas Hill-Country Weather. The trees out from us are absolutely Gorgeous – different shades of green, and they are full. I couldn’t help myself but to say, “Thank you Lord!” And then I began to notice so many other things to be thankful to the Lord for, like the cool breeze, clean water for Coffee, My Wife and her Wisdom, and Company. And the flood didn’t stop there either.

The next thing I knew, I was saying, “Thank you Lord, Thank you, Thank You,” over and over again. I still have my vision; I Love my Wife and she still Loves me. My Kids next door are Healthy and happy. I couldn’t find anything to complain about. There never is anything to complain to the Lord about; HIS Love knows no end.

I got to thinking, why had I never known this realization before? I must guess I was too busy…with Life and all its needs. Back in those years, in the Work-Life, I was hard-pressed to be anything other than “Nose to the Grind-Stone,” and I was not always happy or Grateful. In those days, I was so blinded by work, our income or School, and the hours; because there are always many needs in the Medical Field. Life and Medical needs never cease for the sick. Yet, I should have Thanked the Lord for all of it. How much happier would I have been?

Narrow Perspectives! That was all there was for me at that time. I spent little time enjoying simple things like a Breeze, clean Coffee, the Love of my Wife…Like I should have. The Medical Field is very demanding of time; so much knowledge must be available. I worked so many hours in overtime—far too many hours at work instead of with my Family—missing special occasions, Birthdays, Anniversaries and the Like. And as I look back, it is simply a blur of activity. So now that I am retired, I often ask myself, was it all worth it?

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

There were many days when I didn’t get any rest – sometimes 22-24 hours straight at work, then coming home ‘Dragging-butt’ and then sleeping till I had to get up and do it all over again, but wishing desperately for some real Down-Time and Peace. We often had to come home from Vacation a day early so that we could rest up before going back to work. Imagine that! Having to rest up from Vacation! We would rush through Vacation, Sleep-in; what was that?! I get tired just thinking back about it all. Just rush, rush and then more rushing!

Nowadays, I get to watch my Kids do the exact same things my Wife and I did. My mission is to get them to relax and enjoy everything instead of rushing all the time. It would appear this is falling on Deaf ears.

Did you notice in the passage above, “I will give you rest?”

That is what I have now and something I should have sought back then! Our lives are not supposed to be all about rushing, working and all that goes along with that – though it is true, “If a man does not work, neither should he eat.”

2 Thessalonians 3:10-11 “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.”

Oops! Someone is going to be offended by that Passage of Scripture. So then the question is, how much should we work? My answer is, if it takes away from Family continually, if it keeps you from the Lord, if it takes up all your thoughts…then find something else to do. Notice I did not say…Quit! If your Work-Life is a drudgery, your life will reflect that. If your Work-Life robs you of Happiness, then your Life will lack happiness, and you will need to change. How many love their Jobs and have a full life as well? FEW! There’s that 3-letter word again. Powerful, ain’t it?

If you recall from many of my Previous articles, this life is about coming to the Lord Jesus Christ. Is there anywhere that says our work, liked or not, must come first? It says the Lord comes first, in all things. Wow! What a concept…right?

Work should be a gift. It keeps us focused and moving forward, sharp-minded and moldable. It provides for us an income in our “Golden Years” (for some of us). During those years, we are young and able to do what is needed, but it should be for the Lord in every step…First! I am Thankful to the Lord for my Good Health as I turn 67. Far too many are not in the same boat as I. Somewhere along the way, we lose focus of what we should be working to accomplish – a Life governed by the Lord.

What would our lives be like if we were to put the Lord first in everything? Happier, more fulfilled ya think? There’s that saying “Perspective is everything.” Well, it is everything if the Lord is directing it…instead of us. The Bible tells us the Lord knows everything, so why do we rely on our ideas? It says the Lord knows our future, so why should we work so hard to make our own lives and futures? Is that not the recipe for disaster? Does the world and how it is running right now not prove this to us?

How odd is it…we are living in the “End of Days,” and the Prophecies of the Word of God are coming true before our eyes…and we still have not learned?!

Prosperity and feeling good about ourselves seems to be prevalent today. I know of people that worked their Butts off every day and then had a Heart Attack or a stroke…in their first year of Retirement. Do you think that maybe their perspective on Life was wrong? That’s a logical question…right?

Those that I knew were not always happy with the direction of their lives, yet they doggedly went about the life they thought was paramount. And yet the Bible tells us that our lives should be for the Lord God…first and always! What would they be like had that been the case from the beginning? Would your life be different as well?

I hate to speculate anything; I prefer “knowing!” Yet for humans here on earth, that’s impossible. So, we endeavor to live our lives the best way we know. The Holy Word of God tells us the Lord “knows” the future of every single person. That being the case, wouldn’t it be better to let HIM direct our lives?

2 Corinthians 6:2 For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

Think about that! You’re in an Airplane and the Rapture takes place; the people in the cockpit vanish. Will you have the presence of mind to accept Salvation through Jesus Christ before you hit the ground? I know, I know…truth be known, that will be someone’s true situation.

Life is very short y’all! Perspective is everything…right? Reread the passage of Scripture above…one more time. Are you living your Life according to the Perfect Will of the Lord…or on your own?

What would your every day be like if your perspective was the Lord…first and always? The Lord wraps everything all up in one tight package, IF you accept HIS invitation. Will the cares of this world matter anymore to you? Will your days change for the better or for the worse? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…right? You want happiness and Peace…right? You purchase Insurance for when things go badly, right? What about your Eternal Insurance?

I don’t know about you, but since I have been saved I am able to breathe a whole lot better and sleep more soundly. Life is brighter, my view clearer, the colors more vibrant; and all I can say is “Thank You Lord” over and over again, because HIS Loves knows no bounds!

Does the Lord make us happier in Life? I know HE has in mine! Some say that is not what HE wants for us. They’re wrong, and my Life proves it! My Perspective…y’all.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

All Scripture comes from the King James Version of the Bible.

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