These Present Perilous Times :: By Terry James

In the imagination, the Apostle Paul could well have been sitting watching a heavenly jumbo screen of some sort while penning what has come to be recorded as 2 Timothy chapter 3:

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

“Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was” (2 Timothy 3:1-9).

It does seem that Paul was permitted to look at some kind of prophecy jumbotron screen and see directly into this present hour. Certainly, we’ve witnessed and/or endured much during these volatile times that we could use to make the case that the great apostle’s words here project for our spiritual understanding of God’s dire prophecy for the end of the age.

Let’s have a brief look at some of this “perilous times” future wickedness Paul presents.

Here again, I’m going to stay, for the most part, America-centric in considering Paul’s prophecy about these vexing days in which we find ourselves. That’s because this nation is the apex of all in recorded history, in terms of so-called civilization’s progress. God’s Word tells us that to those whom much is given, much is required.

Our nation has been materially blessed beyond all others of human history, and spiritually blessed beyond all but Israel. America’s responsibility to the God of Heaven is, I suspect, therefore held in Heaven’s most profound contempt for straying from His heavenly directives for conducting life on Earth.

About these perilous timesPaul says the following:

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud…”

Social media frames this perilous-times characteristic as much as any that come to mind.

We start with the photo-taking phenomenon that arose quickly with the coming of the social-media platforms. The nation seems alive with the prideful sin of narcissism in this matter of taking one’s own picture for all the cyber-universe to “enjoy.”

Following hard on the heels of the selfie came the millions of autobiographical stories of the social-media users. These self-aggrandizing pieces, putting forth everything from personal wealth exaggeration to fabulous descriptions of many romantic and other adventures were and are mostly prevarication to the max.

America has led the way in all of this Hollywood-inspired hype. Those who watch the lives of the movie personalities and their fantasy world then mix and weave such reports within their own wannabe lives’ fictions to present throughout cyberspace.

The perilous aspect of all this is that it invades the very souls of men, women, and children, taking them far from reality, and particularly from the fact that they are, rather than perfect people, individuals who need a Savior from the sin that is carrying them down the broad way that leads to destruction.

“…blasphemers, disobedient to parents…”

God is blasphemed in this nation in that America has degenerated from a time–one in which I was raised—when Christian parents had their children in church and oversaw their teaching of God’s Word, to this current moment when the young are, in many cases, turned over to their devices. This parental failure instills in tender minds that they, under the tutelage of cyberspace inculcation, can determine their own course of life.

Whenever they are then confronted with a parental recall to reestablish control, the children rebel, resenting in the strongest terms their devices being restricted or taken away.

“…unthankful, unholy…”

Statistics from the Barna Group and other organizations show a turn from Christian concepts within the American family. Same goes for every other aspect of life in the nation. All we have to do is observe the daily news reports, even from within our own hometown news sources, to understand that we’re an unholy generation.

The Apostle Paul’s forewarning from God in Romans 1:28—to any people who turn their backs on God—rings an alarm for our nation today. It seems we’ve reached the point in many ways that show God is turning this generation over to a reprobate mind. (As evidence of the upside-down thinking, I offer the wokeness insanity we’ve lately been subjected to.)

“…without natural affection…”

This perilous-times characteristic is one I’ve covered many times in this column. My thoughts haven’t changed–because God doesn’t change.

Abortion–shedding the blood of the innocent—is a matter I believe angers God to the extent few other sins reach. The denial that life begins at conception is the lie from Satan for which the world is about to pay a tremendous, wrathful price, I’m convinced.

Abortion, in which a mother deliberately allows the murder of her child while in her womb, is at the very heart of Paul’s forewarning. It is an act “without natural affection,” as is homosexuality. I believe the Lord is going to display for the entire world to see exactly when life begins, in His holy view.

I believe every child will go to be with Christ when He calls in the Rapture—including each and every child just conceived.

Homosexuality is another characteristic Paul forewarned when he labeled it as being “without natural affection.”

Satan constantly strives to take humankind away from belief in God’s order of things. One is the lie that same-sex relations in the matter of sexual pursuit are every bit as legitimate as heterosexual relationships. Another is the insanity of reprobate thinking that people can be whatever gender they think they are, not the one God gave them at birth.

This is a generation steeped in that perilous-times characteristic “without natural affection.”

“…trucebreakers, false accusers…”

There is no better (or worse) example we could consider in thinking on this characteristic than the political process in America today.

Truce-breaking is at every level in this, perhaps the lowest-rated job endeavor in America. Traitorous politicians make and break “deals” without a moment’s concern for whom the action is harmful, whether to opponents or to friends, for that matter.

But it is the area of false accusations that stands out most egregiously in these times. All we have to do is consider the many lies told about former and future President Donald J. Trump to understand we are witnessing Paul’s end-times characteristic termed “false accusers.”

As a matter of fact, the false accusations have become so prolific that they’ve morphed into a malady that refers to a psychological disturbance. We all know about the “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

“…incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good…”

This characteristic can readily be understood in these end times. The word “incontinent” here can mean “addictive” or “in a state of agitation.” This is a precise picture of the tremendous use of illicit as well as prescription pharmaceuticals that saturates today’s American society and culture.

Many of those who exhibit this characteristic rage against those who want only a peaceful existence as they go about their lives. Christian values are particularly targeted by those who want no governance, especially not from the God of Heaven.

“…heady, highminded…”

There are perhaps many ways to look at this characteristic presented by the great apostle. However, I choose to assign this one in particular to American academia.

The colleges and universities of higher education have joined together to try to inculcate young adults to want to change this nation from its founding principles–principles that are influenced by God’s own hand in dealing with the founding fathers.

To paraphrase the Apostle Paul again, “Thinking themselves to be wise, they have become fools.”

Through denying the God of Creation, they teach anti-God, humanistic rebellion. Thereby they continue with the lies from Satan, the father of lies.

And it’s not only the higher institutions infected by the venom of rebellion. The public education system in America suffers this inculcation of evil at every level.

“…lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”

The one matter that stands out to me in this regard revolves around the churches in the nation that have defected from the true faith.

These have embraced the Sodom-like culture of this late, prophetic hour. They proclaim such lies as “the times have progressed,” thus making changes in order to accommodate is necessary to draw in and retain those who seek to know God.

The current pope, as a tremendously wicked example, proclaims there are many ways to God and eternal life. All religions, he has recently declared, have their route to salvation. He and those who teach this are calling the Lord Jesus Christ a liar.

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father but by me” (John 14:6).

That you and I are within these perilous times at the precise moment prophesied for when Jesus calls all believers in the Rapture is abundantly clear. You don’t want to miss that call. To do so means you will endure the worst time of all human history, according to Christ Himself.

Here is how to instead go into the clouds of Glory to enjoy the wonders God has prepared for those who love Him.

“That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). 

Relationship Over Religion :: By Sean Gooding

John 14:22-23

“Judas (not Iscariot) asked Him, ‘Lord, why are You going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?’ Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

I hope that all is well with you all. It has been a few weeks since I last wrote, and the break was much needed. Please pray for us as my wife’s father recently passed away, and we are dealing with the stuff that comes after and the inevitable emotions that come into play. He was 81 years old, and as I sat with him and the family as he passed, it came to my mind that 23 years is not a long time. That is how far I am from 81. By then, my kids and grandkids would all be grown adults with kids themselves. Then I begin to wonder, well, what if Jesus comes back? Then I wonder if I will get to be raptured alive, or will I go the way of most people, into the grave.

Lately, there have been a lot of negativities online about the Lord and those of us who hold to Him. We have been called fools, misled, and just stupid. There continue to be serious attacks on Jesus and whether He was a real person. There are those who claim that the Gospel writers wrote much, much later and simply shaped the narrative to make it look like Jesus fulfilled prophecies. Many deny the very crucifixion, and of course, without that, there is no need for a resurrection.

These are the same arguments that have gone on forever and ever from various persons. There is a hatred for Christians, for the Word of God, and surely, we are simply fooled by dogma and fail to recognize the data. These are not the first to question the Bible, Jesus and God himself, and if time persists, they will not be the last. But with each generation, the Bible simply stays, and they die.

The Wall Street Journal reports that in 2023, there were 14,000,000 Bibles sold, and by October of 2024, Bible sales surged 22% compared to the same period last year. The naysayers are NOT winning. Their propaganda is not slowing the sales of the Bible one bit.

In our verse, Jesus gives us a promise that God himself will come and make a home with those of us who ‘keep His word’ – those of us who trust that Jesus is God, that He is God in the flesh, the Creator, and the one who came to give His life as a sacrifice for our sins, then arose from the dead three days later and is coming again to judge the world. We who have put our trust in Him only as the full payment of our sin debt to God are promised that God the Father will make His home with us. This is about a relationship, and it has never been about religion. This is what our atheist and agnostic friends miss.

As I had mentioned earlier, my father-in-law died a couple of days ago. My wife and I were out running errands the Friday before he passed. She knew he had not been feeling well and had this urge to go and sit with him. She did; she helped him eat dinner, and within a few hours of her coming home, we got a phone call that he was found unresponsive. And less than 48 hours later, he was dead.

Back in September of 2023, I got a call from a dear friend who is also my Mortgage broker. My mortgage was not due for another year. But he called and told me I needed to jump on this opportunity, and we did. We got all of our debts paid and have just the mortgage to pay. And not even a month later, my wife lost her job. We are in a position where, if she wants, she does not have to go back to work, but she can take care of our younger daughter and the grandkids. God did that. He knew what was coming, and, in both cases, He got ahead of the problem or the situation and handled it. Why? Because He is our friend. He lives with us.

When we try to explain this to unbelievers, they scoff and can’t seem to comprehend it. There is no way to explain it; one has to live it and see God’s hand do things that you know you could not have done or even would not have done had it not been for His prompting. God, all too often, is seen as this distant deity that is aloof and unapproachable, even detached from our suffering, and, as such, offers no hope or help.

But that is not the truth; our God is the very opposite of that. By coming in limited flesh like we are, He understands the frailty we face each day, He understands temptation (though He never failed), and He understands what it is like to be hated for helping. He understands what it is like to be misunderstood and hated by your own family. God knows has become God experienced.

Unless these folks humble themselves and repent, they will never know what it is to have deep chats with God like Abraham did about justice in Genesis 18, or to have long drawn-out talks about the injustice of the world like Job. They will never ever know what it is like to throw your drained and empty self at God’s feet like Elijah, and to have him care for you. They will never know what it is like to hear God tell you to talk to someone about Him or to see Him move someone that you had given up on, but God!!

The same God that wanted to fellowship with Adam and Eve will make His home with you and me. I pray that on a daily basis you see the hand of God in your life, that you have long and intimate conversations with Him. Not just monologues; anyone can do that, but conversations where God, via the Holy Spirit and the Scripture, is answering you.

Sadly, all too many will never get there. They will deny Jesus, the Bible, and the truths therein. They will die and enter an eternal Hell they were sure did not exist, and the Bible they decried will go on selling more and more until Jesus comes.

So, do you have a relationship with Jesus? Has God come to make His home with you? Or are you simply doing religious rituals to try and earn His favor? Maybe you are reading this and you deny that Jesus is God, deny that the Bible is God’s inspired book. The Bible says that those who seek the Lord with a sincere heart will find Him.

Jeremiah 29:12-13, “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

I challenge you to ask God to show Himself, and sincerely seek Him. He has been found by all who want to find Him. I heard a fellow say one time that atheists can’t find God for the same reason a thief can’t find a police officer; they don’t want to. Well, I beg you to want to for a little while and let God introduce Himself to you. Then you will see what we have been talking about and why it is hard for us not to talk about Him.

God bless you,

Dr. Sean Gooding
Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church
70 Victoria Street, Elora, Ontario