Doctrines of Demons, Itching Ears, End-Times Deception: By Geri Ungurean

Is Asbury a True Revival?

Originally written over 6 years ago, I felt compelled to bring this article out once again. The deception and heretical movements of these end times are so far from the truth of the Word of God, it makes a person wonder how the followers can be so deceived and gullible.

But wonder as we may, Jesus did warn about the coming deception:

“And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you'” (Matthew 24:4).

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand” (Matthew 24:23-25).

At the end of this piece, I will address the Asbury “Revival,” not with my own words but with the words of a solid brother in Christ who is also a gifted writer.

Here is the original article from 2017:

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

As I look around today, I see this passage of Scripture so clearly coming to pass. Perhaps there have always been many with itching ears, but I think that it is much worse in these last days. Are these people truly saved? How can they be so deceived? Did they attempt to come to God via the well-traveled road and very wide gate that God warns us to avoid? How can someone who has the Holy Spirit living within them want their ears to be tickled with heresies? Where is the discernment?

It makes no sense.

When I was drawn by the Lord in 1983, it was a powerful and supernatural event. I had searched for the truth about God for most of my life. On that unforgettable night, He opened my eyes and my heart, and I remember saying to the person sharing salvation with me, “This is it. It’s so clear to me now!”

I am not saying that we all have to have a dramatic two-feet-off-the-floor experience. But I do believe that it should be a memorable time when a person finally realizes that he/she is a wretched sinner – unable to save themselves and that God is HOLY, and HE does the saving.

Our Need for the Word of God

Another thing I remember is that I could not get enough of His Word. I would forget to eat food because I was immersed in His Word and could hardly break away from it. I was told to start with the Gospel of John, and I did. Then I went through all four gospels. His Holy Word became the most important thing in my life.

I knew that when I went to church, I should be hearing about sin and repentance. It was ALL about Jesus and Him crucified and the love that sent Him to that cross. I yearned to hear a preacher open up the Word to me in a deeper way. The couple who had led me to the Lord was charismatic, so I went to my first church with them.

Where Was Preaching About Sin and Repentance?

I was brand new in Christ, but I still knew that the sermons I was hearing were leaving me empty. One Sunday night, I saw Charles Stanley preaching on TV, and I considered him a gift from Jesus at that time of my walk with Him. When he preached, he backed everything up with Scripture. He spoke of sin and repenting and growing in Christ. I considered him to be my pastor in those early years.

Wolves in the Pulpit

The heretical pastors with mega-churches need itching ears to stay in business. I call it a business because that is what it is. When I see Joel Osteen and his lovely wife (she is pretty) standing up in front of 30,000 fans, telling them that God just wants them to be happy, happy, happy – it makes me sad, and it makes me sick.

WHERE does it say in God’s Word that He just wants us to be happy? But the tithes are paid and the ears tickled, and everyone seems satisfied. But my Bible says that we will also have tribulation in this life (John 16:33).

The Word of Faith preachers love the itching ears. They preach that if their members will give sacrificially, God will surely pour out financial blessings upon them – two and threefold. So the little old lady who is on Medicare gives Kenneth Copeland her last twenty dollars and goes without food for a week – but she is still waiting for that magical payment from heaven. It makes me want to SCREAM!

Are these people saved but extremely shallow and immature? Or is it possible that they never were saved in the first place? I can’t make that call, but it distresses me greatly to watch people who name the name of Jesus as their Savior following after false teachers who preach a different gospel.

I do know that the false teachers will be judged harshly.

James 3:1 clearly states it:

“My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”

Be a Berean:

“And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:10-11).

I pray that many eyes will be opened to the truth of the Word of God and that they will see that they are being taught heresies.



Let’s take a look at the “Revival at Asbury Church.”

Some are saying that this is indeed a revival sent by God. Some are being cautious and are taking a ‘Wait and see’ stance.

Others are declaring that this is not a true revival sent by God, that it was orchestrated by men and women. They are saying that there are many Biblical truths that are being ignored, i.e., Repentance and declaring that Salvation is only attained by trusting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Instead of me writing about my take on this – I have decided to post a most eloquent and comprehensive writing from a brother in Christ. John Haller shared this today on his Bible Prophecy Update. I decided that I would present this brother’s writing and let the readers ask the Lord to open their eyes to the truth about Asbury church.

Is the Asbury Revival a Real Revival? by Samuel Sey <visit Samuel’s webpage here

I’ve been to more “revivals” than I can count. I grew up in churches where “revivals” were the norm, not the exception.

I actually became a Christian during a “revival” at a youth retreat. After a weekend of preaching, “prophecies,” prayers, and “casting out demons,” most of the people at the youth retreat accepted the altar call, repeated the sinner’s prayer, and made professions of faith in Christ.

Within weeks, however, the vast majority of the people who professed faith in Christ had returned to unrepentant sin. So I’ve seen firsthand how emphasis on “revivals” instead of repentance harms so many.

It’s with that in mind and the authority of the Bible that I hesitate to call what is happening at Asbury University a “revival.”

That hesitancy, however, is offensive to people who seem to think it’s Satan, not God, who said:

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1-2).

Over the past week, seemingly anyone who shares any caution or concern over some of what’s happening at Asbury University is immediately labeled a “Pharisee,” a “Doubting Thomas,” a blasphemer, and other silly accusations by people who hypocritically attack their brothers and sisters in the name of defending brothers and sisters at Asbury University.

In some ways, just as woke Christians weaponized the George Floyd incident to pressure some Christians into accepting their definition of racism—some Charismatic Christians are trying to weaponize the Asbury “revival” to pressure others into accepting their definition of a revival.

But whether it’s Charismatic Christians or woke people—anyone who demands only submission or silence on their opinions over debatable issues isn’t operating in love.

Love does not insist on its own way. Godly people try to persuade others who disagree with them. Ungodly people, however, try to pressure others who disagree with them.

Nevertheless, the Asbury “revival” started after a 10 am chapel service last week, Wednesday, when a group of about 20 students and the worship team said they felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to continue worship past the end of the chapel service.

According to one of the students I talked to, a few hours later, the president of the seminary sent an email to the students encouraging them to visit the chapel to join the 20 students on what he described as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Apparently, 200 students arrived for worship at the chapel soon after, and there has been non-stop worship ever since.

The student maintains the “revival” wasn’t planned. But it’s worth noting that Asbury University is part of what is known as the revivalist movement—a group of Charismatic Christians who consistently attempt to produce revivals.

This is why the university’s website says:

“Asbury University has been known through the years for its history of great revivals. There have been several occasions when significant moves of the Holy Spirit have swept the campus and reached across the nation.”

In fact, besides this current “revival,” Asbury claims they’ve had 8 revivals.

I’ve talked to current students, recent graduates, and several people who’ve visited the chapel to experience the “revival,” and there are unquestionably several reasons why we should be concerned.

Though one student says the gospel has been consistently and explicitly preached since the beginning of the “revival,” others contradict that claim. In fact, one former student who was at the chapel this week told me he rarely, if ever, heard a clear presentation of the gospel at the school.

Another student said: “Attending the few chapels I have at seminary, apart from one [or] two chapels that preach a biblical message of repentance, it’s always been about ‘being who you are’ and God loving you ‘as you are.’ There are a lot of messages that are about being ‘true to yourself.'”

I’ve watched hundreds of videos of the “revival,” and I still haven’t seen any clips showing a clear preaching of the gospel. Of course, that isn’t evidence that people aren’t preaching the gospel.

Still, progressive Christians like Tim Whitaker at The New Evangelicals have essentially endorsed the “revival” after his visits to the chapel this week. Moreover, he says LGBTQ students at the school told him the university protects them from “conversion therapy.” According to Whitaker, the LGBTQ students who were “worshipping” at the chapel also say they’re especially hopeful the “revival” will create (progressive) change at the school.

That lines up with what one student said to me: “Unfortunately, I have first-account experience and conversations with people who are attending and speaking on the ‘greatness’ of revival who are actively living in sin (to be blunt).”

Furthermore, some of the preachers at the chapel are women. And there are also several people “prophesying,” speaking in tongues, “casting out demons,” and “faith healing” at the chapel.

So with that said, is the Asbury “revival” a real revival?

Because of the seemingly little or no gospel preaching, the female pastors, [and] the disorderly and charismatic chaos, I’m inclined to say “no.”

But in a sense, whether I think it’s a revival or not doesn’t really matter, anyway. The word “revival” isn’t a biblical term. Source

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom b’Yeshua


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It Was a GOD Thing :: By Geri Ungurean

I posted an article a few days ago about a very important ministry that is happening in Africa.


I happened upon this while visiting a website I truly love called It is a site where you can choose the translation of the Word and also choose the passages of Scripture you are seeking. Then you can choose “audio,” and the miraculous Word of God is spoken.

My husband Tim and I are very excited about partnering with I urge the readers to watch the short documentary about this ministry.

One Matchstick: The Senga Fire | FULL DOCUMENTARY

I want to share something that happened today while Tim and I were discussing the ministry in Africa. After he watched the documentary, we talked about what God was doing in various tribes in Africa.

Think about this, brethren: each village (and there are many) has its own language, and most people from the villages cannot read or write their language – they only speak it. They are hungry for the Word of God, and before this ministry began, they only heard the Word from people of other villages. And, of course, they could not understand the languages spoken, so they relied on someone to translate into their tribe’s language.

You’ve heard the expression “Lost in translation.” Well, that was exactly what was happening. As I said, these people are very hungry to hear God’s Word spoken in their native language.

As the Lord led those in leadership of “,” it finally became apparent that if funding was available, the answer to the problems of people from various tribes was to offer them an audio Bible with earbuds so that they would be hearing God’s Word in their tribe’s language! They did not need to know how to read or write – only “listen” to the Word!

The GOD Thing

When I was talking with Tim today, I said to him, “Now imagine many tribes coming together (each having their own language) and each tribe listening to the Word of God in their own language at the very same time. Brethren, does this bring to mind something from our New Testament?

Acts 2:1-8

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

“And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?”

As I said – this was definitely a GOD THING!!



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