24 Mar 2025

No Rest

About 18 months ago, we got a ride on a turbo-charged train. After years of “fairly routine” incidents in the Middle East, Hamas forced things. Israel fights a seven-front war, is winning, and now has had an eighth front forced on it: the Israeli judiciary.

We forget that in the months before Oct. 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was attempting to reign-in a very left-wing judiciary; one identical the one we are saddled with here in America. That is, Marxists that have infiltrated the government and seek to impose a dark will on the citizenry.

We have a chance here in the States to dismantle it, but Israel is in a precarious situation due to these rogue judges and AG. This week, on Netanyahu’s recommendation, the cabinet voted to fire Shin Beit head Ronen Bar. But hold the phone, Bolshevik Breath! The High Court of Justice has issued a temporary injunction on the firing. Naturally, Bar himself is refusing to resign or accept the firing. If he thought of the country first, he would step aside. But that’s not how totalitarian agendas work.

And get this: in the meantime, Netanyahu can’t even interview new candidates, stating that it could be a conflict of interest!

This is the identical situation Donald Trump finds himself in, as rogue courts across the land try to impose their leftist will on government policy.

Now, let me add one more layer to this development in Israel. The court system, AG, and the High Court seek to impede the prime minister’s goals, and in wartime! But guess who is also working to hurt the country?

The Media. Notice very carefully the wording in this Times of Israel “news story.”

“The ruling appeared to set up a showdown between the government — with ministers openly vowing to defy the court — and the judicial system that was backed up by large segments of Israeli civil society. The main labor union and business forum threatened a nationwide strike if the government did not abide by the court order.”

The Times claims:

  • the cabinet ministers are “defying” the court
  • the judicial system is backed by “large segments of society”
  • business strikes are threatened if the judiciary is not propped-up

Friends, this is an editorial masquerading as a news story. Few truly understand just how nefarious the media are, as they plant falsehoods in peoples’ minds. This is why you cannot make good decisions while you are getting bad information.

Netanyahu well understands the leftist forces arrayed against him and his government. And again, these unconscionable ghouls are doing this during wartime.

Then, factor-in former PM Naftali Bennett (riding Netanyahu’s coattails, and manipulating the system to bring down the government) bashing Netanyahu this week, accusing him of taking bribes from Qatar! Bennett is not to be trusted. Two years ago, he agreed to share power with the loathsome, mediocre Yair Lapid, whose tenure will always read “2022-2022.” He’s that bad. Netanyahu is working on his 18th year as Israeli premier. Bennett and Lapid lasted for about 15 minutes.

For his part, Netanyahu says the government will decide who heads the Shin Beit. Fighting off the demons of terrorism with one hand, Bibi must use the other to fight internal enemies of the state.

Through all this, the battlefield also calls. This week, Israel abandoned the ridiculous negotiating route with Hamas and is moving back into Gaza full-force, in order to finally eradicate these cockroaches. Because of that and Trump’s pressure on the Palestinians, Egypt announced today that they would take a half-million Palestinians from Gaza, relocating them probably to the Sinai. Long-term, that won’t help at all, because these radicalized devils need to be placed on another continent, or preferably, planet. They will only corrode and destabilize any location they go to, because that’s their pattern. That’s their history. They first destroyed Lebanon, threatened to topple Jordan, and have destroyed Gaza. Their continued presence in Judea-Samaria is also grotesque. Perennial losers and miscreants, the Palestinians know only death, chaos, and mediocrity.

The great Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky once said, “The Islamic soul must be broomed out of Eretz Israel. Muslims are yelling rabble dressed up in gaudy, savage rags.”

Correct. I knew there was a reason I have a framed poster of Jabotinsky on my library wall.

There will be no real rest from these devils until Jesus returns to set things right.

I’m planning on attending the Tulsa Prophecy Conference in Tulsa in May. I hope it’s the last prophecy conference ever held on this earth.




17 Mar 2025

Some Spine is Nice

Back when it was funny—that is to say, the first five years—Saturday Night Live was host to a very funny skit from Gilda Radner and Bill Murry. They played high school nerd sweethearts, Todd and Lisa. It was all leisure suits and big hair, and the cast members’ hilarious exchanges and awkward exchanges took place in Lisa’s house. One of the running gags is that her father was never seen, only the mother. “Lisa’s father was born without a spine…!”

That has been the condition of American foreign policy since the close of World War 2. We don’t fight wars to win, because (as Donald Trump’s rise has shown us) the warmongers have been getting rich. They are also terrible at worldview. I remember attending a pro-Israel event on Capitol Hill in the 90s. One White House staffer told me that no more than 10 percent of Congress was authentically pro-Israel. That means about 53 members of Congress.

Out of 535.

Trump though has grown some spine in Washington, at least among the few Republicans that aren’t as compromised as their Democrat counterparts. This week’s statement by Marco Rubio illustrates that.

“Hamas is a sick organization, and this is not a normal negotiation; these deals are crazy; look at the conditions in which the hostages are being held. The world is running as if it makes sense to kidnap babies, teenagers, and people who have nothing to do with the war and put them in a tunnel for a year and a half.”

In fairness to the new secretary of state, Rubio has been pro-Israel his whole time in Congress, first as a senator from Florida. But I’ve noticed others have begun to talk tough, such as Tom Cotton.

I don’t think we’ll fully understand in this life just how evil the previous corrupt Regime really was. Biden was a degenerate from the time he arrived in Washington in 1972. The holdover foreign policy shills like Jake Sullivan and Susan Rice did great damage to Israel and to the U.S. by coddling the demons in the Middle East.

From a report with the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, here’s a non-starter for “peace”:

“The Egyptian plan for the reconstruction of Gaza, valued at more than $50 billion without the evacuation of Gazans, was approved at the Arab emergency summit and by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The Palestinian Authority said it would manage the Strip, while Hamas continued to call for the establishment of a management committee that would receive broad Palestinian consensus.”

Same garbage, 1000th verse.

At the same time the useless Arab Emergency Summit was going on, “Terrorists shot at an IDF force at a checkpoint in Samaria; no casualties were reported. Israeli security forces continued extensive counterterrorism operations in northern Samaria and eliminated the head of a Hamas cell in Jenin.”

This is just one example of what I maintain is as big a threat to Israel as terror states like Iran. It is this “low-grade,” ongoing Palestinian terrorism within Israel that gives a dismal prognosis on the future. The Arabs of that area have been doing this for more than 100 years. In the 1920s and 1930s, separate pogroms erupted when the chief imam Husseini incited violence. Then, without warning, Arab neighbors of Jews charged with axes, knives, clubs…any weapon that could be used to exterminate Jews.

Some Jewish leaders of that era understood that this problem would not be solved so long as the Arab population remained.

Trump now sees this and agrees in principle. That’s why he has suggested population transfer. Clear out the Gaza Strip of the 1.7 million radicalized killers that still hold and torture Jewish hostages.

“On March 4, a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at an IDF force at the Homesh checkpoint near the village of Burqa in Samaria; he was shot and killed. No casualties were reported. The terrorist was identified as Ahmed Mufid al-Kilani from the village of Silat al-Zahar in the Jenin District.

“This past week Israeli security forces continued Operation Iron Wall in northern Samaria and expanded it to additional areas in Jenin. The forces eliminated terrorist operatives, including the head of a Hamas cell in Jenin, detained dozens of wanted Palestinians, and located explosives, weapons and additional terrorist facilities, including a site for the manufacture of drones. Israeli security forces also continued routine operations throughout Judea and Samaria, detaining wanted Palestinians and exposing and confiscating weapons and funds intended for financing terrorist activities. The forces also demolished the homes of two terrorists responsible for a shooting and stabbing in Jaffa in which seven Israelis were killed in October 2024, as well as the home of the terrorist who carried out a vehicle ramming on Route 60, killing an IDF soldier in September 2024. Nihad Shawish, head of the Popular Committee in the Nur Shams refugee camp, claimed that approximately 11,300 camp residents had been displaced due to ‘occupation’ activity.”

Do you see? Any kind of moderate era of peace will not break out so long as this Islamist ideology persists. Judea and Samaria belong to the Jews.

I’m glad that some leaders in Washington now see the problem and seem willing to offer actual solutions. This week, it was reported that the Americans and Israelis had been talking with three countries in east Africa, including Somalia, about taking in the Gazans. I hope it happens, but we know that wherever they go, short of the next life, the jihadists will corrode whatever society they land in. That’s just the way it is.

Men like Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Yitzhak Shamir understood the problem 100 years ago. Now let’s see their solutions implemented.




(Consider becoming a paying subscriber on our God That Answers website; it helps us continue bringing you hard-to-find information, and a fresh perspective on traditional Bible prophecy teaching. I have also just confirmed that I will be on an Israel tour led by Pastor Chris Quintana, in October. Message me if interested.)