8 Jul 2024

Advantage Hamas

In a better world, the magnificent Israel Defense Forces would smash the demon group Hamas in a matter of weeks. If the hostages had not been a priority, the operation would have been over very quickly, and terrorists in the future would not have leverage anymore.

Harsh, yes, but reality.

But the IDF was forced to fight a modern war, one in which no one really wants to win against evil, but rather kick the can down the road. And kick it gently.

Factor-in an evil media, diplomatic corps internationally, and feckless politicians, and you have an advantage for Hamas. At least temporarily.

Incredibly, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is apparently equal to the prime minister. You have guys like him, and the mediocre Benny Gantz, undermining Benjamin Netanyahu with eager-to-boot-out-Bibi devils like Obama and Biden. Gallant is inserting himself into the decision-making, much more eager to accommodate Hamas.

First of all, it’s mind-boggling that these demonic murderers are being allowed to appear as statesmen and diplomats, engaging in “negotiations” in Qatar. They should be treated like the gang of criminals they are.

You know, though, this mindset from the West started really as World War 2 was winding down. Ostensibly to gain help from German scientists—against the backdrop of the new Cold War and the Soviets—the Americans and the British were willing to look the other way with some war criminals. Justice for the Holocaust victims was shunted aside in order to be pragmatic and this in turn led to a softening position up against really bad actors.

So it is that Hamas is treated as a diplomatic partner, just as Yasser Arafat was invited to stay in the Lincoln bedroom 13 times by Bill Clinton. PLO killers were cleaned up for the cameras and Arafat, that serial killer Egyptian dwarf, was lionized as a statesman. He even was given an Nobel Peace Prize, which I believe was the zenith of Western delusion and immorality.

As I write this, we are getting word that there might really be a deal. That only because the IDF’s incredible success in Gaza (barely covered by Media) has put enormous pressure on Hamas. Sinwar knows of course that the moment he hands the last hostage to Israel, he dies.

For this reason alone, it is highly doubtful the bulk of the hostages will be freed. If all negotiations collapse, and the IDF closes in, Hamas will kill whatever live hostages remain. After a year in the horror dungeons.

No matter what, we know that large-scale combat operations in Gaza are coming to a close, as efforts are turned northward against Hezbollah.

What none of can predict is how long the muck with Hamas will continue. I do believe Israel will not allow a malevolent force to take over the Gaza Strip. So when you hear international groups threaten Israel that they will accept something like the PA/PLO or some equally sinister party to take over, remember that even Gallant said in the days after October 7, “Gaza will never go back to what it was.”

That means an IDF presence in Gaza from now on.

Only then will we be able to scrape Hamas off the bottom of our shoes, as their advantage ends.




1 Jul 2024

The Whole Nest is Infested

 We are all rightly watching closely the Hamas War, and the looming war in the north, against Hezbollah.

But we should not miss another lethal threat to Israel, this one squarely within its settled borders.

Judea-Samaria will need to be cleaned-out like the Gaza Strip has been. All of it was needed for decades, as Israel managed a low-grade war with the PLO, Hamas, and various other terror groups.

This week the IDF had a difficult go in Jenin, the long-time Hamas terror nest. As I’ve mentioned before, 20 years ago I visited the military cemetery at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem. There was a fresh memorial and graves of soldiers killed in house-to-house fighting in Jenin in 2002. It was a grotesque reminder that terror has confronted Israel from the start. When I saw the memorial, everything was fresh off a putrid eight years of Bill Clinton, who propped-up Yasser Arafat—that murderous fiend—by playing around with the failed “Two-State Solution.” That diplomatic mirage benefitted only terrorists. It allowed the newly-minted “Palestinian Authority” (the old PLO after a shave and hot bath) to get its hooks into the West Bank. Armed, and in control of pieces of territory, the PA clamped-down on its own citizens, just like the perhaps even more ruthless Hamas did in Gaza. Difference was, the IDF was close by always.

According to the Times of Israel:

“The slain soldier was named as Cpt. Alon Sacgiu, 22, a sniper team commander in the Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit, from Hadera.

“The Israel Defense Forces had been carrying out an overnight raid in Jenin aimed at arresting or killing members of a Hamas terror network in the city and adjacent refugee camp. It was part of a long series of counter-terrorism operations in the area, military sources said.”

And, as Armenia(!) recognized a Palestinian state, the PA made the routine decision of being an instigator and impediment to peace. Israel is facing a reality of terrorists right on their borders, and terrorists within her borders.

According to reports, on the morning of June 22, an Israeli civilian was shot in his car on a main street in Qalqilya, after which the vehicle was set on fire. The Israeli was transferred to the government hospital in Qalqilya and then taken to the IDF post, where he was pronounced dead. IDF forces then entered Qalqilya, initiated an investigation and searched for suspects. It is suspected that the motive was “nationalist,” but no final determination has been made. Palestinian eyewitnesses said that the Israeli security forces raided a residential building, interrogated the residents and confiscated security cameras that recorded the area. In addition, the forces blocked the road in and out of the city and examined the identity cards of passers-by Hamas welcomed the killing of the Israeli civilian, claiming “this is the way to deal with the crimes of the occupation and the settlers against the Palestinian people.” Hamas also called on the residents of Judea and Samaria to confront the security forces using “every popular and armed method.”

Just days before this, kibbutz Migdal Oz was the scene of an attempted stabbing. A 39-year-old Palestinian approached with a knife and was shot by security guards.

On the evening of June 23, shots were fired at the community of Bat Hefer from the Tulkarm region, after which two IEDs exploded near the wall separating Israel from PA territory. The IDF spokesperson stated that an IED was detonated on the Palestinian side of the area, hundreds of yards from the wall, to draw the security forces to the scene. No casualties or damage were reported. The Tulkarm Battalion of the Jerusalem Brigades, the PIJ’s military wing, claimed its operatives had ambushed IDF forces in Bat Hefer, which is located on the village of Shweike’s lands, and attacked them with IEDs detonated by remote control. The PIJ claimed that attack was carried out in support of the “resistance” in the Gaza Strip and in response to the “crimes” of the IDF in Judea and Samaria, and the IDF counterterrorism activities in Qalqilya.

Look, this is satanic madness, and there is no solution to Jews and Arabs living together on this patch of ground. No solution except the arrival of the Messiah. We wait for Him.

Until then, though my view is unpopular, I think Israel should be free of Palestinians. In this way, my only concern is to preserve Jewish life, and enable it to thrive. The constant, daily rate of attacks—going on now for more than 100 years—cannot be fixed. Decades of diplomacy and even some military attempts have failed to stop the Palestinian bloodlust. The deep, deep anti-Semitism.

This should be a zero-sum game, my friends. No excuse for even one Israeli death. No excuse for it. At all.

But because we live in unprecedented times of destabilization, radical solutions will be implemented. Cleaning-out Gaza is a radical solution that is necessary for Israel to survive.

So the equation has always come down to: how many Jewish deaths are too much? The world operates on this principle. Immoral as it is.

I say one Jewish death is too much. Whole families slaughtered. Individuals snuffed-out.

And the Palestinians skate.

I advocate population transfer. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, wherever.

The nattering nabobs of negativity evidently have some number of Jewish deaths that are too much; that’s why population transfer is considered evil and unrealistic and malevolent.

I consider beheading a Jewish baby evil and malevolent.

The world should too.

