How Do We Make Sense of This? :: By Jan Markell

In 2019, I wrote an article titled “Under a Spell.” I was trying to help Christians who were inquiring of me as to why Jews always seem to vote Democrat when, in fact, the Democrat Party does them no favors! Additionally, that party has long been anti-Israel.

Now I am reading that it is Jews who may be the biggest influencers of the 2024 election—because many won’t be voting Democrat. They have had some wake-up calls, and many now realize that leftists are far more pro-Hamas than pro-Israel. In fact, much of the world has been cheering for Hamas. Find a fascinating article here.

Yet many Jews will maintain their loyalty to a party that has never treated them well. Here are some reasons why from my 2019 article. And yes, it seems many remain under a spell.

The History

In the 1940s, the Jews overwhelmingly supported a President who was their enemy — Franklin Roosevelt. Over 90% of Jews voted for him in 1944. He looked the other way to the evils of the Holocaust. He could have saved hundreds of thousands if American troops just would have bombed the railroad tracks going to the camps. Roosevelt had no interest in intervening.

God removed him from the presidency before 1948, as he would not have voted for the independent State of Israel, as did Harry Truman.

Many Jews voted for two anti-Semites — Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. No two U.S. Presidents did more damage to Israel than these men — yet they got the Jewish vote, by and large, though the Jews grudgingly voted for Carter! Jews also voted for Joe Biden, who also schemes night and day against Netanyahu and Israel.

Today’s Insanity

Today, we have two Muslim Congresswomen, Ilhan Omar from Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib from Michigan. Ilhan Omar is a shady character at best and would delight in the destruction of Israel, but many Minnesota Jews voted for her! I know, because I live here! It makes no sense. Isn’t it time to move on to someone who supports them?

I was present a few years ago at a local AIPAC meeting that featured another Muslim, Keith Ellison. What is a Muslim doing at ANY Jewish gathering?? He was celebrated that night with cheers. Ellison wants Sharia Law in Minnesota and other states! Yet Minnesota Jews were among those who voted Ellison in as Minnesota’s Attorney General.

So, How Do We Make Sense of This?

>Just as Evangelicals are taught to embrace candidates with more conservative principles and worldviews, Jews are taught to value the underdog in life — the persecuted, the minority, the downtrodden, the helpless. Since THEY are a minority, they must stand with other minorities who might be misunderstood, persecuted, and marginalized. Though leftists really don’t care about any life but their own, there is the misperception that the Democrat Party exists to lift up the marginalized.

>Many Jews just lack a loyalty to Judaism and Israel. They actually have MORE loyalty to liberalism than to the Jewish State or their heritage. Secularism leads to terrible choices!

>Most often, their grandparents fled from Socialist nations that were oppressive, yet leftist politics seems to remain in their DNA. Israel was founded on Socialist principles. Most are fine with Socialism. Again, there is the misperception that Socialists actually care about anyone.

>Many Jews remain in spiritual blindness. Does this blindness bleed over into other areas? Perhaps. Most cannot even see the Messiah in Isaiah 53. But Paul wouldn’t give up on the Jews, and neither should we! Know that the spiritual picture is changing by the hour today.

>Today, many Jews are secular and not religious. Secularists have no loyalty to traditional marriage, pro-life causes, religious freedom, etc. The result is their affinity for the Democrat Party and liberal values. Live and let live!

>There is the perceived mistreatment by the Jews of the Palestinians, which drives some Jews away from conservatism and any identity with the “religious right” that is ardently pro-Israel.

“More religious Jews and Orthodox Jews have voted Republican consistently.

It Is Not Just the Jews Who Are Blind

The blindness of the Jews has already been referenced here, but it is not just Jews who are blind today. Much of the world cannot see the truth. Even many Christians are blind to the signs of the times breaking all around us! Most Christians are focused on earthly interests, lacking the eternal view.

Those who see the truth and love the truth are few in number, be they Jew or Gentile! I call the real truth seekers today “remnant believers.”

Maybe we make sense of it by understanding that the Jews will fall for the biggest political con man in history — Mr. Antichrist, so perhaps the current lack of discernment is a set-up. But at that time, they will be fed up by abandonment and betrayal and fall for his lies. They will be drawn to his offers of security and safety. They will be terrified by out-of-control global anti-Semitism.

Let’s pray that both Jews and Gentiles get their spiritual eyes opened while there is still time. The forthcoming Tribulation, from which the Church is absent, is called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. It will be a dark time like no other—particularly for the Jewish people. This seven-year time of agony will far exceed the horrors of the Holocaust and October 7 for the Jews. Can you imagine?

We need to focus on rescuing ALL people from this frightful time to come. And from the flames of a Godless eternity.



The World Is Living On Borrowed Time :: By Jan Markell

When 2024 dawned, now so many months ago, very few could have seen the turmoil that lay ahead. It’s just as well. Only God can handle foreknowledge, and since He knows the end from the beginning, nothing catches Him by surprise. He doesn’t orchestrate chaos, but He allows it so that we can have wake-up calls and keep eternity in perspective.

I want to highlight just five scenarios that are what I believe to be turning points in this present year. To a certain degree, they take one’s breath away.

Death Is Celebrated

The believer loves life and wants to enjoy it forever—and will in a heavenly home. Our number one job is to find as many people as possible who can take this journey with us. We choose life, which culminates in eternal life. At the August Democrat National Convention, very few chose life.

Abortion was glorified. With a carnival-like atmosphere, people were encouraged to make themselves extinct by sacrificing children on all sorts of platforms! A mobile abortion clinic awaited in the parking lot of the DNC. A dozen babies’ lives were exterminated on the spot.

The lunacy was staggering with people walking around like they were a birth control pill or an IUD. Clearly, it was demonic. Who could have imagined?

Presidential Candidates Removed

The summer of 2024 saw both presidential candidates removed, although one survived an assassination attempt, and as of late summer, he is still running for president. The point is, the globalists want to install their candidate for their end-time purposes.

They are pressing on toward their one-world government and agenda. Certain people are in the way. God controls the timing of their success, but they haven’t figured that out. They are always in a hurry, but they can’t run ahead of God’s time frame.

Lauding Paganism—Announcing the Antichrist

The 2024 Olympics in Paris celebrated hedonism, paganism, and debauchery, and took an unspeakable swipe at the Lord Jesus Christ. The recent Olympics may be the greatest globalist extravaganza ever. This year’s event made believers glad that we are secure in the love of God and His plan for the end of the age. Christians who are aware of the Olympic antics are righteously indignant at the attack God got on the global stage. Mocking the Lord’s Supper set a new level of indignation toward the One who created the universe and spared humanity from sin’s consequences.

Clearly, this event was announcing the Antichrist, who hasn’t actually shown up yet because this isn’t his time! But symbolically, he rode in on a white horse. Again, could you have anticipated such an outrage?

Israel is Being Set Up

She is being betrayed, even by once strong supporters in Washington D.C. She is isolated and viewed as a burdensome stone (Zechariah 12:3). Almost everyone Israel trusts lets her down. She will drop her guard one more time when the Antichrist comes along to sweep her off her feet.

But the set-up is in process. When she was attacked on October 7, 2023, a natural response would have been global support. Just the opposite happened. Global antisemitism enveloped the entire world. It has been so stunning one could not have perceived this level of hate that is actually unique to the 1930s and, sadly, to this modern generation.

College campuses, marches, and demonstrations globally have reignited the Nazi passion to “gas the Jews.” Again, it has been breathtaking, and the panorama is set to further explode this fall and winter. Jews have been reprogrammed in recent months to run and hide.

The Gog-Magog Players are Ready

Four of the five major participants in the Russian invasion of Israel, also known as Gog-Magog, are flexing their muscles today. Russia, Iran, and Turkey have united in very recent years with an early foreshadowing of Ezekiel 38-39.

Sudan is engaged in a brutal civil war but has Russian soldiers throughout the African country. She could easily participate in the taking of a “spoil” in Israel, as outlined in Ezekiel’s passage. Israel’s wealth would be a great relief to impoverished Sudan. And the brutal Sudanese regime would rather steal it than produce it.

I have just outlined five scenarios that have serious consequences and a biblical reference. In a sense, no previous generation has observed this kind of alignment and convergence in these areas. Once again, who could have imagined? Really, no one. And there are so many more.

Time is short, friends. The world is living on borrowed time.