29 Jan 2024

Movement Into Madness

Perhaps what we are witnessing today in the insanity going on around us can be encapsulated within two verses –a prophecy given to the Apostle Paul to forewarn this generation.

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Tim 3:12-13).

And it is the great apostle who was given by the Holy Spirit to let us know the causes and effects of the evil deception.

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1: 28-32).

The old saying “what goes around comes around” is certainly true, and especially in terms of fallen humanity’s prophetic trek across linear time. The antediluvian evil and wickedness Paul delineates is mirrored precisely in this generation upon Planet Earth. We are enduring madness wrought by mankind’s turning its back to God and determining to do what is right in the fallen ones’ own mind. – Or I should say more accurately, what is right in the eyes of their father, the devil.

For all who are not in Christ are fallen through Lucifer, their progenitor in that sense, who introduced sin into the human bloodstream. It is that venom that has the vast majority of mankind infected and affected by the reprobate mind –upside-down thinking that is opposite the Redeemed mind that produces Righteous acts. –Righteousness found only in the Lord Jesus Christ, who takes away the sin of the world.

In thinking on the things ripping at the very fabric of civilization and the root causes, two quite timely articles came before me. The first gets more into the causes, and the second, into the effects. Here are excerpts of each.

Discussions on collapse often turn to signs and signals – The economy, politics, and social tensions have become increasingly unstable for many years now, and much like adding more and more weight to a man standing on a frozen lake, eventually the ice is going to break.  The question is, how do we know when that moment will be?

As cultural systems begin to dissolve due to political clashes and economic decline, the real evil tends to slither out of the woodwork.  It happens slowly at first, then all at once.  A sure sign of accelerating collapse is the growing prevalence of psychopaths and psychopathic behavior in the open.

The US appears to have entered the middle stages of such a collapse, with many sociopaths and psychopaths beginning to feel that they might be able to act out their worst impulses without consequences.  They are beginning to test the waters to see what they can get away with… [Source: Increasing Psychopathic Behavior Is a Sign That Society Is on the Verge of Breaking Down, ZeroHedge, BY TYLER DURDEN, TUESDAY, JAN 16, 2024]

When people have a distorted moral value system, that distortion applies to just about every issue. Just as a broken compass will almost always point in the wrong direction, a broken moral compass will do the same. However, to be more precise, people who say “men give birth” and who side with Hamas, i.e., progressives and leftists — liberals don’t believe men give birth or side with Hamas — do not merely have a broken moral compass. They have a moral compass that works in the way progressives and leftists have configured it: North always points south, and East always points west.

Some examples of how the progressive compass works:

—Women who object to men who say they are women competing in women’s sports — even in weightlifting — are haters and bigots (“transphobes”). The men who compete against them are heroes.

—Adults who object to schools’ sponsoring drag queen performances for 6-year-olds are haters and bigots (“transphobes”). The teachers who take children to drag queen events are progressive, compassionate, and open-minded.

—If a 9-year-old girl says she is a boy, the only therapists she is allowed to see are those who engage in “gender affirmation,” which is, of course, a left-wing Orwellian term. The one thing these therapists do not do is affirm the actual gender of the child.

—All-black dorms on college campuses are anti-racist. Objecting to racially segregated dorms is racist.

—Those who want to build walls or fences to prevent millions of people from illegally entering the country are xenophobic. Those who oppose building such barriers and declare their cities “sanctuary cities” are humanitarians.

—Demanding that citizens show a voter ID before being allowed to vote — the norm in virtually every democracy in the world — constitutes “voter suppression.”

–If we have fewer police officers, we will have safer cities.

—Marriage is a product of patriarchal misogyny. It wasn’t created to protect and honor women but to exploit them. Anyway, a woman needs a man as much as a fish needs a bicycle.

—Scientists who express skepticism about catastrophic man-made global warming are science deniers.

These are some of the morally and factually perverse positions of the left. Just about every individual who holds these positions also holds the morally perverse position that Israel is the villain and Hamas and its Palestinian supporters are the moral party. [Source: If you say “men give birth,” we all know your position on Hamas, by Dennis Prager, Jewish World Review, Rapture Ready News, January 18, 2024]

We are witnessing the prophesied movement into madness. It is increasingly clear to those who view Bible prophecy in its stage-setting as God’s Word plainly presents it –from the preTrib View—that the reprobate mind , as in antediluvian times reported by Paul, is now manifesting as in the days of Noah. Jesus said that when this point is reached –like it was in the days of Noah—He would again Intervene catastrophically into the evil and wicked affairs of mankind.

That Intervention will come instantaneously (in the twinkling of an eye). It will be the Rapture of all whom God Considers Righteous. Here is how to make sure you possess that Righteousness, thus will hear Christ’s Call in the Rapture and will go to Him and to safety from God’s Wrath that will be poured upon the anti-God rebels on earth.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).



Thin Ice

In regard to its policy on Israel, the Biden administration is skating on thin ice. In the natural realm, this represents danger and death. If Israel remains God’s chosen people to whom He gave the Land of Israel, and they are, then the current position of the U.S. government is foolhardy at best.

Let’s begin by examining what President Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken bring to the table. They claim that the only path to peace is the establishment of a Palestinian State, which would divide both the Land and Jerusalem. Even worse, they are attempting to force Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to accept their solution.

In an article on her website, Caroline Glick wrote, “The Biden administration showed its hand on Tuesday when U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave Israel an ultimatum to support Palestinian statehood or risk demonization by the administration.”

This is blackmail; it’s the U.S. seeking to impose its will in defiance of Israel’s elected leader. This strong-armed approach displays a total lack of concern for its people.

The January 22, 2024, Harbinger’s Daily update on Israel’s ongoing war contains quotes from the Israeli Prime Minister stating his total disagreement with the Biden administration. He recently rejected the U.S. President’s solution of a non-militarized Palestinian state. In doing so, he said, “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control of all territory west of the Jordan River.”


When one considers the position of the Palestinians, one has to wonder if the Biden administration is naïve or purposely seeking to place the continued existence of Israel in jeopardy.

Poll after poll reveals that the Palestinians do not favor a two-state solution. The chants of “from the river to the sea,” which we hear in demonstrations across the world, show their true intent: the total abolition of Israel.

The January 22, 2024, Harbinger’s Daily Update quoted Khaled Mashal, a Hamas spokesman, as stating that their goal is the “elimination” of the nation of Israel.

Is Biden really so ignorant of their demands as to suppose that giving the Palestinians part of the Land will soothe their murderous hatred of Israel and result in peace? Are those seeking a two-state solution genuinely naïve as to think this is the path to peace when those attacking Israel make it abundantly clear that they seek to wipe Israel off the map? It’s doubtful.

Defiance of God

Even though the nation of Israel is far from a godly entity at the moment, the Land belongs to God, and He has deeded it to the descendants of Jacob. Although the peaceful enjoyment of the Land has always depended upon the faithfulness of the people, the Lord gave it to them as an “everlasting covenant” (Psalm 105:7-11). Additionally, Scripture makes it clear that He forbids any dividing of the Land, which the world now proposes as the sole path to peace.

This is just the beginning of the world’s obsession with Jerusalem and the Land of Israel (see Zechariah 12:1-4). In Joel 3:1-3, the Lord refers to the efforts of the nations to divide up His Land as a reason for His judgment of them in the final climatic battle, which is likely His destruction of the world’s armies at His Second Coming. God will severely judge those who seek to divide His Land.

Thin Ice

The Lord has already shown His displeasure with the efforts of America’s presidents to pressure Israel into giving up land in exchange for peace. I have read several correlations between natural disasters striking the U.S. as the result of the U.S. seeking to make such deals between Israel and her enemies.

One website lists over a dozen occurrences of God displaying His displeasure at the attempts of the American government to facilitate deals that would divide up the Land of Israel. In each of the instances, calamities struck somewhere in the U.S. Some claim that these are merely “coincidences,” but it has happened far too many times for it not to be a warning from the Lord.

That’s why I say the Biden administration is skating on remarkably thin ice with its devious support of solutions that would endanger the welfare of the people of Israel.

I don’t know when the ice will break for the Biden administration or for other nations seeking to enforce the two-state solution upon Israel, but the Bible warns that it most certainly will not end well for them.

The world’s mindset in regard to Israel signifies the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation, the time of “Jacob’s trouble.” Although the growing betrayal of Israel on the part of America and other nations troubles us, the Bible stated long ago that this would happen in the last days. It’s a part of God’s plan to bring His people to faith in the true Messiah before He returns to establish His rule in Zion.

For us, the world’s increased focus on Israel signals our soon departure from the world.



22 Jan 2024

The Insurmountable Jew/Arab Matter

I was sitting in a hotel restaurant in Dallas where the pre-Trib Study Group, founded by Dr. Tim LaHaye, had its annual meetings during the 1990s. We were awaiting delivery of our breakfasts when I watched a friend—a well-known Christian-Jewish ministry television host—approach our table.

He sounded chagrined, his face, according to another friend sitting beside me, not the usual smiling countenance we all were accustomed to witnessing. He shook my hand, and I said, using his name, “What’s wrong? You have a bad flight?”

He had just returned from Israel, where he had conducted services and did television programming.

He began by saying in a disgusted tone, “I just don’t know why God made Arabs.”

My reaction was, “Well (his name)…”

Before I could say anything else other than express my being unable to say anything, he said in even a more disgusted tone and with greater fervor, “Well, d*** it, Terry, I mean it…”

I was both amused and somewhat amazed to hear such foul language from my great friend.

He went on to explain how one Arab Muslim contingent or the other had physically attacked in an act of terrorism while he and his crew were near the Temple Mount, as I recall. This evil activity, of course, wasn’t unusual and continues to this day, decades later, and even increases in ferocity, as we’ve recently seen with Hamas’ brutal slaughter of Jews and others on October 7 of the year just past.

Without any doubt, my friend, now gone to be with the Lord, knew better than just about anyone on the planet the story of Abraham going to Sarah’s handmaiden Hagar, how his wife told Abraham to produce a child with Hagar because it was obvious to her that at her age she would have no more children.

My famous friend knew Abraham and Sarah got ahead of God’s great plan to bring Isaac into the world through that couple’s union. The birth indeed happened by the time Abraham’s son by Hagar, Ishmael, became a teenager.

So that, of course, was, to answer my friend’s angrily posed question, why Arabs were eventually “made,” as my friend put it. But his demeanor exemplifies to this day the Jewish-Arab raging differences that seem to have no end in sight.

An article somewhat frames the never-ending things involved in that ever more violent and expansive conflict.

[Regarding the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, and its aftermath, the article states:] But the depth and scope of this crisis require a comprehensive cultural and spiritual rethinking of how we perceive ourselves and the enemy, focusing on the question of why the enemy fights and what we are fighting for.

Hamas and Hezbollah fight out of religious belief. By contrast, we are not clear on our reasons for uniting to fight wars beyond our desire to safeguard our existence and survival.

A.B. Yehoshua once posed an existential question: “Nation of Israel, for what purpose do you live?” Later, he clarified: “Survival is considered the most prominent aspect of the Jewish people… but it is not survival that is the prominent aspect, but rather how it is done, what its agenda is, what values it holds, and primarily, what its cost is.” (A. B. Yehoshua, Haaretz Books Supplement, 20.2.2013)

This question must be applied to clarify the central inquiry: Nation of Israel, for what purpose do you fight, and how do you fight? (“A Clear Post-War National Vision Means Returning to the Roots of Zionism,” Gershon Hacohen, Opinion Algemeiner, Rapture Ready News, January 11, 2024)

The above piece demonstrates Israel’s blindness to what’s going on with regard to the evil perpetrated incessantly against the Jewish race—against Israel, the nation. They can’t get a grasp on all the things that are driving and tugging His chosen people and nation back toward the God who loves them with all of His majestic being.

“Why the Arab versus the Jew?” is a monumental and seemingly insurmountable question, to be sure. Some believe it is the holdup to even world peace, not to mention Mideast regional peace. In fact, to those of us who believe God’s Word is absolutely true in every respect, this is the case. The Jewish/Arab problem will eventually involve the whole world and will ultimately bring all the nations into the killing field called Armageddon.

Zechariah the prophet foretells that Israel will become a “burdensome stone and a cup of trembling” to the entire world. Paul the apostle foretold that there will be a great “cry of peace and safety” that will cause “sudden destruction.”

It is obvious that the great conflict between these antagonists–the Jews and the Arabs—is what is now causing the most profound angst within the world’s diplomatic sphere.

These would-be world masters–the globalist ringmasters—constantly try to force a two-state solution to the great conflict they believe more than any other on the planet threatens the ignition of nuclear war and the end of humankind.

And it is this very matter–the tearing apart of God’s land granted to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—by the powers and principalities of the global cabal that will fulfill prophecy that brings everything to a head.

Again, Joel tells of this in the starkest of terms.

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:1-2).

Many believe the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, could be a primary catalyst for bringing Zechariah and Joel’s prophecies to fruition. Regardless, our witness of Israel now at the center of hatred practically everywhere on earth–especially hatred by the young in universities across the world—lends credence to the likelihood that pressures to force Israel to make peace from many directions could bring God’s great hand of judgment.

That judgment will begin with His calling all believers in His Son, Jesus Christ, out of this world of rebels to safe harbor in the Rapture. Here is how to be within that safe harbor while wrath and judgment ravage the planet.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).



Prophecy Coming to Life. . . Literally

A couple of recent news items point to the fulfillment of a prophecy in a way we likely would have thought impossible just ten years ago.

According to a Forbes online story, Elvis Presley is going to appear in concert this coming November on a London stage. Advanced technology, along with artificial intelligence (AI), will result in a realistic hologram image of the rock star singing and dancing on stage. I never imagined that the holograms I saw in futuristic movies of the past would so quickly become a reality.

Below is a quote from the article describing the fall concert:

“Through AI and groundbreaking tech, you’ll be able to witness iconic Elvis performances as if you were really there and celebrate defining moments in Elvis Presley’s extraordinary life and career,” U.K. immersive specialist Layered Reality, which is producing the show, said in a description of the upcoming experience.

That tech will include holographic projection and augmented reality. Theatrical sets and live actors will add to the Elvis extravaganza.

A second news item explains how this technology will likely be used to deceive people. Another online article suggests that a project called “NASA’s Blue Beam” will be used to project holograms. (Note: If you do an Internet search on this, you will see many articles stating that this is a “conspiracy theory.”)

Many of us so called “conspiracy theorists” have been made aware of the technology to beam holographic images into thin air that can trick us into believing that they are real. We have been warned that they will, at some point, be used by the globalist cult in order to terrorize the world population into a submissive state in order for them to be able to enact the next stage in their New World Order. This pre-planned event has been termed Project Blue Beam and was allegedly first brought to light by the French-Canadian journalist Serge Monast.

In spite of the many online denials that such technology exists, I side with those who believe that during the Tribulation period, the globalists will have the ability to project holograms wherever they desire and use them to deceive the public as well as enforce obedience to the beast.

I wonder if Jesus had such capabilities in mind when He spoke these words in Matthew 24:23-26:

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.”

False “flesh and blood” messiahs will lead people astray during the Tribulation. It’s already happening. Someone responded to a blog article of mine a few years ago telling me that Jesus had already returned and was living in the Philippines. He told me the exact location, but I do not remember what he said.

On the other hand, the use of holograms will open up a whole new way for the global powerbrokers to deceive people. It’s not difficult to imagine how AI-generated “appearances” of Christ could be used to delude people into obeying the dictates of the antichrist and receiving the mark of the beast (Revelation 3:16-18). They might also terrorize those who refuse the mark.

It’s apparent that the globalists will need technology to keep people in line during the Tribulation. As I write, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is meeting in Davos, Switzerland, and has as one of its themes the restoring of trust, which I don’t recall them ever having. They recognize the need to persuade people to their point of view, which will not happen apart from deception and force.

The protest of thousands of farmers in Germany is just one of many examples of people throughout the world demonstrating against the socialist agenda of the WEF.

Once the Rapture happens, the globalists will need the supernatural signs and wonders of the false prophet and beast as well as advanced technology to deceive the masses and terrify others into accepting the enslavement of the world order.

We already understand how the use of AI technology, together with gigantic databases that already exist, will enable the antichrist to control the buying and selling worldwide by the midpoint of the Tribulation. The ability to project holograms might also be a tool he uses to accomplish the wicked domination that we read about in Revelation 13. Remember, this is over three and half years away if the Rapture should happen today. Given the rapid advances in technology, is it not easy to imagine how the coming man of lawlessness could use holograms to both deceive and terrorize humanity?

The signs of the rapidly approaching Tribulation are everywhere we look. How much longer can it be until Jesus takes us home to glory?
