11 Nov 2024

Post-Rapture Readying

Deniers and mockers who come against the pre-Trib Rapture as biblical Truth haven’t seemed to be as vociferous lately as in the relatively recent past. Or perhaps it’s just that I’ve tuned out such invective. That’s more likely the case as I’ve been intensely attuned to the stage being set for the Tribulation.

But it is also perhaps the case that the deniers and mockers of the pre-Trib Rapture are themselves now seeing so much of the same stage-setting as myself that they are certain they’re right. They don’t think it’s worth their while to rail against an event they consider now relegated to insignificance because of the torrent of Tribulation-like developments.

And indeed these developments constitute strong evidence that Daniel’s seventieth week looms ominously.

I’ve written that the pre-Trib deniers and mockers don’t believe in the coming Rapture of all believers from the planet, but that Satan harbors no such denial in his iniquitous mind. He knows the Rapture is on the verge of happening. He just doesn’t know when, thus has been furiously getting his minions and all they will need to carry out his world-rending wickedness prepared for that unknown moment God has set for Christ to call the Church.

The devil has prepared the minds of fallen humanity for things to come in ways the diligent student of Bible prophecy from the pre-Trib view can discern.

For examples:

In the area of society and culture, the corruption in America and the world cannot be missed.

Practitioners of homosexuality, although a very small percentage of the populations of the U.S. and the world, now command entire governments. The heterosexuals of the nation and world must accept the Sodom-like coarsening of the cultures—and to resist brings the censure of all, including non-homosexuals. And laws have been constructed to provide punitive actions against anti-gay activism equal to those imposed upon those who violate civil rights laws.

The Luciferian imprint can be discerned in the area of religion as the devil prepares the left-behind populations of the earth for the false religious system that will be headed by his False Prophet.

The Catholic pope declares at every opportunity, for instance, that there are many ways to God and Heaven. Therefore, he, in effect, is calling the Lord Jesus Christ a liar because Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father except by me” (John 14:6).

Satan has governments in ferment and turmoil and the populations boiling with ethnic hatreds. And the globalist cabal of Ephesians 6:12 is becoming fully staffed and is in the process of implementing their plans for Antichrist to rule once believers disappear from the planet.

The evil one has been at work, in my view, preparing answers to the billions who will be asking what just happened when millions suddenly vanish from around them. The disappearances, including every child from conception to the age of accountability, will cause untold chaos. The world will suffer a nervous breakdown. But Satan’s man, Antichrist, will have answers to bring the peace they seek.

I write, of course, of the UFO (UAP) sightings that have become ubiquitous in these times so near the end of this Age of Grace.

I believe, as written a number of times, that all of these sightings and related phenomena are part of Satan’s stage-setting for when the Rapture occurs. “We’ve been visited by space brothers”—or something similar—will likely be the mantra to explain where the people have gone.

When the False Prophet calls down fire from Heaven in the sight of the image of Antichrist (Revelation chapter 13), it will not be these “space brothers” as claimed, but Satan and his hordes of fallen angels when they lose the battle with Michael and his angels and are thrown out of the heavenly realm for the final time.

And in the area of technology and the amazing progress being made in development of such things as artificial intelligence (AI), the devil is indeed showing his masterful planning for when the Rapture occurs.

A specific such technology is preparing the means for Antichrist and his regime of terror to keep up with every person left behind when believers are in Heaven with their Lord.

The following somewhat gives an idea of that post-Rapture readying now in process.

Cities across the United States are installing hidden surveillance cameras that track everyone, everywhere, and nobody, not even Donald Trump, is talking about this. What are the Top 10 most surveilled cities in the U.S.? We’ve got the list!

My old colleagues at World Net Daily have an interesting story up today about the city of Norfolk, Virginia. City officials have transformed Norfolk into a virtual lock-down surveillance society with more than 172 high-resolution, internet-connected cameras monitoring practically all human movement…

Multitudes of cities of all sizes across the U.S. are jumping on the technocracy bandwagon and setting up hidden surveillance cameras on every corner. They’re on light poles, bridges and overpasses, stoplights, buildings, you name it. Some are equipped with speakers so they can also listen in on what’s being said.

They claim it’s for our “safety.”…

Some abuses have already been documented, the [Institute For Fairness] said, noting just a couple of examples:

    • In Kansas, the Institute reports that officials were caught using Flock to stalk their exes, including one police chief who used Flock 228 times over four months to track his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend’s vehicles.
    • In California, several police departments violated California law by sharing data from their license-plate reader database with other departments across the country. And as is the case with other databases, these can be susceptible to hacking, which can reveal private data.

[Here’s a look at] a variety of camera types that have become ubiquitous in U.S. cities of all sizes.

    • Fixed CCTV cameras.
    • Cameras accessed through real-time crime centers.
    • Private cameras within the police force’s network.
    • Cameras on public transport facilities.
    • Traffic cameras.
    • Streetlight cameras.

Not to mention, FedEx and Amazon are also spying on you each time they make a delivery to your home…

The top 10 most surveilled cities in the US as of October 2022

Based on the number of cameras per 1,000 people, these are the 10 most surveilled cities in the U.S.:

    1. Atlanta, Georgia– 24,800 cameras for 506,811 people = 48.93 cameras per 1,000 people.
    2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania– 28,064 cameras for 1,584,064 people = 17.72 cameras per 1,000 people.
    3. Denver, Colorado– 12,273 cameras for 727,211 people = 16.88 cameras per 1,000 people.
    4. Washington, District of Columbia– 11,441 cameras for 705,749 people = 16.21 cameras per 1,000 people.
    5. San Francisco, California– 14,266 cameras for 881,549 people = 16.18 cameras per 1,000 people.
    6. Las Vegas, Nevada– 10,208 cameras for 651,319 people = 15.67 cameras per 1,000 people.
    7. Detroit, Michigan– 8,836 cameras for 670,031 people = 13.19 cameras per 1,000 people.
    8. Chicago, Illinois– 32,000 cameras for 2,693,976 people = 11.88 cameras per 1,000 people.
    9. Portland, Oregon– 6,411 cameras for 654,741 people = 9.79 cameras per 1,000 people.
    10. Fresno, California– 4,706 cameras for 531,576 people = 8.85 cameras per 1,000 people.

(“The Surveillance State Has Arrived…And It’s Being Implemented by Our Cities and Towns,” The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, Guest Post Leo Hohman, October 28, 2024)

All we see developing lends proof to the soon call of Christ to all believers. Satan is well aware that it’s about to happen. He knows God cannot lie. He believes in the pre-Trib Rapture.

How much more should we who name the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus Christ believe God when He tells us plainly that He will take us out of this soon-to-be-judged world?

“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10). 

You want to be one of those who God keeps from the terrible time of judgment that’s about to befall this God-rejecting world. Here, once again, is how to go to Christ when He calls in the Rapture:

“That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).


Preparations for the Antichrist’s Arrival

Those who don’t believe that we live in the last days often say that we interpret prophecy “with a newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other.”

My response to such a claim might be this: “How can you not see Bible prophecy unfolding in the world around us apart from an unbelief in what Scripture reveals about our day?”

If you think that sounds a bit extreme, please consider the recent gathering of nations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This largely unnoticed meeting at the end of October has prophetic implications that leap from the news accounts of it.

Over ninety nations met in the Arab nation to press for the establishment of a Palestinian state. This, they believe, is the only path to peace in the Middle East. The attendees included representatives from both the U.S. and Israel.

The group, which calls itself the Global Alliance, will meet again in Brussels on November 11, 2024, and then soon after on the 28thwith the goal of putting in place a seven-to-ten-year peace agreement that would divide the Land and the city of Jerusalem via a two-state solution.

The agenda of the Global Alliance points to the future fulfillment of at least three specific Bible prophecies that are in some way preparing for the antichrist’s arrival on the world scene.

  1. The Seven-Year Covenant

According to the prophet Daniel, the antichrist will make a seven-year covenant with Israel, which he will break at the halfway point by defiling the temple in Jerusalem.

“And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator” (Daniel 9:27).

We don’t know whether or not the meetings of the Global Alliance will lead to the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27. However, this group consists of “many” nations who want to initiate a peace covenant with Israel, and they are thinking in terms of it being of a specific length of seven to ten years.

In my blog post, The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation, I demonstrate why the seven-year period of Daniel’s seventy-weeks has not yet happened (Daniel 9:24-27). The Bible says there will be a time when the antichrist confirms a peace covenant with the many for seven years. Is it not stunning to see Israel and the nations negotiating with the purpose of initiating such an agreement?

  1. The World’s Obsession With Jerusalem

About 2,500 years ago, the Lord told Zechariah that He would focus the world’s attention on Jerusalem during the last days.

“Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3).

What we see happening with the Global Alliance is just such an obsession with Zion. It’s this mindset that will lead to the battle of Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation.

The nations are not meeting to impose a peace plan on Ukraine and Russia for their war, which has lasted much longer than the current Middle East conflict, just the opposite. Rather than push for a resolution to the hostilities, the NATO nations are contributing billions of dollars to and sending a wide array of weapons to Ukraine in order to keep it going. Other nations are aiding Russia’s war effort, too.

Even if the meetings of the Global Alliance don’t prepare the way for the antichrist’s covenant with Israel, it verifies the world’s obsession with Jerusalem, which is what the Lord predicted would happen in the last days. Why else would the nations be so focused on this tiny nation? Why else would Israel’s claim of Jerusalem as its capital be so controversial to the majority of the world’s nations?

  1. Dividing the Land

The clear intent of the Global Alliance is to divide both the Land and Jerusalem in order to make the two-state solution a reality. Again, how is it possible to miss the prophetic significance of their agenda? The Lord, through the prophet Joel, said this would happen during the end times:

“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land” (Joel 3:1-2).

Notice that the Lord not only said that the nations would divide up His Land and Jerusalem, but He also promised that He would judge them as a result. The Global Alliance has just recently come into existence. However, there’s nothing new about their proposed solutions; Scripture warned long ago that this mindset would prevail in the last days.

The Missing Piece

What we don’t yet see is the antichrist driving the peace agenda and finalizing the deal. That’s the missing piece, which cannot happen while the church is present. That’s because the Holy Spirit is currently restraining the beast (see 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8). He can’t jump onto the world stage and drive the peace process for Israel until after the Rapture.

It’s only then that he will be able to galvanize world opinion into finalizing the peace deal with Israel, which will be seven years in length. The Global Alliance meetings, however, tell us that this time is close as they may very well be preparing the way for the man of lawlessness to make his big splash as the one with all the right solutions.

All these things tell us that we are at the end of the church age. The intense preparations of the globalists for the arrival of the antichrist tell us we will meet Jesus in the air in the extremely near future. It could even be today!

Added note: How might Donald Trump’s convincing election victory affect the agenda of the Global Alliance? I believe his win increases the group’s chances of reaching an agreement that Israel will accept. It remains to be seen if the resulting covenant will be the one of Daniel 9:27.


4 Nov 2024

Election 2024 Scenario

My late, great friend Tim LaHaye used to say that his detractors accused that all of his Bible prophecy presentations constituted fiction. This he would sometimes joke about during the years he and novelist Jerry Jenkins combined to create perhaps the most successfully selling fiction series in publishing history. Certainly, it was the most successful series in the history of Christian publishing.

Their novels, given the overall title Left Behind, were, although fiction, based faithfully on God’s Truth about prophecy that will unfold from the twinkling of an eye moment Christ calls all believers of the Church Age, dead and living, into the clouds of Glory.

I.e., although these books were fictional accounts from the authors’ combined creative imagination, LaHaye and Jenkins could be assured by scriptural Truth that their scenarios presented in the novels were not without credence from the Word of God.

Now, to try to make it understandable why, I preface this pre-presidential election commentary with the above wordsmith verbiage.

My novelist alter-persona emerges to the writing surface to present this week’s thoughts on the presidential election, which occurs on November 5.

The title Election 2024 Scenario will, as intended, I hope, encompass and reflect Holy Spirit-directed thought (not, of course, Inspired thought as was given to Old and New Testament prophets, but like that understanding/discernment today given those who seek Holy Spirit direction ). I hope the reader will understand that I intend to present how things might unfold, as I suspect is likely, considering that this is, as stated above, written in advance of the November 5 election.

My writing of this article, like in the case of Tim’s and Jerry’s writing the Left Behind books, is a fictional prospective based upon Bible prophecy Truth. But this commentary is meant to address actual, unfolding events of profound importance at this very moment. It is not Biblically Prophetic Truth written for entertainment purposes, like in the case of the Left Behind novels, but is intended to provide thought-provoking probabilities about things to come following this election.

The fictional elements in my commentary are in the scenario. These constitute a spiritual introspective portrayal of likely things to happen over a period of time following this election. 

America is in the most tenuous position in which the republic has ever in its history been situated. That is a critically important statement to consider. What makes this present status of our nation the most critical ever confronted?

In my Scenario, Bible prophecy is the answer.

Never before has this nation –nor any other—been situated at a time when Bible prophecy was so near fulfillment in terms of the world being on the brink of going into the Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week). Taking into account all of the signals that Jesus gave for that last 7 years of human history leading to Christ’s Second Advent, let us track through my scenario beginning with the presidential election –remembering that it is fiction, but fiction projected from present realities based upon Truth foretold in the Prophetic Word of God, Who cannot lie.

Scenario begins

Donald Trump is now president-elect number 47 with a significant electoral victory. Certification, however, is forcibly dragged out slowly in so-called blue states, which use lawfare to confute election results at every juncture.

Cities within those same states rage with angry protests reminiscent of past elections lost by those who champion radical, leftist ideology.

Republicans win a majority in the House of Representatives and narrowly win a majority in the Senate.

Screams of election cheating blister the mainstream headlines with emotions of rabid anti-Trump hatred. Larger cities erupt in flames and carnage, destroying commercial infrastructure in ways worse than any before.

Paid instigators of violence push anarchistic forces into suburbs. For the first time, the rage is met with resistance by citizens bearing arms. Looters and rioters are killed, and the forces retreat back into their inner-city enclaves.

Mainstream news, rather than laud the resistance to the violence attacking citizens in their suburban communities, blame those defending their homes for the use of gunfire and deadly force.

This media, both news and entertainment, now join in the accusatory mantra of election fraud and cheating. Those in mainstream media and those on the losing side scream about election corruption inversely to the way they prosecuted and ranted against those who made the same accusations in claiming fraud and cheating taking place in the 2020 presidential election. Real insurrection, unlike the pseudo charges of insurrection of January 6, 2021, is now waged by the rioters raging on behalf of the losing political party.

While the United States turmoil boils to near civil war, antagonist enemies of America and the Western alliance, sensing present weakness in the American government and knowing that Trump will very soon take office and their opportunity will be missed, quickly make plans to take advantage. World War III looks to be inevitable.

China gathers to test the resolve of U.S. and other NATO members in threatening Taiwan. Russia moves its troops and North Korean alliance troops in staging for invading Ukraine. Mid-East terrorist organizations move to begin major assault on Israel.

Israel knows of this plan of massive assault –which is on the brink of coming together. IDF, without forewarning to U.S. or Western leaders, plans immediate destruction of Damascus, where most terrorist organizations’ leadership are headquartered. At the same time, the IDF moves to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons development facilities.

All of this movement toward world war feeds into the altered blueprint that was, before Trump’s reemergence as president, the Great Reset proposed by Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Now something must be hurriedly done, else the collective power the globalists wanting a new world order have spent years constructing will slip away.

They do all they can to see to it that world war is begun. –thus to neutralize Trump’s taking the reins of power and to establish themselves firmly in control of the Western power bloc.

(Novelist note)

Just as the nuclear buttons are about to be pushed, the most profound Intervening Act of Providence in human history brings, for the moment, all war-waging intentions to an abrupt halt.

“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 35-36).


They Hate God, and Us

The words were there all the time, but it was just this past week that they leaped off the page as never before. Previously, I had hurried past them to contemplate the fulfillment of Psalm 83:3-12 and, after that, to the prayer for God to make Israel’s enemies “like whirling dust” (v. 13).

But this time, the Lord drew my attention to the text of verse 2:

“For behold, your enemies make an uproar;
those who hate you have raised their heads.” (my emphasis)

My focus for what follows is not on how Psalm 83 fits into prophecy but rather on what it reveals about the source of the repeated hostilities toward Israel since it became a nation in 1948, which have greatly intensified beginning on October 7, 2023. All those now besieging the nations with missiles or rallying people against the Jewish people have one thing in common: they hate the only true and living God.

Even though I have known it all along, the Lord used the words of Psalm 83:2 to reinforce the reality that those now attacking Israel are God’s enemies and thus displaying hatred for His people.

Satan viciously opposes the tiny nation because he understands that its people will play a pivotal role in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Scripture tells us that the Lord will return to Jerusalem after the surviving remnant of the Jewish people recognize the One that they “pierced” as their true Messiah (Zechariah 12:10-13:1). The devil’s vain attempt to stop these things from happening also lies at the root of the murderous hatred that he’s inspiring against them throughout the entire world.

The same demonic forces that inspired Adolf Hitler to eliminate the Jews remain active today, perhaps to an even more active degree. Is it any surprise that Israel’s defense forces have found several copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf in homes throughout Gaza, along with Nazi Swastikas painted on many walls? The Israeli army recently displayed a small figurine of Hitler that they found among the things of a Hezbollah supporter. Hmm…

God’s Word tells us that dark days lie ahead for Israel. However, in spite of what happens in the coming weeks and months, we know that one day in the future, a remnant of the Jewish people will inherit a glorious kingdom. How do we know this? Because the Bible also promises that this lies in their future.

What About Us?

Since we, as New Testament saints, also enjoy a privileged status within God’s forever household, should we expect the same satanic hostility directed toward us? Absolutely. And that is exactly what we see happening with an ever-increasing intensity.

Worldwide, those who hate the Lord are killing His followers in record numbers. In America, the opposition to Bible believers intensifies each and every week. Though it has not yet turned violent, we already witness the devil’s opposition through the multiple efforts to silence scriptural truth and arrest some who openly defend the rights of the unborn.

We know that during the Tribulation, the beast will kill a great many Christians and Jews, which will undoubtedly include the many Americans who come to faith in Jesus after the Rapture. Until then, what we already witness on our shores will escalate toward this inevitable outcome.

At a recent Kamala Harris rally, two students bravely responded to her all-out promotion of murdering innocent children in the womb with these words, “Christ is King; Jesus is Lord.” In response, Harris mockingly told the young men that they were at the wrong rally, which brought a mocking assortment of cheers from her crowd. Those around the students ridiculed and shoved the pair until uniformed men escorted them out of the auditorium.

More recently, Harris referred to Donald Trump as Hitler. Such talk not only encourages violence against the former President but also ramps up hostility toward all who oppose abortion, the mutilation of children via sex change operations, and other forms of violence against our children. On October 29, Biden spoke these exact words as he referred to Donald Trump, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”

Please, please understand that whether you vote for Trump or not, if you adhere to a biblical worldview, you are a target for those seeking to impose a globalist agenda on America.

In the eyes of Biden and now Harris, all those who adhere to what the Bible says about right and wrong wear MAGA hats and, as such, must be silenced and thrown out of the arena. Hating Trump is just more acceptable at the moment than voicing repulsion for all those who believe the words of Scripture.

Never before in American history has there been an administration so full of hate toward the Lord and those who see the world through the lens of Scripture. Those who cast their ballots for Harris will be supporting all the things that God hates.

Our adversary knows Bible prophecy and recognizes that his time is short. As such, he’s already planting seeds of deadly violence throughout the world that will bear much fruit during the Tribulation.

We don’t know how soon we will meet Jesus in the air, but we recognize that it must be very soon. Since we already see the Tribulation period rapidly approaching, how close must we be to the Rapture of the Church?

For us, the Apostle Paul sums up the over-the-top joyous and wonderful news for us in Philippians 3:20-21:

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.”

We are the generation of saints who will soon experience the fulfillment of this glorious promise as we meet Jesus in the air with incorruptible and immortal bodies.

How can it get any better than that?
