A Time To Groan :: By Steve Schmutzer

The occasion was the recent US-EU Summit, and it was an amazing quote from the leader of the free world.

“I’m going to get in trouble. But, anyway, we’ll get back to that. But we, uh, you know….there’s a lot that, that is….it’s happening. I used to always…” (awkward silence)

Amazing? Yes, indeed – but not for the usual reasons.

It was amazing for its ineptness, its lack of cogency, and its public display of foolishness. There are reports of other world leaders snickering whenever the US President spoke, and laughing when he mixed up countries’ names and bumbled through ordinary discussions and introductions.

The folly does not stop there.

Under this nation’s current leadership, illegal border crossings have soared to record heights. Under this new administration’s short watch, inflation alarms are surging, once plentiful energy resources have been cut off, Mideast tensions and conflicts have sharply escalated, Executive Orders have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, and law enforcement applications and morale have utterly tanked. That’s just scratching the surface of the rough news.

We don’t even know what “infrastructure” is anymore. It has always been about roads, bridges, airports, railways, and seaports. You know – the “hard bones” transportation stuff. That was always the accepted definition on both sides of the aisle.

Now, under the present leadership, it includes social programs, media aid, paid leave, ‘woke’ ideology, transgender initiatives, and childcare. Basically, “infrastructure” is now whatever assists a progressive-socialist agenda.

What’s happening here is a real-time display of Prov. 29:2, “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.”

The point of that verse is not a political statement. It’s a spiritual reminder.

The truth of Prov. 29:2 is clear. It’s been manifest throughout human history whenever leaders choose to ignore God’s laws. Every time leaders color outside those lines, a nation suffers. What God cares about is how leadership conforms to His laws and complies with His principles of righteousness.

Let me give you some examples. If a leadership is noted for its fraud and deception, then God does not approve of it (Lev. 19:11; Psalms 119:163; Prov. 12:22, Et Al). When an entire leadership actively advances lies – the situation is especially onerous to God.

If a leadership supports a globalist ideal, then they are supporting an agenda that will ultimately be condemned (Rev. 13:2-7). This has already happened before; an ancient globalist agenda was judged (Gen. 11:1-9).

Even in the future Millennial Kingdom, a time of near perfection during Jesus Christ’s physical rule on earth, nations will still exist (Rev. 21:24). Individual nations are a part of God’s design.

What about law and order? When humans were created, law-based structures were implemented (Gen. 2:16-17). That has not changed. God still condones government and its primary function to stop anarchy and preserve the law (Romans 13:1-7). During those times when “every man did what was right in his own eyes” (Deut. 12:8; Judges 17:6; Et Al.), things went very badly. Societies fell apart, and lawlessness abounded. These things are always a symptom of evil.

Justice is a big deal to God too. He hates it when a system of fair justice is suppressed, when there is one system of justice for one group of people and a different one for another, and when proper accountability is stonewalled (Prov. 11:1, 17:15; Psalms 43:1; Isaiah 10:1; Et Al.).

Dare I state the obvious? I will.

God’s design is FOR two distinct genders, no more. God’s design is also FOR heterosexual relationships, FOR the nuclear family, FOR the protection of the unborn, FOR national borders, FOR moral behavior, and FOR capital punishment. All of these things find their foundation in God’s inerrant Word. When anyone – or any nation – embraces an alternate view, they are on the wrong side of God’s divine intentions.

Here’s the nutshell. When people choose to reject God, to deny that He exists or that He made us and put us on this earth – or when people decide they want to define God by their personal preferences – they put themselves in a very dangerous spot (Romans 1:20).

When leaders and nations no longer tolerate truth – when they choose to censor facts, enforce acquiescence, or reinforce deception with intimidation – they have completely abused their position.

Violence and censorship are first cousins. Violence is a primitive effort to force compliance, just as censorship is a symptom of those who wish to deflect from their own lack of integrity. These actions are regularly practiced by those who do not fear God, and who detest His laws and all who follow them.

When this point is reached, foolishness is no longer a symptom – it’s a terminal condition. It’s obvious to everyone around. It’s even clear to the world at large.

Oh – I know, those who arrive at this point won’t see it or believe it. They get angry when they’re made to look into a mirror. The fact is they “can’t handle the truth.” They exist in a sticky and suffocating delusion, and they vigorously defend where they choose to be.

Contrary to the evidence, they imagine themselves to be forward-thinking, elite, insightful, erudite, knowing, and even wise (Romans 1:22).

They may even imagine themselves to be President.


A Lament For The Nation :: By Steve Schmutzer

It’s very unfortunate what has happened to this place.

It’s become a situation where what’s right is wrong and what’s good is bad. Nothing that’s happening in it right now is born of any common sense.

A big part of the problem is many thousands of people who have no true claim to this place act as though they do. And the porous borders and motivated globalists aren’t helping any. Furthermore, plenty of people are doing all they can to make sure others’ legitimate rights get taken away.

Conflict roils within the borders of this place. Despite much clear evidence to the contrary, violent crowds of emotionally charged and intellectually challenged youth scream their myopic delusions of racism and oppression. Their angst is framed against a backdrop of burning tires, shattered windows, ruined businesses, bloodied bystanders, and weary law enforcement.

Proven and stable leadership has been driven from this place. It’s been replaced by chaos, incompetence, foolishness, and a brazen loathing for those who had done the most to provide for security and common good.

This unjustified hatred has even united those who were once staunch political adversaries. What has bonded them is their own absence of virtue and reason. Since their passions don’t represent the majority, they’ve had to engage in shady backroom deals to achieve their underhanded goals.

The architects of this revolution are doing all they can to cement their power. It’s not enough for them that the good leadership is gone. Now they want to enact laws to make sure that same leadership never returns – in any form.

This place was once a rare gem of the virtues of democracy. No more.

The potency and power of this place is now eroded – – significantly. That’s really no surprise. Underneath all the nefarious goings-on, there has been a dark agenda to tear down the strength and virtue of this place. It’s so obvious.

Even the police here are protecting the criminals while they prevent law-abiding citizens from exercising their freedom of speech. That’s one of many sure formulas for self-destruction.

As I said, what was once up is now down. Evil is now good. It’s all upside down and inside out. The foes of this place are salivating. They sense an opportunity. They smell weakness. They wouldn’t have dared to try anything perverse with the former leadership.

But now? Oh – – now is a WHOLE different story. Count on it. The myriad enemies of this place have been given an inch, and now they’ll take a mile. Rumors of wars and conflicts are already skyrocketing.

As my grandfather used to say, “It’s a sad kettle of fish.” It’s so much worse than that, though. It’s a five-alarm tragedy.

Do you know this place, this great nation, this once-proud beacon of democracy? I’ll give you one guess.

Nope – – you’re wrong.

It’s Israel.

For anyone that cares enough to study the facts, for anyone who does the work to get past the revisionists and to dig for the truth – they will discover the situation for what it REALLY is.

Oh, I know. It’s not politically correct to paint Israel in any proper perspective. It’s not going with the crowd to support the Jewish state or to state any shred of truth about her history. But that doesn’t change the facts about what has happened to this place and what continues to happen there.

No rhetoric behind any microphone, any podium, any lectern, any megaphone, or any pulpit changes the truth that Israel has full rights to her ancient homeland and to her capital city of Jerusalem. No line of reasoning can invalidate Israel’s right to defend herself against her many enemies that covet her complete annihilation.

The bottom line is no claims by any movement, no resolution by any body, and no bills by any politician can detract from the lawlessness that feeds ALL anti-Jewish sentiments.

For those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, the entire situation is one which legitimately calls the integrity of their faith into question. The history of Israel is laid out very clearly in the Scriptures, and prophecies concerning her recent past and proximal future are abundantly clear. One has to check their brains – and their hearts – at the door to miss these things, or to be unwilling to accept them.

A right view of God leads to a right view of Israel and the Jews – and vice versa. There is no way around it. God promised that He will judge those who tried to divide up the Jewish state (Joel 3:2), that He will curse those who curse the Jews (Gen. 12:3), and that He will condemn those who did not help the Jews in their times of greatest need (Matt. 25:34-40).

What is happening in Israel right now remains within God’s plan. That’s reassuring. He will always be in sovereign control of all affairs, including who comes to power and where and why (Daniel 2:21). It’s why He is God and none of us are.

That doesn’t change our responsibility at the human level to make the right choices.

So, what are yours?