Prince of the Power of the Air Preparation :: By Terry James


Just about the time I’m over being surprised and amazed by an astounding development that points to the lateness of the prophetic hour, another emerges from the fog of the future. There are now so many such surprises that I should be ashamed to be so surprised and amazed. I’m supposed to be watching for just such things to be happening. All of us should be watching, according to our Lord’s own words.

“And what I say unto one, I say unto all. Watch” (Mark 13:37).

We now have going at the same time “wars and rumors of war.” Think on the assault on Ukraine and the threats and fears of nuclear conflict and World War III. I just, while writing this, heard on a news program that a UK pundit said Putin could start World War III within just days. We are seeing the prolific rise of godlessness, with “evil men and seducers growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Think on the deception of the American presidential election and the now-proven stealing of votes. Think on the so-called pandemic, with many lies now being revealed–the deception that continues today.

Think on the satanic attack on children, with attempted inculcation from the tender age of five years and up about the most disgusting side of human sexual debauchery. Think on the apostasy with even pastors claiming to be Christians “refusing to endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears that embrace every wind of strange doctrine.” Think of the current pope preaching that there are many ways to God, that all religions lead to God, and even atheists will one day be in Heaven.

We are indeed seeing the Tribulation storm thundering across the prophetic horizon. My next book, TRAJECTORY: Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, will point in great detail at the things we see coming at this generation in waves no previous generation has faced. This is how it must be at the end of the dispensation of Grace. God’s Word foretells these things that will culminate in the Great Tribulation and the glorious, triumphant return of Christ (Revelation 19:11).

But preceding the Tribulation itself will be the Rapture of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, that profound moment the Apostle Paul called “the twinkling of an eye”—the Rapture of the Church—will take place before World War III, before the Tribulation, the last seven years of horror leading to Christ’s Second Advent.

Thinking on all this, the latest of the preparation for Antichrist’s reign during those—or at least a part of those—years of horror, the Tribulation, made my watcher/discernment meter light up. The Biden administration’s skullduggery, in this latest development, is nothing less than blatant.

The occupant of the White House has, through executive order, created an agency that would do the old Soviet KGB proud.

The DGB (Disinformation Governance Board) was created and blatantly placed in order to make sure all information is administered by the US government. This was done only a day or two after Elon Musk purchased Twitter. This purchase by Musk, who believes in the First Amendment and free speech, took away–or will greatly lessen—the leftist control of everything Twitter governing board members do that deny free expression. And it will end leftist controllers having a say over who is banned from the platform.

Satan was declared by God’s Word to be the prince of the power of the air. He controls the airwaves of broadcast for the most part at this moment, and that control will become hyper-ratcheted up in the coming interval leading to the Rapture. It will be total control in the Tribulation itself.

The following excerpt further frames the matters.

In his classic novel “1984,” George Orwell warned the world of the dangers of government addicted to power. One where the narrative was controlled by the state, and the people were forced to bend a knee. Truth-telling became the cardinal sin of Orwell’s dystopian state, where a power-hungry state reined in on shutting down free speech and was all guided by what Orwell termed the Ministry of Truth.

A propaganda branch of the state, in his book, whose priority was to control all forms of public information where industries like journalism, entertainment and art were all controlled by Big Brother, and the state told you what the truth was actually in their mind, which was the truth accepted.

Now, the people had no say in any of it. They were forced to listen, and they were forced to follow. Now, Orwell’s book was meant as a warning to the world that this kind of society could become reality under the wrong people if the wrong people were in charge.

But it looks like the Biden administration is taking Orwell’s work not as a warning but as their own manual. Now, yesterday, the White House announced a brand-new department called the Disinformation Governance Board. I’m not kidding. A board aimed toward tackling disinformation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. (“Kilmeade: George Orwell’s dystopian society becoming a reality with Biden’s latest action,” Brian Kilmead, Fox News staff, April 28, 2022)

So we see yet another proof of what’s coming. The Antichrist’s control over every aspect of life on this judgment-bound planet will look much like George Orwell’s fictional dictatorship. It will no doubt be even more deadly, with people losing their heads for not denying Christ when they become believers during that horrendous time.

We can say with some degree of assurance: With Mr. Biden’s DGB, we have our own Ministry of Truth. The slogans of Orwell’s 1984 novel are already coming in view upon the prophetic horizon with the implementation of the Biden executive order, combined with all the “wokeness” we’ve had stifling free speech.

War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength

The present American government leadership, from the directive bipartisan governance of the party with the primary power, has determined to block any freedom of speech Elon Musk might have planned in reversing Twitter’s dictatorial information dominance. It is easy to see how the globalist control is on the rise. That means Antichrist is about to step upon the stage for his inglorious reign during planet earth’s last few years before Christ’s return.

You don’t want to be here during that time that will far exceed the terror of Orwell’s vision of evil. Here is how you can avoid the coming regime of death and destruction.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9–10).

Tribulation Population Presenting :: By Terry James


Upon reading the words, we wonder where such people come from. Even the most virulent among the earth’s populations surely could not be so anti-God as to be so rebellious–not after having gone through such excruciating punishment in God’s call to repentance for that extended period.

“And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds” (Revelation 16: 8-11).

We witness on an hour-by-hour basis governments of the world shaping in ways predicted by God’s prophetic Word for the last days of this dispensation. Although some leaders are absolute tyrants, like those who are in charge of Russia, China, North Korea, etc., many leaders, particularly those in the Western Hemisphere, believe they are working for the good of their people. This, despite the fact that they are, in some cases, following the evil philosophy of Karl Marx and other wicked people of the past.

There are some signs appearing that people, especially in America, are beginning to awaken just a bit to the evil being perpetrated, particularly upon our very youngest children. Yet there continues to be much tolerance in terms of unsavory and oppressive societal and cultural atmospherics.

Teachers at the most primary levels are teaching the insanity that involves gender redirection. (Boys can be girls, and girls can be boys if they so choose. They don’t have to be of the sex God directed.) Homosexual lifestyle is lauded and propagated as preferable in many ways to heterosexuality.

The American educational system, both private and public, is largely at the heart of the problem. Teachers from kindergarten through the highest levels of academia have themselves been inculcated to the ways spawned by satanic influence. We now endure the results of that in quite disturbing ways. Some are teaching sexual activity to 5-year-olds. Almost without exception, as a general rule, professors hold to anti-God views and teach that Christianity and biblical education are simply stories at best and farcical fantasy in the worst cases.

And that is the nucleus of the matter I wish to address here. It might go a long way toward answering the question posed above: We wonder where such people come from.

We can’t imagine a people being so rebellious and so angry that they will hide themselves in the caves of earth and shake their fists in the face of the God they know has the power and intention to have them repent or perish. Those people are today presenting themselves for all to see. Those, such as the ones presented in the following excerpt, seem to be of the mindset of those described in Revelation 16 above.

The article has salacious language, not that of the writer, but reported by her. I have, of course, kept that out of this piece. It is quite eye-opening how young adults within much of higher education are being shaped as those whom God’s Word calls earth dwellers.

A series of jokes and banners published and hung at Hamilton College recently has upset some observers who argue anti-Christian sentiments fester at the small, New York-based private liberal arts institution.

Most recently, a student satire publication called the Duel Observer published a mock article on campus newsstands during Holy Week that replaced Jesus Christ’s blood with his [word omitted] then joked “it will still give us everlasting life.”

The satire piece ends with a description of an explosion that destroys the “Rosary Club,” the name of a real student group on campus.

On Tuesday, student athletes also hung a banner (pictured) in the dining hall advertising an upcoming tennis match that used for inspiration the Last Supper mural by Leonardo da Vinci. [The mural displayed the opposing team and coach and had salacious words mocking the last supper and the opposing players.]

The Hamilton College student who provided the images to The College Fix is Devin Mendelson, 22, a senior at the school who founded the Rosary Club last November.

Mendelson said his club has upset some of his peers and campus leaders because of its strong defense of the unborn and traditional marriage. Administrators suspended his club’s email account for nearly three weeks in March, he said….

Robert Paquette, president of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, said in an interview with The College Fix that the various items Mendelson highlighted are “disturbing, to say the least.”

“Never would this kind of imagery be tolerated if it were directed at Muslims, gays, transgenders, or feminists.”

Paquette said what Mendelson and his club has faced is troubling.

“This young man on campus is trying to start a Rosary Club, and this has brought out the woke activists in abundance,” he said. “They have become gross and insulting, and they appear to want to defeat the young man’s purpose, and the administration does not seem to be doing much about it.”

Paquette taught history at Hamilton for almost 40 years but quit in 2018 to work at the Hamilton Institute full-time.

“I’d had enough with the leftward lurch of Hamilton College,” he said.

Paquette also knows what it’s like to be roasted by the Duel Observer. He provided The College Fix with an issue from 2013 in which students mocked the former professor for defending intellectual diversity. (“Ahead of Easter, students mock Jesus. Student athletes at Hamilton College also display profane mock-up of Last Supper in dining hall,” Jennifer Kabbany – Fix editor, College Fix, Rapture Ready News April 16, 2022)

I’m not lauding here the Catholic system; however, it is saddening and tragic to know that this sort of mocking God and His desire to see all men, women, and children come to Him in repentance is a prevalent activity among the nation’s colleges and universities. Obviously, according to prophetic Scripture, there will be those whose hearts have become so callous, so wickedly rebellious, that they can do no other than shake their fist in the face of the only person through whom they can be saved from eternity apart from their Creator.

But there is yet time before those terrible years of Tribulation begin. In this pre-Rapture time we call the Age of Grace, there is still time to repent and have the rebellious heart changed into belief that trusts in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Here, again, is how one can avoid being a part of the Tribulation population destined for God’s judgment and wrath.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9–10).