God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun… Part 1 :: By Wilfred Hahn

God Has Pitched a Tent for the Sun1: Climate Change and the Bible, Part 1 :: By Wilfred Hahn

“Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun” (Psalm 19:4).

“Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?” (Proverbs 6:28).

This writer ventures to answer “No.” We are dealing here with a heavily contested topic these days, one that is ground zero for global policy and geopolitical leverage. It is climate change. Expressing our views, most surely, our feet will be held to the fire.

Critically, global climate fears continue to escalate. Alarmists are winning! Quoting a recent snippet from The Guardian, “The climate disaster is here. Earth is already becoming unlivable.” We are being barraged by such shrieks of hysteria continually.

And so, hyped reporting and histrionic headlines are enflaming existential worries for humans across the globe. So much so, in fact, that according to surveys, as much as a third of the younger generation are reluctant to have children. Reports National Geographic, “Climate anxiety is widespread among youth.”

Why this view? Simplistically, if the world is going to burn up in a ball of fire, why have kids? If anything, having more humans will simply make conditions worse, in their perspective.

According to surveys (e.g., YouGov—International Climate Change Survey), most people around the world today believe that the climate is changing, that it is a crisis, and that human activity is mainly responsible.

Particularly effective in stirring up climate panic are claims that developments have reached all-time extremes—levels never before experienced on planet Earth. For example, the IEA (International Energy Agency) reported that the average surface temperature on Earth has reached a new “all-time” high. Yes, an all-time high. Documentation for this claim, however, is lacking.

Reports of this kind are aimed at roiling people’s emotions and are typically biased. This plays into supporting the initiatives of governments and organizations that claim they can “stand against” global warming. But truly, can this be done? Is this realistic?

To answer, we must first understand the science behind such claims … what is known or unknown … what is unproven theory, and what is not. Above all, we want to know why facts (the truth) are often deviously slanted by policymakers.

In regard to the claim cited by the IEA—that surface temperatures have reached new highs—this is another case of egregious hyperbole for several reasons. For one, how far back into history must one probe to support such claims … 20 years, 2,000 years, or more? Evidence (which we will shortly review) says otherwise. Many more such exaggerations could be illustrated and debunked.

A frustrating question then is this: In this whole debate, what to believe and what not? Making this much more difficult, it must be acknowledged that the topic of global climate is very difficult and tangled to discuss for anyone, scientist or not.

An influential book on this topic, written by Steven E. Koonin, sets the tone correctly in its title: Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t, and Why it Matters. Frankly, as he states, much theory, facts, statistics, and scientific interpretation remain “unsettled.” Nevertheless, we can seek balance and identify what is unproven.

What must be understood currently, in our view, is why unproven (false) theories and solutions are accepted and hyped to justify “fighting global warming.” Untold trillions of dollars are being marshaled to fund unproven solutions. This is unwise both economically and ethically.

These rancorous responses to “global warming” will cause many bad repercussions over the long term. Some of these are already beginning to manifest … e.g., high imbedded inflation, increasingly high global indebtedness, wealth distribution extremes, loss of freedom, etc.

Eventually, a doozie of a global economic depression must be expected.

Alternate Theory Warriors

Many observers are convinced that mankind’s industrial boom over past centuries is the prime cause of rising emissions and global warming. To date, there is no valid, conclusive proof that this might be the case. It is a view based upon an unproven hypothesis. As such, it is incredibly presumptuous to believe that mankind can change the general climate of the entire world with any precision, if at all.

It is not widely known (in fact, often repressed) that there exist some very plausible counterarguments. Unfortunately (and often deliberately), these counterviews are given short shrift in the public eye.

Thankfully, despite there being a fervent so-called “global scientific consensus” that scorns alternative perspectives, there do exist a number of independent climate researchers. They need to be brave. Why? They are frequently attacked and ridiculed … no matter the merit of their opinions. It is similar to the treatment that Creationists typically receive. Their views are often suppressed and scorned, and they may even be fired from tenured university positions, though the theory of evolution is not scientifically valid … in fact, far from it.

Personal Views: Science and Me

Fifty years ago, I enrolled in Honors Science at the University of Waterloo (located in Ontario, Canada). I loved science—biology, histology, chemistry, physics … etc.—and graduated cum laude with a B.Sc. two years later.

Thanks to my wife for her PHT degree (putting hubby through), I was able to study in my summer semesters and complete the general science degree earlier.

Perhaps surprising, given my science major, I never did buy into the Theory of Evolution. Why? Because, to my mind at the time, it was not scientific. There were no conclusive proofs … no uncontested facts … it was simply far beyond probability. And indeed, the theory of evolution is exactly that—a theory, a far-fetched theory at that.

But that is not where the problem lies, however. What is most egregious is that evolution is not taught as theory but rather as fact. Doing so is deceitful and corrupt. It shows that evolutionists are living inside a cocoon of delusion. Their tribe is mutually congratulatory with each other … the blind leading the blind, so to speak.

It is amazing how some scientists will twist and warp their theories—forcing square pegs into round holes—as they attempt to stay accepted members of their tribal consensus. The longer that time passes, however, the more facts arise that confuse and challenge the unanimity of the evolution fraternity.

This continues. After more than a century has passed, scientists still doggedly search for the “missing links.” We can be reasonably sure that they will never find them.

All the biology and science textbooks I was prescribed during my undergraduate years were suffused with evolutionary bias, often presented as fact by the professors. I identified with the situation that the prophet Daniel faced. Like Daniel, I studied “pagan” theories and knowledge, yet excelled even though I did not endorse them as my own beliefs.

Instead, I covered the university campus with thousands of Jack Chick publications. These were small cartoon booklets that engagingly presented Christian messages (the Gospel, Creationism … etc.).

The perpetuation of evolution as fact is one of the greatest frauds of all time. As the saying goes (often attributed to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels), “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

With such precedent, it would not be outrageous to consider that present consensus views on “climate change” could be equally wrong and fraudulent.

Mankind and Global Climate Crisis: Who Is to Blame?

Holding the view that mankind has not been the major cause of “global warming” does not mean that humans have not sullied the planet. For example, consider the likely environmental impact of nuclear bombs since the middle of the 20th century. It is claimed that over 2,000 nuclear bombs have been detonated for testing and demonstration (not to mention the two bombs that were dropped on Japan in 1945).

It would be surprising if these detonations had no detrimental impact upon the environment and human health. How and to what extent is still the subject of study. It would seem that the activities of mankind will have had an impact of some kind.

But to conclude that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are solely attributable to mankind, and that this is unusual and destructive, is not proven.

Let us consider the matter of rising carbon emissions. This has been the central plank upon which rest the initiatives of the “global warming fighters.” In their view, increased emissions directly cause rising temperatures in the earth’s atmosphere.

Indeed, carbon emissions (CO2, methane, and nitrogen oxide, for the most part) have increased markedly in the atmosphere in recent centuries. It is claimed that this rise coincides with the start of the Industrial Age (considered to be the year 1760). However, the data does not conclusively provide proof of such a relationship. The climate changes are not entirely manmade.

Are there any other facts that we can review on these questions? Yes, indeed. However, we must keep in mind that proof of their impact upon “climate change” may not be possible either.

The major debate concerns proof that rising CO2 levels cause global warming (or climate change in all its facets). As mentioned, the broad consensus among scientists is that rising CO2 in the atmosphere is directly linked to the earth’s rising atmospheric temperature.

This false assumption has led to the construction of “climate models” that are primarily dependent upon CO2 dynamics. These models (of which there are several) purport to be able to predict future CO2 levels, fine-tune policies to reduce global temperatures … etc. This is the fiercely defended “consensus view.”

But what of the naysayers? Do any have better and more accurate facts or theories? Yes! In the next part, we will explore some of the alternate theories of “consensus naysayers.”


Wilfred J. Hahn is a global economist/strategist. Formerly a top-ranked global analyst, research director for a major Wall Street investment bank, and head of Canada’s largest global investment operation, his writings focus on the endtime roles of money, economics and globalization. He has been quoted around the world and his writings reproduced in numerous other publications and languages. His 2002 book, The Endtime Money Snare: How to live free, accurately anticipated and prepared its readers for the Global Financial Crisis. A following book, Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied: Preserving true riches in an age of deception and trouble, looks further into the prophetic future.

If you have questions or other perspectives, you can contact Wilfred at: staff@eternalvalue.com. Please note that for reasons of volume and investment securities regulation, he cannot give financial advice.

Political Economy: Thicker Than Jewish Blood :: By Wilfred Hahn

The world is again witnessing a surge of antisemitism. This time, it takes place in the wake of the Israeli war with Hamas. According to agencies that track such trends, antisemitic acts and attacks vaulted 1,000 percent within a month of Hamas’ initial attack (October 7, 2023).

It surely seems assuring that America, Canada, and other major nations support Israel. But why do these nations do so? Given that this article is published by a Christian ministry and written by a dispensationalist author, the answer would seem obvious. All of these nations are of historical Christian influence and, therefore, would most surely stand by Israel … correct? Sadly, this is hardly the case.

Yes, genocide and unmitigated civilian murders are reprehensible. There is broad agreement upon these human rights perspectives. But beyond that, there are a myriad of other interests that conveniently align with support for Israel. Most of all, Israel is supported due to geopolitical and economic reasons (i.e., Political Economics … the wellhead of human actions in the world). This is surely the case for the United States.

Please do not be mistaken: At the geopolitical level, it is not the Bible, Christian association, or biblical prophecy that holds influence upon such considerations. For the most part, these are non-factors.

That may seem a harsh assessment to evangelicals living in North America. There are many ministries and churches that are pro-Zionist and, indeed, love the Jews. This is not doubted. But again, this carries little weight at the global policy level. To emphasize, the main reason for the support of Israel is Political Economy. A closer examination will reveal this to be true.

Unfortunately, therefore, pro-Israelism is fragile. It can be fleeting. And sadly, according to Bible prophecy, a worldwide abandonment of Israel will yet happen.

Money Interests and Antisemitism

Spurred by the Gaza siege, an eruption of antisemitism took place around the world. Most notably, war protests and Jewish defamation occurred on many school campuses. The vast majority of protesters were pro-Hamas and Jew-haters. This is hardly in conformity with “higher education” and the balance of facts and fairness.

The National Students for Justice in Palestine, an organization with hundreds of campus chapters, called the slaughter of Israeli Jews “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance.” They went on to describe the “heightened stage of the Palestinian struggle” as a “resistance” that will “bring dignity and honor to the Palestinian people.”

Elite university campuses are the one place in American society where making the intellectual case for antisemitism is fashionable. In fact, many colleges that offer radical “Studies” are funded by federal tax dollars.

As such, to no surprise, retaliations against antisemitism have taken an “economic” form. There are many sponsors and patrons that fund higher education—Ivy League colleges and universities. Some of them write big checks every year. As such, endowments of colleges in America are enormous. Consider that as of end-2022, the total endowment market value of US education institutions stood at $807.3 billion. This is four-fifths of a trillion!

The rampant antisemitism has not been tolerated by prominent donors. For example, Harvard University faces the threat of donation withdrawal from over 1,600 Jewish alumni over antisemitism concerns. Big-money donors—high-profile multi-billionaires, hedge fund managers, etc.—are slamming Ivy League universities and pulling funding over their responses to the Israel-Hamas war. Some are threatening to pursue the rally participants, seeking to deny them post-graduation job opportunities.

Many more repercussions are yet to come. Time will tell if these sanctions will be effective in stamping out student radicalism. But likely not, as a root cause of antisemitism is demonic … again, as laid out in prophetic Scripture.

In the Crosshairs of Economics

Presently, America’s support of Israel seems boundless and unwavering. But, as mentioned at the outset, Israel’s existence depends on supportive Political Economics. As such, what is the interest of the nations in protecting Israel? We can be assured that there are beneficial interests. There must be. After all, in geopolitics, the winner is the keeper.

Why does the United States so strongly support Israel? What is in it for America? Without a doubt, a relationship with Israel is in the best interest of the US. Allow us to explain.

This comment by Joe Biden (back in 1986 when he was a senator) reveals much:

“If we look at the Middle East, I think it’s about time we stop, those of us who support, as most of us do, Israel in this body, apologizing for our support for Israel. There is no apology to be made. None. It is the best $3 billion investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region; the United States would have to go out and invent an Israel.”

He has repeated this comment often over the years (most recently, on October 27, 2023).

Consider the enormity of various US “interests” in the Middle East. We list some of these:

  • The Middle East continues to have the world’s largest reserves of oil and gas. It is therefore crucial to control this region. Israel is the perfect outpost in this endeavor. It serves as a military base for the US in the Middle East.
  • The most important trading routes on earth go through this region—the Suez Canal being the largest in volume. Over 30% of total world trade is shipped through this channel. Therefore, it must be secure.
  • Since US influence in the region has waned somewhat in recent years, a relationship with Israel becomes ever more important. For example, as Saudi Arabia has become more unaligned and no longer serves as a proxy for the US, Israel must fill the gap.
  • The US wishes to counteract China’s Belt and Road Initiative (the New Silk Road). It is encouraging alternate trade routes (which now tend to go east-west, with the emergence of China’s global trade). A route from India into the Persian Gulf is promoted. As it happens, this route will connect to Europe through Israel.

Of course, Israel and the US share similar values—democracy uppermost. However, it would not be radical to say that if Israel did not serve these and other interests of the US, Israel would find itself increasingly alone. In short, the support of Israel is based on the whims and prerogatives of secular commerce.

Blessings of the Jews

Why would such a small ethnic group as the Jews elicit such disproportionate hatred in the world? Consider that, as of 2023, the “core” Jewish population of the world was 16.1 million …. a mere 0.2% of the world population of 8 billion. They are outnumbered by a factor of 500 times.

Nevertheless, the Bible clearly says that the Jew will be a blessing to the world in many ways, this also being the case during the Diaspora. “As you have been an object of cursing among the nations, O Judah and Israel, so will I save you, and you will be a blessing” (Zechariah 8:13).

Indeed, the Jew has brought great blessings to the world in many ways. Just as the Bible said: “The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the LORD, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind” (Micah 5:7).

Possibly without major exception, every nation that gave harbor to the Jews eventually prospered and rose in prominence. For example, during the Golden Age of Poland of the mid-1800s, approximately 30% of all Jews were estimated to be living in that country.

Later, the Jews were severely persecuted in Poland. It has been a long time since this nation has been a world leader. The same applies to Spain after the 1400s. Before that time, Jews were a large reason for the prosperity and progress of Spain. To no surprise, Spain rapidly declined after 1492, the year the Jews were expelled.

Other examples could be cited, including Russia and also the Ottoman Empire, a Muslim empire that at one time allowed the Jews a great deal of freedom (however, not at other times, and hardly so in Turkey today). But how does this observation reflect upon the world today? Frankly, it begs the question of the current role of the Jew in America, in which approximately one-half of the Diaspora Jews live. Consider that the period since the 1950s has been dubbed by some as the Golden Age of the American Jew.

The world must be thankful for the many achievements of the Jewish people, the many Jewish Nobel Prize laureates—about one-fifth overall (this being 100 times the rate of the rest of the population)—the great inventions and arts. We see that the Jew has excelled in almost every faculty. Gentiles laud Jews for these achievements. Few would feel jealous that many of the greatest violin soloists were Jewish or that an outsized number of the Boston Symphonic Orchestra may be Jewish. Given this outstanding record, why seek to exterminate them, as has been attempted most notably by the Nazis during WW2.

Thoughts to Ponder

As Christians, we do not need to be apologists for the Jews nor condone every action of the modern State of Israel. However, there are several things we must do. First, “If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you” (Romans 11:17-18).

Next, “Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either” (vv. 20b-21).

While judgment and restoration have been set for the Jews, the Gentiles should best remember that judgment awaits them also. For the Christian, the Bema seat (and persecution) still lies ahead for us. Thanks to the Jew—Jesus Christ, in the flesh—we are spared eternal damnation (and so also the House of Jacob), but we do not escape judgment. That trembling time still lies ahead. Oh, may God’s severity that he has shown the Jew pass over us! How many countless times have we been disobedient, as were Israel and Judah? Yet, Jesus Christ has been faithful to forgive us.

According to the Prophet Hosea, this restoration surely draws near. Hosea was inspired to say, “After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence” (Hosea 6:2). As a “day is as a thousand years” (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8), it is now well into the second half of the third day for the Jews.

God’s plan decrees that one day, there will be a global Jewish confederacy. It will be the Millennium … and not as the result of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” or any other contrived conspiracy theory. Gentiles will then be thankful that Jews are not the evil they are often made out to be. “In those days, ten men from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you'” (Zechariah 8:23).

God will restore the Jews for the sake of His promises to the patriarchs (Romans 11:28). This is such wonderful news for Jews and Christians alike. For if God is willing to go to such lengths to keep His promise for “David’s sake,” how much more so on behalf of Jesus Christ, His own Son?

It is time to stand up for Jews!


Wilfred J. Hahn is a global economist/strategist. Formerly a top-ranked global analyst, research director for a major Wall Street investment bank, and head of Canada’s largest global investment operation, his writings focus on the endtime roles of money, economics and globalization. He has been quoted around the world and his writings reproduced in numerous other publications and languages. His 2002 book The Endtime Money Snare: How to live free accurately anticipated and prepared its readers for the Global Financial Crisis. A following book, Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied: Preserving true riches in an age of deception and trouble, looks further into the prophetic future.

If you have questions or other perspectives, you can contact Wilfred at: staff@eternalvalue.com. Please note that for reasons of volume and investment securities regulation, he cannot give financial advice.