Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Robert Murray M’Cheyne — (1813-1843) was born on May 21, 1813, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was licensed to preach at the age of 22, ordained to the pastorate of St. Peter’s Church, Dundee Scotland, at 23, and died six years later. M’Cheyne rarely preached outside his native land. He wrote no books and was extremely frail in health. However, the impact of the “prophet of Dundee,” as he was known, lives on to this day. History records that the entire land of Scotland was shaken by him, and that at his death, it wept.


01. A Faithful Ministry
02. Adoptiond
03. Apostasy
04. Believers Not Ashamed Of The Cross Of Christ
05. Christ’s House And Servants – His Second Coming
06. Christ The Door Into The Church
07. Christ The Life
08. Christ The Way, The Truth, And The Life
09. Conversion
10. Do What You Can
11. Electing Love
12. Faith’s View Of Christ
13. Future Punishment Eternal
14. Grieve Not The Holy Spirit
15. God’s Rectitude In Future Punishment
16. High Time To Awake Out Of Sleep
17. Melting The Betrayer
18. Ministers Ambassadors For Christ
19. Thanksgiving Obtains The Spirit
20. The Ark
21. The Call Of Abraham
22. The Cry For Revival
23. The Eternal Torment Of The Wicked
24. The Free Obedience Of Christ
25. The Hireling And The True Shepherd
26. The Lord’s Dealings With His People
27. The Mental Agonies Of Hell
28. The Mighty Conqueror
29. The Pilgrim’s Staff
30. The Salvation Of God
31. The Saviour’s Tears Over The Lost
32. The Spirit Committed To God
33. The Transfiguration Of Christ
34. The True And False Shepherd
35. The True Pleasantness Of Being A Child Of God
36. The Vision Of Dry Bones
37. The Word Made Flesh