How to Train and Save Your Children – By Elmer & Julia Shelhamer

Chapter 11

Are All The Children In?

I think oftimes, as the night draws nigh,

Of an old home on a hill,

Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred

Where the children played at will;

And when the night at last came down,

Hushing the merry din,

Mother would look around and ask,

“Are all the children in?’


“Tis many and many a year since then,

And the old house on the hill

No longer echoes to childish feet,

And the yard is still, so still;

But I see it all as the shadows creep,

And tho’ many the years have been,

Since then I can still hear mother ask,

“Are all the children in?”


I wonder if when the shadows fall

On the last short, earthly day,

When we say good-bye to the world outside,

All tired with our childish play;

When we step out into that Other Land,

Where mother so long has been,

Will we hear her ask, just as of old –

“Are all the children in?”